MTV's The Challenge

Sounds like Madison, Tony’s 1st baby mother, from Real World Skeletons relapsed and fell back into drugs. She gave up custody of their daughter to her parents
Episode 11: “You’re The Worst”
Tensions boil over between Cara Maria and the Lavender Ladies, leaving Marie in the middle of her friends and her vendetta partner. At the "Sky Bridge" challenge, the players must rebuild their trust—and a perilous rope bridge.
Whew Natalie got that fire :evil: It was mad sexy seeing her bark on Kayleigh like that.

Kayleigh's ****** up. Outing somebody publicly is foul. Then she trying to put that bully label on Natalie just cuz she was there when them other girls ****** up her ****. Then she said she'd out her again.

That challenge was legit hard, especially to do with a partner.

No need to make that most of the ep though.
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Next week can't be last episode of the season right, must be tripping but they still got few episodes left, its still like half of the teams left lol
Yeah don't know why the promo keeps saying that.

I think I'm misshearing and she says the final episodes of the season.

The guide definitely doesn't have next week's ep marked as the finale.
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Nah, they are saying "final episodes" as the finale is likely coming soon. Finale isn't until end of October though.
It’s still upsetting to me that John gets paired up with tony, and they paired ct with Veronica.
It’s still upsetting to me that John gets paired up with tony, and they paired ct with Veronica.
Blame CT for voicing his opinion and having such a petty argument with Veronica instead of making a vendetta with Hunter or at least Cara :lol:
Really hope the Lavender Losers group gets broken up and at least one of their groups goes home next week. I have a feeling Zach/Amanda could be voted in with the whole "Tony would never say my name" line.

And was it just me or was security much quicker to break up any possible fights/loud arguing before the threat of anything really happened?! I remember the Darrell/Brad fight when Darrell got a good four-five punches in before it was broken up. Security must have been real lax back then lol.
Ain't nobody tryna smash Sylvia, she lookin kinda like a snack this season.

Kayleigh and Angela was doing good til Kayleigh said something like "you admitted it yourself" :lol: Why would you say when y'all when squash everything.
Episode 12: “Unhappy Days”
One player is left shook when their partner hurls an unforgivable insult at them; the players find themselves locked up and puzzled at the “Caged In” challenge.

Somebody needs to beat the **** out of Kyle.

Such a ******* annoying piece of ****. Just hearing him talk tough when you know he ***** made.
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