Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

I was leaving the gym, it started raining pretty hard, I post up under the awning/covering right outside the gym and wait for it calm down a little before I trot to my car at the very end of the parking lot. The rain let up a little and I decide to jog, tell me while I wasn’t jogging particularly hard or fast, halfway I start to get dizzy, and my depth perception was off, like I could see my car, but legit the closer I thought I was to it, the further it seemed away. On top of no matter how hard I tried, and I really tried hard as hell, I couldn’t jog straight, it was just an overall weird feeling. I finally got to my car and sat there for like 10 minutes because my head was still spinning and I waited for the dizziness to wear off
i just had a 45 min conversation with someone about beard butter. now i'm super excited to try some new stuff :lol:

btw, if u have a beard, this stuff is :smokin


game changer. my wife's turned into the biggest hornbag nowadays :lol: she says she loves the smell and the way my face feels.

makes your lines look better too. feel like i'm selling this ****.
Where to cop?
I was leaving the gym, it started raining pretty hard, I post up under the awning/covering right outside the gym and wait for it calm down a little before I trot to my car at the very end of the parking lot. The rain let up a little and I decide to jog, tell me while I wasn’t jogging particularly hard or fast, halfway I start to get dizzy, and my depth perception was off, like I could see my car, but legit the closer I thought I was to it, the further it seemed away. On top of no matter how hard I tried, and I really tried hard as hell, I couldn’t jog straight, it was just an overall weird feeling. I finally got to my car and sat there for like 10 minutes because my head was still spinning and I waited for the dizziness to wear off

Used to go to this gym yrs ago and became cool with this 1 guy who was always there same time as me. We'd work in sets if we were doing the same exercises. 1 day we were benching and he was about to start his set. He just sat on the bench and didnt start, i didnt say anything but i was wondering what his deal was. He got up and grabbed his bag and said he wasnt feeling well, he was leaving, and to tell his wife (she would do one of those group classes while he was in the weight room). I kept asking what happened and if he was good, he didnt really answer me. Found out the next time i saw him that he has vertigo and he just went to his car in the parking lot and laid down and waited for his wife to finish so she could drive.
I get that vertigo **** every other day. I’ll randomly pop up like forgetting to put clothes in dryer and be dizzy as fuh
Definitely sounds like vertigo. Runs in my family. I only have had 1 bout of it when I was a kid. But ever felt anything like it before or since.

My mom has it pop up like 2 or 3 times a gets bad enough where all she can do is lay on the floor. Usually throws up.
Turned 41 August 24th and like 3 weeks after covid all of a sudden woke up with severe anxiety and now I have insomnia. Blood pressure dropped low till like 77 over 55 when it used to be high enough for me to take blood pressure medicine. Now I have to watch it to see if it's going to be high so that I won't take any medicine while it's too low and bottom out. Had to be hospitalized twice. I'm having a hard time fellas. I'm guessing this long covid thing is actually real.. never experienced anything like this in my life...Many blessings to you all!!
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Turned 41 August 24th and like 3 weeks after covid all of a sudden woke up with severe anxiety and now I have insomnia. Blood pressure dropped low till like 77 over 55 when it used to be high enough for me to take blood pressure medicine. Now I have to watch it to see if it's going to be high so that I won't take any medicine while it's too low and bottom out. Had to be hospitalized twice. I'm having a hard time fellas. I'm guessing this long covid thing is actually real.. never experienced anything like this in my life...Many blessings to you all!!

yikes…have you had any improvement over the time?? what things have you tried?
Yall are hilarious. And yea I can push this to the end easily, we had to do it as one of our tests in Weight Lifting class in college (easy 1hr elective credit)

So I went back to college later in life. Started university at 26 and graduated at 30. Went to school for exercise sports science/kinesiology.

One of my courses my senior year had us testing athletes with all sorts of equipment. But we had to test it on ourselves first. They had a sit and reach machine like that.

My senior year I was testing it out in front of class and I legit threw my back out. So god damn embarrassing :lol: :lol:
yikes…have you had any improvement over the time?? what things have you tried?
Hey what's up my man thanks for the question. I originally had covid the 29th of July and was placed on paxlovid the new antiviral medicine which helped stop the spread of it. About a week later I ended up with gastritis and couldn't keep anything down and my blood pressure bottomed out. Luckily my sister was here because she said I passed out like seven or eight times. Was admitted to the hospital for being dehydrated. Upon leaving the hospital about 3 days after that I woke up around midnight with tremors, anxiety and since then have had insomnia.

