Money Appreciation Vol. 2 (What Recession?)

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

if doing what you gotta do in order for your fam to eat in this day n
age is "the wrong thing to do" then i dunno whats right.... ppl losing
left and right and you saying to not do whatever it takes to feed your
fam if you can't find a job out here? come on bruh

If you aren't secure enough to support your family then you should not have brought a child into this world/gotten married in the first place.

You do not feed your family at the expense of another person.
That, contrary to what you may think, is the wrong thing to do. Getting a person hooked on drugs/contributing to a persons addiction is the wrong thing to do. Stealing someone's car so you can sell if for parts while that man worked for it is the wrong thing to do. Robbing someone on the train for an Ipod because you know you can sell it to someone and make a profit is the wrong thing to do.

Redistribution of wealth through taxes and the government = the right thing to do.


the US was literally built on the blood and backs of slaves by ppl without morals...

this countries economic / monetary system is built for and by people without morals..

so what we are saying is Joe Kennedy can put his son in the whitehouse
with drug money but a black man or should i say the next man can't feed
his kids
with drug money..

dont look down your nose at him , me or anyone..

do the knowledge
I agree one hundred percent, but why not attempt to change the system that did these awful and corrupt things rather than just feed into it.
So, you would let your family STARVE?

Dudes on here say anything to prove a point

Its easy to tell who is spoon fed

That's cute, however you know nothing about my life so please do not speak on it. I'm far from spoon fed.

no one in todays society is secure damn near anyone can lose their job nowadays and what you mean dont feed my family off of the expense of another person?!?!very successful businessmen do this as well its just not dudes out on the street its the people in the suits too my dude get it right..i dont know about any ofy'all but if i gotta feed my fam and my child i don't give 2 $!!%% about somebody i don't know..its a business..morals are overrated and a copout....either you gonna go out and get it or sit back and watch N_'s get it and complain about how they gettin it
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

That's cute, however you know nothing about my life so please do not speak on it. I'm far from spoon fed.

Whats 'cute'.. what the hell are you talking about

and where did I say YOU were spoon fed???... You must have your panties in a bunch

Well, you were responding to a comment I made. You quoted me directly above where you made the statement, so obviously it was thrown in my direction.
One of the dumbest things posted in this thread

A man can be secure enough to support his family.... But what if he gets laid off?

Have you seen whats going on with all of these people being laid off?

People getting laid off is reality, this isn't a movie.. this %%$$ is really happening.
Ok, being laid off does not give someone the right to attain money through illegal activities at the expense of the next person.

Of course you ignored the rest of what I wrote, stating that in times of serious crisis that the government needs to step in and help out. That man may need totake a hit to his pride, and make drastic lifestyle changes, but all in all he will be able to put food on the table for his family.

no one in todays society is secure damn near anyone can lose their job nowadays and what you mean dont feed my family off of the expense of another person?!?! very successful businessmen do this as well its just not dudes out on the street its the people in the suits too my dude get it right..i dont know about any of y'all but if i gotta feed my fam and my child i don't give 2 $!!%% about somebody i don't know..its a business..morals are overrated and a cop out....either you gonna go out and get it or sit back and watch N_'s get it and complain about how they gettin it

Right, and immoral business practices are just as wrong as engaging in immoral activities in the street.

So in your opinion what Madoff did was completely ok if it helped him at the expense of a astronomical amount of others?

That's a very, very sad way to look at things. If everyone felt like this there would be nothing but chaos.
Originally Posted by yungchamp

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

if doing what you gotta do in order for your fam to eat in this day n
age is "the wrong thing to do" then i dunno whats right.... ppl losing
left and right and you saying to not do whatever it takes to feed your
fam if you can't find a job out here? come on bruh

If you aren't secure enough to support your family then you should not have brought a child into this world/gotten married in the first place.

You do not feed your family at the expense of another person.
That, contrary to what you may think, is the wrong thing to do. Getting a person hooked on drugs/contributing to a persons addiction is the wrong thing to do. Stealing someone's car so you can sell if for parts while that man worked for it is the wrong thing to do. Robbing someone on the train for an Ipod because you know you can sell it to someone and make a profit is the wrong thing to do.

Redistribution of wealth through taxes and the government = the right thing to do.


the US was literally built on the blood and backs of slaves by ppl without morals...

this countries economic / monetary system is built for and by people without morals..

so what we are saying is Joe Kennedy can put his son in the whitehouse
with drug money but a black man or should i say the next man can't feed
his kids
with drug money..

dont look down your nose at him , me or anyone..

do the knowledge
I agree one hundred percent, but why not attempt to change the system that did these awful and corrupt things rather than just feed into it.
So, you would let your family STARVE?

