Money Appreciation Vol. 2 (What Recession?)

posted already but it always makes me laugh

but do anyone has the zimbabwe version of this pic? i think it was crank who made the pic, i forgot.
Originally Posted by JuJu

i like how all the black cats posting their money are wanna be thugs and clowns with short paper

but the white people posting their stacks get nothing but

i guess if black folk have money its gotta be from selling drugs or working the gov't system claiming siblings and when white people have money its cause they are super smart with their money and manage their 401ks and portfolios with the precision of gods. oh and im def talking to some black folks in here, old crab in a bucket types. some of yall might think hes a lame with only "2" gs but i am man enough to say that i would do anything to have even 2 gs right now instead of jobless and wondering if ill have the money to move to a new city in june to then start law school.

And thats real.
Why does the money thats been posted have to be ' illegal '....

Black people can't make money ' the right way '.... I swear some of you dudes on here kill me

I also find it funny how some of you lames are telling people in here what they should do with THEIR money... Since when is 80% of NT financial advisers???

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Mr S J King

Typical neighborhood haters.....jump on a cat posting a couple of Gs.
But haven't sent one letter to the white house to complain
about AIG and the rest stashing billions to solidify their family's
generational wealth.

Nobody knows how he made the money but typical RACIST & UNCLE TOMS jump to drug dealing conclusions.
As for the cat that posted, show yo cheese and shut up. U keep checking the thread and responding to the replies.
Actually, he said he made it illegally. Any way you slice it, that's the wrong way to do things.

But to some people morals don't matter and pieces of paper with dead presidents on them do, so whatever floats your boat.
I never understood this

Say a man has been looking for a job for months, with no luck....
He has kids to take care of while he's unemployed... He sells drugs to provide for his family.. is that a wrong?

As long as my kids are eating I wouldn't care, it's so hard to get a job out here these days, and drug dealing is what a lot of people turn to.
in these days and times I wodnt care if the money was clean, drug money, or blood money this country was built off people pretending to have morals, butactually causing destruction to get what they want so what "morals" N's gotta eat out here just like them bums who screw folks out they money andlives on wall street. Nobody don't owe nobody $%% so, better try get your own and keep it moving. Smh soMe people act like they're the pope on here.

Shyne po said it best " they say money isn't everything, you **"@ing right it's the only thing"
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Mr S J King wrote:

Typical neighborhood haters.....jump on a cat posting a couple of Gs.

But haven't sent one letter to the white house to complain

about AIG and the rest stashing billions to solidify their family's

generational wealth.

Nobody knows how he made the money but typical RACIST & UNCLE TOMS jump to drug dealing conclusions.

As for the cat that posted, show yo cheese and shut up. U keep checking the thread and responding to the replies.
Actually, he said he made it illegally. Any way you slice it, that's the wrong way to do things.

But to some people morals don't matter and pieces of paper with dead presidents on them do, so whatever floats your boat.
I never understood this

Say a man has been looking for a job for months, with no luck....
He has kids to take care of while he's unemployed... He sells drugs to provide for his family.. is that a wrong?

As long as my kids are eating I wouldn't care, it's so hard to get a job out here these days, and drug dealing is what a lot of people turn to.

most of the ppl on here never had/have to hustle b/c they were born into some money wit the rents and don't know what its like to have their backs againstthe wall and do what they gotta do.... but %+!$ theres always gonna be some ppl on here knockin you for how YOU get your money thats just life on nt as we knowit
Originally Posted by yungchamp

most of the ppl on here never had/have to hustle b/c they were born into some money wit the rents and don't know what its like to have their backs against the wall and do what they gotta do.... but %+!$ theres always gonna be some ppl on here knockin you for how YOU get your money thats just life on nt as we know it
Ain't nothin wrong with servin even if you DO got money. Even stuff as harmless as pot has such a HUGE market in college that it's almoststupid not to. Anyone knockin another man on here for getting his $$ has nothing but hate in his blood.
Keithahundred.........I hear you but I got morals. Also I feel when things are goin good, they can come crashin down at any moment when you livin like that.I'm really goin off what I know true........people who I know locked up with that same state of mind. I understand your points though.
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Mr S J King

Typical neighborhood haters.....jump on a cat posting a couple of Gs.
But haven't sent one letter to the white house to complain
about AIG and the rest stashing billions to solidify their family's
generational wealth.

Nobody knows how he made the money but typical RACIST & UNCLE TOMS jump to drug dealing conclusions.
As for the cat that posted, show yo cheese and shut up. U keep checking the thread and responding to the replies.
Actually, he said he made it illegally. Any way you slice it, that's the wrong way to do things.

But to some people morals don't matter and pieces of paper with dead presidents on them do, so whatever floats your boat.
I never understood this

Say a man has been looking for a job for months, with no luck....
He has kids to take care of while he's unemployed... He sells drugs to provide for his family.. is that a wrong?

As long as my kids are eating I wouldn't care, it's so hard to get a job out here these days, and drug dealing is what a lot of people turn to.
The ends still do not justify the means. Its still the wrong thing to do.

Just because you're out of work now doesn't allow you to get into something that may put you, and others, in a worse situation than you're alreadyin.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

CallHimAR wrote:

Mr S J King wrote:

Typical neighborhood haters.....jump on a cat posting a couple of Gs.

But haven't sent one letter to the white house to complain

about AIG and the rest stashing billions to solidify their family's

generational wealth.

Nobody knows how he made the money but typical RACIST & UNCLE TOMS jump to drug dealing conclusions.

As for the cat that posted, show yo cheese and shut up. U keep checking the thread and responding to the replies.
Actually, he said he made it illegally. Any way you slice it, that's the wrong
way to do things.