Went to my internal medicine doctor who figured it was just anxiety and wanted to put me on trazodone or gabapentin to help with sleep. Didn't take either one of them and continued to try getting myself back to sleep naturally. Didn't work so he prescribed hydroxyzine which I had taken before. It helped but didn't keep me asleep and plus I don't like feeling drugged or sedated. Ended up taking one in the daytime and it woke me up with and insanely high heart rate 175 and blood pressure 195 over 152. Crazy part about it is once the paramedics got here my heart rate dropped to 55 and blood pressure 64 over 62 and I passed out. Initially they put an EKG on me and thought I had a seizure. Spent 3 days in the hospital with all types of tests that revealed I didn't have one.

Started looking at symptoms of long covid and that's the only thing I can think of. Some people experience insomnia anxiety and all types of things. I see my doctor again Monday and I'm going to ask to see a neurologist or cardiologist. I'm defeated my man!!
Turned 41 August 24th and like 3 weeks after covid all of a sudden woke up with severe anxiety and now I have insomnia. Blood pressure dropped low till like 77 over 55 when it used to be high enough for me to take blood pressure medicine. Now I have to watch it to see if it's going to be high so that I won't take any medicine while it's too low and bottom out. Had to be hospitalized twice. I'm having a hard time fellas. I'm guessing this long covid thing is actually real.. never experienced anything like this in my life...Many blessings to you all!!
The struggle is really real in this washed life. Stay up brotha.
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Hey what's up my man thanks for the question. I originally had covid the 29th of July and was placed on paxlovid the new antiviral medicine which helped stop the spread of it. About a week later I ended up with gastritis and couldn't keep anything down and my blood pressure bottomed out. Luckily my sister was here because she said I passed out like seven or eight times. Was admitted to the hospital for being dehydrated. Upon leaving the hospital about 3 days after that I woke up around midnight with tremors, anxiety and since then have had insomnia.

Went to my internal medicine doctor who figured it was just anxiety and wanted to put me on trazodone or gabapentin to help with sleep. Didn't take either one of them and continued to try getting myself back to sleep naturally. Didn't work so he prescribed hydroxyzine which I had taken before. It helped but didn't keep me asleep and plus I don't like feeling drugged or sedated. Ended up taking one in the daytime and it woke me up with and insanely high heart rate 175 and blood pressure 195 over 152. Crazy part about it is once the paramedics got here my heart rate dropped to 55 and blood pressure 64 over 62 and I passed out. Initially they put an EKG on me and thought I had a seizure. Spent 3 days in the hospital with all types of tests that revealed I didn't have one.

Started looking at symptoms of long covid and that's the only thing I can think of. Some people experience insomnia anxiety and all types of things. I see my doctor again Monday and I'm going to ask to see a neurologist or cardiologist. I'm defeated my man!!

wow…that’s a lot, rooting for you to figure it out! i have talked to a few people that were dealing with real chronic issues like insomnia & pain (not from covid tho) and from what they all say it is legitimately debilitating…the one that had insomnia went through all kinds of tests & they couldn’t find a cause and he too was not super excited about taking stuff to fall asleep…he ended up changing his diet, fitness regimen (he was always in relatively good shape tho), and really getting into all these different supplements; not only addressed his insomnia but according to him it changed his whole outlook

sleep is such a necessary thing in terms of learning, recovery, rest…so much…i hope you get the help you need bro!!
wow…that’s a lot, rooting for you to figure it out! i have talked to a few people that were dealing with real chronic issues like insomnia & pain (not from covid tho) and from what they all say it is legitimately debilitating…the one that had insomnia went through all kinds of tests & they couldn’t find a cause and he too was not super excited about taking stuff to fall asleep…he ended up changing his diet, fitness regimen (he was always in relatively good shape tho), and really getting into all these different supplements; not only addressed his insomnia but according to him it changed his whole outlook

sleep is such a necessary thing in terms of learning, recovery, rest…so much…i hope you get the help you need bro!!
Thank you so much for taking out the time to respond I really appreciate that. I've never experienced insomnia like this before and it's definitely debilitating. I appreciate the encouragement and hope to soon have this thing under control. Wishing you and yours the best as well my man!
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