Dudes on here say anything to prove a point

Its easy to tell who is spoon fed

That's cute, however you know nothing about my life so please do not speak on it. I'm far from spoon fed.

no one in todays society is secure damn near anyone can lose their job nowadays and what you mean dont feed my family off of the expense of another person?!?! very successful businessmen do this as well its just not dudes out on the street its the people in the suits too my dude get it right..i dont know about any of y'all but if i gotta feed my fam and my child i don't give 2 $!!%% about somebody i don't know..its a business..morals are overrated and a cop out....either you gonna go out and get it or sit back and watch N_'s get it and complain about how they gettin it

What you fail to realize is that nowhere in my posts have I said that this is just confined to certain people. You assume that's what I'm saying forsome odd reason, but I'm clearly not.
Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by dgk3188

i just don't let money inflate my ego like a lot of you.
precisely why this thread is lame.

Is the jewelry thread lame?

quite lame.

is show and tell lame?

You little $*+ kid

Originally Posted by JuJu

i like how all the black cats posting their money are wanna be thugs and clowns with short paper

but the white people posting their stacks get nothing but

i guess if black folk have money its gotta be from selling drugs or working the gov't system claiming siblings and when white people have money its cause they are super smart with their money and manage their 401ks and portfolios with the precision of gods. oh and im def talking to some black folks in here, old crab in a bucket types. some of yall might think hes a lame with only "2" gs but i am man enough to say that i would do anything to have even 2 gs right now instead of jobless and wondering if ill have the money to move to a new city in june to then start law school.

You would have a point except young mooly already said he makes it illegal. Im sorry you typed in vain
Originally Posted by yungchamp

if doing what you gotta do in order for your fam to eat in this day n age is "the wrong thing to do" then i dunno whats right.... ppl losing jobs left and right and you saying to not do whatever it takes to feed your fam if you can't find a job out here? come on bruh

Sorry for posting so many posts but the irony of this statement is jaw dropping. You talking that cry me a river "I got to feed my family %%%#" butyou posting pics bragging and frontin and posting Gucci songs. You cant have it both ways G you either doing what you got to do to survive or you just recklessand look foolish posting your money to rub it peoples face. I love how the same people who called people broke for hating are now turning around playing the"im broke i have to get this money this way" role. switch siders
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by JuJu

i like how all the black cats posting their money are wanna be thugs and clowns with short paper

but the white people posting their stacks get nothing but

i guess if black folk have money its gotta be from selling drugs or working the gov't system claiming siblings and when white people have money its cause they are super smart with their money and manage their 401ks and portfolios with the precision of gods. oh and im def talking to some black folks in here, old crab in a bucket types. some of yall might think hes a lame with only "2" gs but i am man enough to say that i would do anything to have even 2 gs right now instead of jobless and wondering if ill have the money to move to a new city in june to then start law school.

You would have a point except young mooly already said he makes it illegal. Im sorry you typed in vain

I named like 5 different ways I make money, but everybody focusing on the "negative" venture
seriously how can anyone be broke?
i mean there so much money out there
drugs aside(goat hustle)
heres one i came up with the other day, go to a goodwill get one of them ymca or youh basketball jersey n shorts team up with your little cousin(6-12 yearsold) and sell candy infronnt of grocery stores in "rich"neighborhoods works fa me cus the candies on the house cus i work at publix and the candieson the make a good 200-300 a day if you do 6 hours

or stack up like 1,600 and team up with a local club to sponsor a night , you promote n keep the door ....maybe get alocal artist to show love and perform andthe club gets the bar
To those of you saying I had no point/posted in vain did you eve read what I said? I said black catS as in plural as in more than one person. The fact that youlooked past that so you could bring up mooly's alleged drug sales which he never admitted to, again just proves my point. You don't want to have adiscussion or even a debate you just want to be right. Mooly do you son cause I've never been arrested and am going to law school and I too have had to dodirt not for cartier glasses but for tuition and 200 dollar international law books.
Originally Posted by JuJu

To those of you saying I had no point/posted in vain did you eve read what I said? I said black catS as in plural as in more than one person. The fact that you looked past that so you could bring up mooly's alleged drug sales which he never admitted to, again just proves my point. You don't want to have a discussion or even a debate you just want to be right. Mooly do you son cause I've never been arrested and am going to law school and I too have had to do dirt not for cartier glasses but for tuition and 200 dollar international law books.
1) No one said drugs I said illegal. Man you're not very good at reading today are you?
2) The guy who has gotten the most
was black (BWS) so again you'renot very good at reading today are you?

