Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

I've never heard of corny being associated with thick women but to each his own
I've definitely heard of thick women being corn fed though.

And definitely on NT. One of y'all bammas was saying it back in the days of women appreciation threads.
Damn. Remember watching him at Indiana. Not even an old school era player yet here we are.

I watched that Amazon documentary a few years ago and they were interviewing him in his house - at one point he opened his wardrobe and all it had was a row of khakis, a row of blue sweaters and a shelf of blue hats.

It was kind of fantastic - I envy the commitment and simplicity.

Edit: found a picture.


What documentary?
You have to keep working out which makes it tougher because body needs energy. Im trying to time my meals with workouts and work so my blood sugar and ketones are in balance.

while plateauing isn’t inevitable, it is very expected/predictable outcome of any type of fasting or calorie restriction routine because the body kinda naturally adjusts over time, especially when combined with activity…eventually it comes to a point where the body learns to use the calories more efficiently by naturally decreasing the amount of fidgeting & involuntary movement, and for some even how they burn off & store energy. at that point it might help to either maintain at the current level or slightly increase calories
research carb cycling. i use this method religiously and it’s kept me relatively lean year round even when i bulk.
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