My cousins husband might be down low.

Dude is so gay he can't even contain himself at a family function and if its going down like that, your cousin probably has a very good idea of what'sgoing on and is in denial. Plenty closet mo's out there with wives and families.
YO! ^ Word.

Y'all related. Wow I don't think I've seen that on NT before.
Something like it. But I was there... and seen the whole thing (not the "call me" gesture though).

Originally Posted by YoSoyTuPapa

So this weekend at my brother's wedding...his new wife's co-workers (three guys) were all there and all at the reception my cousin's husband was sitting between them in the middle in the lobby area of theh hotel. My cousin came and set claim to her man, and pulled him away. As he was walking of he looks back and give the give me a call sign with his hands to the ear, to one of the gay guys. So afer the reception, my new sister tells my brother that the gay guy told her to tell my brother to tell my cousin (sounds like a lot of he said she said) to always wear protection when it came to her husband, cause he be out do we tell her or just #+@$ his @#% up. The really %+#*+# up part is that he has three sons with my cousin.

so when do you plan on telling your wife?
I know of a similar story..

my friends bi brother was messin with a dude..then they broke up and then got a gf
but his gf doesnt know that he's even bi or that he messed with a dude before her
Originally Posted by YoSoyTuPapa

So this weekend at my brother's wedding...his new wife's co-workers (three guys) were all there and all at the reception my cousin's husband was sitting between them in the middle in the lobby area of theh hotel. My cousin came and set claim to her man, and pulled him away. As he was walking of he looks back and give the give me a call sign with his hands to the ear, to one of the gay guys. So afer the reception, my new sister tells my brother that the gay guy told her to tell my brother to tell my cousin (sounds like a lot of he said she said) to always wear protection when it came to her husband, cause he be out do we tell her or just #+@$ his @#% up. The really %+#*+# up part is that he has three sons with my cousin.

Originally Posted by AirAnt23

YO! ^ Word.

Y'all related. Wow I don't think I've seen that on NT before.
Something like it. But I was there... and seen the whole thing (not the "call me" gesture though).


i see...

so if i marry a large lady im gonna turn ???
Whats real is that he gave the call me signal which means they exchanged numbers.
He wasn't being friendly, he was spittin' game.
Yo sisters cousin co-worker husband with 3 kids aint downlow no more.
He pretty much let everybody know whats up, and your cousin knows whats up too.
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