NAACP Leader Exposed as White Woman in Blackface

She did more than that. She openly lived in this country as a black woman for at least 10 years. Other black and white members of the NAACP BELIEVED that she was black for many years. She completely disowned her whiteness and any privilege that came along with it. Am I missing something? Is there some magic genetic aura that gives someone privilege as a white person in this country, or is it granted by their appearance and how they are classified by society? She was certainly treated as a black woman.

"Do you hear how uneducated you sound ?"

Lol, you guys always use these stupid catchphrases. You gonna' educate me on this woman's life or how she chooses to live it? The best, and only real way for a white woman to have the black American experience is to live it directly as a black woman, is it not?
Just because you do what black people do (whatever that is) and say you're black .....doesn't make you black. That's just not how it works. And of you believe such, you are indeed uneducated. There is more to playing dress up (blackface) and doing what you think it is that black people do.

She can't claim our history nor the struggle that comes with it. And what do you mean "treated as a black woman" ? How are black women treated ? How do you know how she was treated ? Where are your receipts ...I need proof

I'm not really here to argue this woman's right to be black, I am just playing devil's advocate. I don't see anything wrong in what she did. It is interesting that mainstream society has deemed her a loon, while Jenner is applauded as a hero.My whole point here before I got sidetracked was that this woman's belief that she is black, is no different than Caitlin Jenner's belief that he/she is a woman. If anyone can pretend to be anything that they are not, then this is where we wind up. Either accept both, or accept neither, otherwise it's just hypocrisy and a popularity contest decides what is acceptable. Im outta here, I am sure that Meth has been spending all day writing a huge diatribe about how white people are evil, this reinforces white privilege, transgenders are legitimate, and this woman has misappropriated black culture. When he posts it you can all get back to @#$% riding.
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So she's a ditto.

But like that ditto with the defect from the show. The one that couldn't get the face right. Cause her face still looks like this :tongue:
Boy shut your fake civil rights acting, dishiki wearing, Kwanzaa celebrating, @ss up. You're not the authority on what constitutes being black

You just sound like these bitter white people that can't comprehend the fact that a white person truly feels and wants to be black. It goes against the BS whites have been preaching for centuries that white is better.

Baby girl looks better black than she did when she was white. These pasty white people just can't stand the truth in their face

Yes, Because raising a black child, going to a black college, marrying a black man and wearing weave = black right ?

Do you hear how uneducated you sound ?

Just because you do what black people do (whatever that is) and say you're black .....doesn't make you black. That's just not how it works. And of you believe such, you are indeed uneducated. There is more to playing dress up (blackface) and doing what you think it is that black people do.

She can't claim our history nor the struggle that comes with it. And what do you mean "treated as a black woman" ? How are black women treated ? How do you know how she was treated ? Where are your receipts ...I need proof
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I'm not really here to argue this woman's right to be black, I am just playing devil's advocate. I don't see anything wrong in what she did. It is interesting that mainstream society has deemed her a loon, while Jenner is applauded as a hero. My whole point here before I got sidetracked was that this woman's belief that she is black, is no different than Caitlin Jenner's belief that he/she is a woman. If anyone can pretend to be anything that they are not, then this is where we wind up. Either accept both, or accept neither, otherwise it's just hypocrisy and a popularity contest decides what is acceptable. Im outta here, I am sure that Meth has been spending all day writing a huge diatribe about how white people are evil, this reinforces white privilege, transgenders are legitimate, and this woman has misappropriated black culture. When he posts it you can all get back to @#$% riding.

This right here, proves you have absolutely no idea what in complete **** you're talking about. This right here tells me you've never done the course work to understand gender and society.

Transgender people, are born feeling a disconnect between their actual sex and gender.

As far back as they can remember they felt like they feel like what they were born as, and the way they're perceived by society, isn't who they see themselves as.

Rachel Dolezal wasn't born with those conflicting feelings, that conflict, that disconnect was brought on by exterior elements that created a cognitive dissonance within her.

The only one here pretending, is you.
This right here, proves you have absolutely no idea what in complete **** you're talking about. This right here tells me you've never done the course work to understand gender and society.

Transgender people, are born feeling a disconnect between their actual sex and gender.

As far back as they can remember they felt like they feel like what they were born as, and the way they're perceived by society, isn't who they see themselves as.

Rachel Dolezal wasn't born with those conflicting feelings, that conflict, that disconnect was brought on by exterior elements that created a cognitive dissonance within her.

The only one here pretending, is you.

What if she was though?
What if she was though?

Bruh just stop.

Looking at the facts, her adopted siblings, her upbringing, it was those factors that created that disconnect between who she really is and what she sees herself as.

Ya'll playing BS devil's advocate for ulterior motives and I'm not playing that game.

Show me some scientific foundation for the naturally occurring transracial argument, or miss me with all that nonsense.
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I feel like I'm an quadroonian, native, asian and aryan.

See how convoluted that **** sound?

See how illogical that is?

Since race is a social construct, transracial identification is ALSO a social construct. Transgender identification is NOT A ******* SOCIAL CONSTRUCT. GENDER IS NOT A ******* SOCIAL CONSTRUCT.

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Boy shut your fake civil rights acting dishiki wearing @ss up. You're not the authority on what constitutes being black

You just sound like these bitter white people that can't comprehend the fact that a white person truly feels and wants to be black. It goes against the BS whites have been preaching for centuries that white is better.

