My cousins husband might be down low.

Originally Posted by YoSoyTuPapa

703 Hwy wrote:

You should come on to him and see if he takes the bait. You are gay right?



Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

TheWindScar31 wrote:

What in the world are you talking about.

while his cousins husband was leaving a group of homosexual crew he gestured a "call me sign", after that scenario their were more incrementingevidence accusing the guy of being involved in a none-hetro activity. The source is a third party. OP is now debating on either beating the guy up or tellinghis cousin what he heard. THE END!!
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Lazy B

A plague in the black community.

I don't buy that *%*@
It is man. Dudes be on the downlow hard. It's 2008 if you having sex with men, you might as well come all the way out of the closet.

If you are messing around with men it's gay, ain't no other way to say it. Gay, gay, gay, gay....
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Lazy B

A plague in the black community.

I don't buy that *%*@
It is man. Dudes be on the downlow hard. It's 2008 if you having sex with men, you might as well come all the way out of the closet.
Yeah, but that has nothing to do with "the black community." Just because you give something a name and make it race specificdoesn't mean that it only happens among one race. The idea that there are more secretly gay black husbands than white husbands is ridiculous, andoffensive.
you have to tell her that someone told you that her husband might be gay. What is he is gay & has an STD & passes it on to her? Then how would you feelif she got an STD when you possibly could have stopped it.
Originally Posted by YoSoyTuPapa

So afer the reception, my new sister tells my brother that the gay guy told her to tell my brother to tell my cousin (sounds like a lot of he said she said) to always wear protection when it came to her husband, cause he be out do we tell her or just #+@$ his @#% up. The really %+#*+# up part is that he has three sons with my cousin.
Yeah it's a possibility he is. Because I can't think of any kind of situation where I would be sitting in between a bunch of gay guys. Let alonethrowing them the call me signal
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by NYelectric

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Lazy B

A plague in the black community.

I don't buy that *%*@
It is man. Dudes be on the downlow hard. It's 2008 if you having sex with men, you might as well come all the way out of the closet.
Yeah, but that has nothing to do with "the black community." Just because you give something a name and make it race specific doesn't mean that it only happens among one race. The idea that there are more secretly gay black husbands than white husbands is ridiculous, and offensive.

eh, it's a prevalent situation, particularly in the black community...

there have been numerous books, studies and the like discussing the "down low" black man.....

and being that there is much more of a stigma in the black community than in the white community, i don't think the comment was THAT far off base, nor do i think he was implying that it's ONLY a "black epidemic."

in fact, i will take it a step further and make a generalization, gay black men are more prone to "hide it" or be "down low" than their white counterparts, because homosexuality is much more widely accepted in the white community than in the black community....

want an example? google search "girls kissing" and count how many of the couples are black vs. white....
Thank you enPHAN. You addressed that statemnet probably better than I could.
Maybe he's bi. But either way, looks like he could still be messing around. Expose him ASAP (no Karamo) before things get out of hand.
Yeah thats pretty messed up. Wow I think maybe y'all may want toask around a little more to get more of a solid story. But I would def have to ask dude if he was living foul.
That's sad
I hate stories like this.. I couldn't imagine howhis wife feels if he really is down low

But why do yall think there are so many "down low" dudes in the black community? Maybe because of how they would be treated if they "cameout"...
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by NYelectric

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Lazy B

A plague in the black community.

I don't buy that *%*@
It is man. Dudes be on the downlow hard. It's 2008 if you having sex with men, you might as well come all the way out of the closet.
Yeah, but that has nothing to do with "the black community." Just because you give something a name and make it race specific doesn't mean that it only happens among one race. The idea that there are more secretly gay black husbands than white husbands is ridiculous, and offensive.

eh, it's a prevalent situation, particularly in the black community...

there have been numerous books, studies and the like discussing the "down low" black man.....

and being that there is much more of a stigma in the black community than in the white community, i don't think the comment was THAT far off base, nor do i think he was implying that it's ONLY a "black epidemic."

in fact, i will take it a step further and make a generalization, gay black men are more prone to "hide it" or be "down low" than their white counterparts, because homosexuality is much more widely accepted in the white community than in the black community....

want an example? google search "girls kissing" and count how many of the couples are black vs. white....
Somehow I question the relevance of studies done on something that is by nature secretive. That black stigma stuff is unfairly singled out. Trybeing a gay white teenager raised in a Baptist home in Alabama, or a gay Yemeni teenager in Muslim home in New York City, and tell me that it's easier thanbeing raised in a black home. There are people that are accepting and people that are not accepting of every creed and religion. In the end it comes down moreto religion than race.

The majority of this country is white, and the majority of this country is against gay marriage. You can't argue against the idea that blacks in Californiawere responsible for Proposition 8, and then argue that blacks are more uncomfortable with homosexuality than whites. Black people make up less than 1% of thepopulation of Utah, but I don't think Mormons are voting in favor of gay marriage.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

That's sad
I hate stories like this.. I couldn't imagine how his wife feels if he really is down low

But why do yall think there are so many "down low" dudes in the black community? Maybe because of how they would be treated if they "came out"...
Well I knew this confused dude who exposed mass dudes we went to junior high with
. I hope he was lying to get attention but they did use to act kinda playfullygay. They can't come out because everybody would be like
and then

Aint nothing right about that video
Exactly. It's completely wrong to do that to your wife and I have no respect for those guys whatsoever

But also, I could not even fathom being a gay male, and a gay black male for that matter
I do not agree that there are more "downlow" black husbands than "downlow" white husbands. Giving the practice a name, and a racialconnotation may make it seem that way, but I don't buy it.

The argument that by and large whites are more accepting of homosexuality than blacks is impossible to discuss in general terms. There are way too manyvariables, like religion and where you are in the country. I wasn't shifting the focus of the argument, I was trying to show how these variables come intoplay. Talking about experimental white girls does seem to shift the focus, because then we're talking about how society views lesbians versus gay men, andhow women view experimentation.
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