But to some people morals don't matter and pieces of paper with dead presidents on them do, so whatever floats your boat.
I never understood this

Say a man has been looking for a job for months, with no luck....

He has kids to take care of while he's unemployed... He sells drugs to provide for his family.. is that a wrong?

As long as my kids are eating I wouldn't care, it's so hard to get a job out here these days, and drug dealing is what a lot of people turn to.

The ends still do not justify the means. Its still the wrong thing to do.

Just because you're out of work now doesn't allow you to get into something that may put you, and others, in a worse situation than you're already in.

if doing what you gotta do in order for your fam to eat in this day n age is "the wrong thing to do" then i dunno whats right.... ppl losing jobsleft and right and you saying to not do whatever it takes to feed your fam if you can't find a job out here? come on bruh
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Keithahundred.........I hear you but I got morals. Also I feel when things are goin good, they can come crashin down at any moment when you livin like that. I'm really goin off what I know true........people who I know locked up with that same state of mind. I understand your points though.

That is very true agree, it's not peaches and cream...... I agree 100% with you everything has it cons I got an uncle doing fed time now, but I guess tosome people their freedom is something to risk, or does not have anything to loose so yeah there are more cons then pros it's a gamble, but people needmoney, and will do anything to get it
the US was literally built on the blood and backs of slaves by ppl without morals...
this countries economic / monetary system is built for and by people without morals..
so what we are saying is Joe Kennedy can put his son in the whitehouse with drug money but a black man or should i say the next man can't feed his kidswith drug money..
dont look down your nose at him , me or anyone..

do the knowledge
Originally Posted by 2Guard

the US was literally built on the blood and backs of slaves by ppl without morals...
this countries economic / monetary system is built for and by people without morals..
so what we are saying is Joe Kennedy can put his son in the whitehouse with drug money but a black man or should i say the next man can't feed his kids with drug money..
dont look down your nose at him , me or anyone..

do the knowledge

well said sir!
excatly what I was saying, N's aren't bringing drugs across the border, don't nobody I know in the hood has a boat or plane, you think the U.S. Isreally trying to stop the the drug trade, they're responsible for it ala ronald regan( the devil himself) and they say he was the best president, dude wasmore cut throat any of us on this board, the word "morals" only is used when I'm talking about my family, because outside of that there isn'treally a lot of people that actually care if you're struggling
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Mr S J King

Typical neighborhood haters.....jump on a cat posting a couple of Gs.
But haven't sent one letter to the white house to complain
about AIG and the rest stashing billions to solidify their family's
generational wealth.

Nobody knows how he made the money but typical RACIST & UNCLE TOMS jump to drug dealing conclusions.
As for the cat that posted, show yo cheese and shut up. U keep checking the thread and responding to the replies.
Actually, he said he made it illegally. Any way you slice it, that's the wrong way to do things.

But to some people morals don't matter and pieces of paper with dead presidents on them do, so whatever floats your boat.
I never understood this

Say a man has been looking for a job for months, with no luck....
He has kids to take care of while he's unemployed... He sells drugs to provide for his family.. is that a wrong?

As long as my kids are eating I wouldn't care, it's so hard to get a job out here these days, and drug dealing is what a lot of people turn to.
The ends still do not justify the means. Its still the wrong thing to do.

Just because you're out of work now doesn't allow you to get into something that may put you, and others, in a worse situation than you're already in.

So, you would let your family STARVE?

Dudes on here say anything to prove a point

Its easy to tell who is spoon fed
if doing what you gotta do in order for your fam to eat in this day n age is "the wrong thing to do" then i dunno whats right.... ppl losing jobs left and right and you saying to not do whatever it takes to feed your fam if you can't find a job out here? come on bruh

If you aren't secure enough to support your family then you should not have brought a child into this world/gotten married in the first place.

You do not feed your family at the expense of another person. That, contrary to what you may think, is the wrong thing to do. Getting a person hooked ondrugs/contributing to a persons addiction is the wrong thing to do. Stealing someone's car so you can sell if for parts while that man worked for it is thewrong thing to do. Robbing someone on the train for an Ipod because you know you can sell it to someone and make a profit is the wrong thing to do.

Redistribution of wealth through taxes and the government = the right thing to do.

the US was literally built on the blood and backs of slaves by ppl without morals...
this countries economic / monetary system is built for and by people without morals..
so what we are saying is Joe Kennedy can put his son in the whitehouse with drug money but a black man or should i say the next man can't feed his kids with drug money..
dont look down your nose at him , me or anyone..

do the knowledge
I agree one hundred percent, but why not attempt to change the system that did these awful and corrupt things rather than just feed into it.
So, you would let your family STARVE?

Dudes on here say anything to prove a point

Its easy to tell who is spoon fed

That's cute, however you know nothing about my life so please do not speak on it. I'm far from spoon fed.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

if doing what you gotta do in order for your fam to eat in this day n age is "the wrong thing to do" then i dunno whats right.... ppl losing jobs left and right and you saying to not do whatever it takes to feed your fam if you can't find a job out here? come on bruh

If you aren't secure enough to support your family then you should not have brought a child into this world/gotten married in the first place.

One of the dumbest things posted in this thread

A man can be secure enough to support his family.... But what if he gets laid off?

Have you seen whats going on with all of these people being laid off?

People getting laid off is reality, this isn't a movie.. this %%$$ is really happening.
That's cute, however you know nothing about my life so please do not speak on it. I'm far from spoon fed.

Whats 'cute'.. what the hell are you talking about

and where did I say YOU were spoon fed???... You must have your panties in a bunch
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