Edit: 3) Ok you used illegal methods as well but for your tutuion, now I'm not condoning it but let's say whatever method you use didn'tinvlving harming anyone. Would you go and brag about your funds even though you know minus the illegal funds you would be as bad or worse off as the people whoyou showcase your false worth too. I would never hate on a person getting money if they were humble. And I understand doing illegal ways to live but when youusing that money to flaunt and do this and do that it's clear greed has gotten the best of you.
2Guard.........I hear you but w/e man I don't wanna be that dude. I wanna do positive in this world, get it the right way with no worries. I dunno if youwere talking to me but I'm not lookin down on the OP. My man I got fam on both sides with drug related charges. Male and Female......

We all grown to make our own choices and paths in life.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

yungchamp wrote:

if doing what you gotta do in order for your fam to eat in this day n age is "the wrong thing to do" then i dunno whats right.... ppl losing jobs left and right and you saying to not do whatever it takes to feed your fam if you can't find a job out here? come on bruh

Sorry for posting so many posts but the irony of this statement is jaw dropping. You talking that cry me a river "I got to feed my family !*%+" but you posting pics bragging and frontin and posting Gucci songs. You cant have it both ways G you either doing what you got to do to survive or you just reckless and look foolish posting your money to rub it peoples face. I love how the same people who called people broke for hating are now turning around playing the "im broke i have to get this money this way" role. switch siders

haha naw bruh i wasnt talking about me in general i was just saying not all people are going to be able to do it the right way and sometimes you have to dowhat you have to do in order to get money
Originally Posted by yungchamp

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

yungchamp wrote:

if doing what you gotta do in order for your fam to eat in this day n age is "the wrong thing to do" then i dunno whats right.... ppl losing jobs left and right and you saying to not do whatever it takes to feed your fam if you can't find a job out here? come on bruh

Sorry for posting so many posts but the irony of this statement is jaw dropping. You talking that cry me a river "I got to feed my family !*%+" but you posting pics bragging and frontin and posting Gucci songs. You cant have it both ways G you either doing what you got to do to survive or you just reckless and look foolish posting your money to rub it peoples face. I love how the same people who called people broke for hating are now turning around playing the "im broke i have to get this money this way" role. switch siders

haha naw bruh i wasnt talking about me in general i was just saying not all people are going to be able to do it the right way and sometimes you have to do what you have to do in order to get money
And I undestand that 110%. But I'm saying you can't sing the song I got to do what I have to do to "survive". And"surviving" to you is living every day like the Hypnotize Video thatt's all I'm saying
All lot of people are calling it greed, and say work hard for it....... I agree with work hard for it hell I'm in school now trying to get this historydegree then hopefully law school, but I wouldn't say greed I would say dudes don't feel like waiting and waiting just to experience some good things inlife, who wouldn't want a pocket full a money can buy what you want and when you want, and as for dude who said something about turning people into junkiesI'm pretty sure they were all ready junkies
You N_s are trying to make me out to be an arrogant %#@@*!@#%+**, the title of the thread says it all...MONEY APPRECIATION! It ain't called Stuntfest Vol.I'm eating and all you N_s starving. I'm not in here trying to outdo anybody, I appreciate having money and I thought other N_s did too. So we can haveappreciation posts about a different ho in hollywood every 5 mins, but if I make one appreciating money I gotta defend myself from countless personal attacks?The hating !$! N_s that came in here trying flex on me is crazy...Hating on me is not going get your pockets looking right, so what's the point?
Well mr shwap did it ever occur to you that my post encompassed more than just your post mr self absorbed? Diff people have all implied diff thing like moolygot his income tax or he claimed his siblings on tax implying he works a %++$@* job or thoe who have in fact straight up said he's prolly selling drugs.Once again you just ignore the obvious and assume I'm attacking oh so important you and attempt to bring someone down to make yourself seem cool. Nd aboutbws I'd be willing to bet many of us who have posted didn't know his race AND that doesn't change the fact that mooly was hated on for postingmoney but it all ends when someone posts more. Everyone spouting how posting money doesn't make you cool but everyone driding the person doing the samething 3 pages later cause he posted more? I'm tired of typing on my blackberry and don't really care that much so you win you're eight I'mwrong have a nice day person on the internet ill never meet
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