Baby girl looks better black than she did when she was white. These pasty white people just can't stand the truth in their face
Another idiot, so because I'm speaking out against ignorance you're coming at me ? Soft Raven Symone dudes man.

I never stated any fact on what constitutes "being black". Because what does that even mean ? I was trying to denounce the fact that there is a such thing against the other fool is was arguing with.

And how do I sound bitter ? :lol: keep it moving fam come back when you make sense View media item 1580770
Bruh just stop.

Looking at the facts, her adopted siblings, her upbringing, it was those factors that created that disconnect between who she really is and what she sees herself as.

Ya'll playing BS devil's advocate for ulterior motives and I'm not playing that game.

Show me some scientific foundation for the naturally occurring transracial argument, or miss me with all that nonsense.

Even if she wasn't ( though I'm not sure how you can tell what's in someone's heart)...

What if someone meets your criteria of feeling they were born the wrong race.

Would you still cast them off to the side like you do this woman?

For the 12th time... I am wondering why Jenner was treated with kid gloves ... Everyone having to be sensitive to it...

But this woman, no matter how you feel, isn't even afforded the same sensitivity level before assumptions are made...
I feel like I'm an quadroonian, native, asian and aryan.

See how convoluted that **** sound?

See how illogical that is?

Since race is a social construct, transracial identification is ALSO a social construct. Transgender identification is NOT A ******* SOCIAL CONSTRUCT. GENDER IS NOT A ******* SOCIAL CONSTRUCT.

sex is not a social construct.

Gender is.
sex is not a social construct.

Gender is.

Neither sex nor gender are social constructs. There are indeed biological factors that influence gender identity.

Another person who hasn't done their homework.

Ever seen a brain scan on a transgender individual?

Their brains are often mapped similarly to the gender they themselves identify with, not the sex they're born as and the gender they were perceived as.
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Guess these two "white" girls can't be black

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Funny how you assume I don't know the difference, when in reality it is you that isn't completely in the know.

:lol: Keep playing devil's advocate for your ulterior motives folks.

The underlying bigoted narratives in here are so obvious.

Please explain my ulterior motive.

Not sure how you ****** keep coming to the conclusion that

Us wanting similar sensitivity to a person that thinks they're black = hate for transgender...

And again

You cross out and negate something that clearly says gender is a social construct.

And yet... In the article you post

.Guillamon isn't sure whether the four regions are at all associated with notions of gender, but Ivanka Savic-Berglund at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, thinks they might be
Please explain my ulterior motive.

Not sure how you ****** keep coming to the conclusion that

Us wanting similar sensitivity to a person that thinks they're black = hate for transgender...

And again

You cross out and negate something that clearly says gender is a social construct.

And yet... In the article you post

.Guillamon isn't sure whether the four regions are at all associated with notions of gender, but Ivanka Savic-Berglund at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, thinks they might be

Right he isn't sure, but the fact that there are differences in the transgender brain points to the possibility that gender identification is brought on by biological factors. LOVE how in the quote you posted you enlarge one scientist's view who isn't sure there is a connection, but leave Ivanka Savic-Berglund's view standard sized. Whatever FITS your narrative right bud?

Another article.

More evidence that transgender brains are wired similarly to the gender they see themselves as.

We keep coming to the conclusion because YOU GUYS KEEP TALKING ABOUT CAITLYN. :lol:

Ya'll take every opportunity to bring her up and throw shade.

Then ya'll stand back with the nerve to act all flabbergasted when we call you out on it.
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Some biological factors affect your "race" as well. Gender is a social construct in the sense that it is malleable. I mean people in the black race have similar genetic features, but it doesn't mean a genetic black race "exists". Human sexuality has a very wide spectrum, most of us don't fall on the extremes (gay vs. straight).  The same goes for how we perceive our gender. And gender attributes aren't even uniform across cultures, what may be considered feminine behavior in one culture may be considered masculine in another. How you dress? mannerisms? etc.

If society didn't shun it, i might have smashed 3 dudes by now, who knows. And I consider myself a straight man.

Race is a social construct, there is one race, the human race.

We are 99.9% genetically identical.

You & I could walk into a lab and they can take our blood and prove that, right now. Diet, environmental factors, ancestor migration, mating patterns (family lines), adaptation & behavior is what separates us. That's what caused our appearances to evolve. But genetically, we still are one race. The human race.

Gender is not so cut & dry. We're obviously still doing research on it since people have been stigmatized for so long, it's only in the past 25 years or so we've begun to accept that there may be biological factors that influence not only sex, but sexual preference and gender.
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Right he isn't sure, but the fact that there are differences in the transgender brain points to the possibility that gender identification is brought on by biological factors.

Another article.

More evidence that transgender brains are wired similarly to the gender they see themselves as.

We keep coming to the conclusion because YOU GUYS KEEP TALKING ABOUT CAITLYN. :lol:

Ya'll take every opportunity to bring her up and throw shade.

Then ya'll stand back with the nerve to act all flabbergasted when we call you out on it.

View media item 1580820

i just... i cant w/ yall today.. :lol:

crowbarring nonfacts into a convo..

Also.. can you copy paste the article so i can read it?

i mean... you read it, right? since you have access to the

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