My cousins husband might be down low.


Originally Posted by NYelectric

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by NYelectric

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by Lazy B

A plague in the black community.

I don't buy that *%*@
It is man. Dudes be on the downlow hard. It's 2008 if you having sex with men, you might as well come all the way out of the closet.
Yeah, but that has nothing to do with "the black community." Just because you give something a name and make it race specific doesn't mean that it only happens among one race. The idea that there are more secretly gay black husbands than white husbands is ridiculous, and offensive.

eh, it's a prevalent situation, particularly in the black community...

there have been numerous books, studies and the like discussing the "down low" black man.....

and being that there is much more of a stigma in the black community than in the white community, i don't think the comment was THAT far off base, nor do i think he was implying that it's ONLY a "black epidemic."

in fact, i will take it a step further and make a generalization, gay black men are more prone to "hide it" or be "down low" than their white counterparts, because homosexuality is much more widely accepted in the white community than in the black community....

want an example? google search "girls kissing" and count how many of the couples are black vs. white....
Somehow I question the relevance of studies done on something that is by nature secretive. That black stigma stuff is unfairly singled out. Try being a gay white teenager raised in a Baptist home in Alabama, or a gay Yemeni teenager in Muslim home in New York City, and tell me that it's easier than being raised in a black home. There are people that are accepting and people that are not accepting of every creed and religion. In the end it comes down more to religion than race.

The majority of this country is white, and the majority of this country is against gay marriage. You can't argue against the idea that blacks in California were responsible for Proposition 8, and then argue that blacks are more uncomfortable with homosexuality than whites. Black people make up less than 1% of the population of Utah, but I don't think Mormons are voting in favor of gay marriage.

This is how I see it and the reason for my original statement.
Originally Posted by TD The God

Send her a series of anon text messages and let her know what the deal is...them 3 gay fellas prolly ain't all reality, no real straight married man will be fraternizing with 3 openly? gay dudes just like that...nothing wrong with it, but just doesn't happen like that.....

dude is prolly bi, shoot, you cousin prolly knows it tho...

She probably knows or have reason to believe he's gay, but she is in denial.
Somehow I question the relevance of studies done on something that is by nature secretive. That black stigma stuff is unfairly singled out. Try being a gay white teenager raised in a Baptist home in Alabama, or a gay Yemeni teenager in Muslim home in New York City, and tell me that it's easier than being raised in a black home. There are people that are accepting and people that are not accepting of every creed and religion. In the end it comes down more to religion than race.

The majority of this country is white, and the majority of this country is against gay marriage. You can't argue against the idea that blacks in California were responsible for Proposition 8, and then argue that blacks are more uncomfortable with homosexuality than whites. Black people make up less than 1% of the population of Utah, but I don't think Mormons are voting in favor of gay marriage.
Exactly how I feel! It's bogus. I admit to being a slight conspiracy theorist, but I find it to be another way to attempt to weaken the Blackfamily structure. And "we" (generally speaking) sit back and buy that bull %%#%. Just like I'm supposed to believe there more Black women thatare HIV positive than are not.

And eNPHAN, you and I usually agree on social issuesbut I can't ride with this "down low" epidemic. It's demonizing and creates mistrust in our community.

Now to the OP...
This is all bad. This SAME GAY DUDE tried to holla at me at the reception. Son was out of pocket.
no offense but is your cousin overweight?
Good point! Because she is. It was the first thing I thought about when I got wind of this. Many of the guys I know who are gay now, theirprevious girlfriends are usually overweight.

Airant and I usually feel the same way about these types of issues. I'm white and I find those HIV statistics and the "downlow" thing ridiculous.eNPHAN, I have had a horrible day, and I am in no mood to argue. We disagree.
Originally Posted by CJDynasty

Originally Posted by TD The God

Send her a series of anon text messages and let her know what the deal is...them 3 gay fellas prolly ain't all reality, no real straight married man will be fraternizing with 3 openly? gay dudes just like that...nothing wrong with it, but just doesn't happen like that.....

dude is prolly bi, shoot, you cousin prolly knows it tho...

She probably knows or have reason to believe he's gay, but she is in denial.

In regards to the OP, to be gotta let your cousin live her life. Honestly, it sounds like the man in question (Uh...your, uh brothers cousinsuncle's...sisters, dogs...husband?) was probably just joking. Why would he give a gay-man the "Call me" signal while walking with his areception...with many people around watching. Unless he was really bold or drunk, I don't think I would take it serious...

In regards to the conversation going on about "On the down low" brothers, I don't think its as great as the media pushes it to be. One thing yougotta realize, there aren't scientific numbers tracked on this. As others have said, there's A LOT of gay people people who are not 'open' ortry to surpress their feelings. Doesn't mean they are with a woman AND a gay man (on the low), they are just living a heterosexual lifestyle while tornbecause sociaetal/family/whatever pressures prevent them from being who they are. And these people would NEVER come out. So there's A LOT of underreportedgayness for any scientific numbers to be adhered to. So I think for that fact, some people tend to create the 'epidemic' to be however large as theywant to. With that being said, I think the real people that are pushing this "On the downlow" stuff are the people that benefit the most from it:Radio stations that use it as a topic to get listeners/callers and authors who use it to push their books...
Originally Posted by AirAnt23

Somehow I question the relevance of studies done on something that is by nature secretive. That black stigma stuff is unfairly singled out. Try being a gay white teenager raised in a Baptist home in Alabama, or a gay Yemeni teenager in Muslim home in New York City, and tell me that it's easier than being raised in a black home. There are people that are accepting and people that are not accepting of every creed and religion. In the end it comes down more to religion than race.

The majority of this country is white, and the majority of this country is against gay marriage. You can't argue against the idea that blacks in California were responsible for Proposition 8, and then argue that blacks are more uncomfortable with homosexuality than whites. Black people make up less than 1% of the population of Utah, but I don't think Mormons are voting in favor of gay marriage.
Exactly how I feel! It's bogus. I admit to being a slight conspiracy theorist, but I find it to be another way to attempt to weaken the Black family structure. And "we" (generally speaking) sit back and buy that bull %%#%. Just like I'm supposed to believe there more Black women that are HIV positive than are not.

And eNPHAN, you and I usually agree on social issues but I can't ride with this "down low" epidemic. It's demonizing and creates mistrust in our community.

Now to the OP...
This is all bad. This SAME GAY DUDE tried to holla at me at the reception. Son was out of pocket.
no offense but is your cousin overweight?
Good point! Because she is. It was the first thing I thought about when I got wind of this. Many of the guys I know who are gay now, their previous girlfriends are usually overweight.


Y'all related. Wow I don't think I've seen that on NT before.
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