Moments That Made You Realize You’re Washed

They called you UD really huh?

You just finessing with this 'college player' slant on the story :nerd:

They were little kids i think they assume everyone over 6ft4 that "looks" athletic plays ball. I had on underarmor shorts and full sleeves.

Meanwhile I got crepitus in my knees and the cortisone shots stopped working as well.
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I always said if i had a chance to reverse I'd start at hs when i played baseball and actually had a chance till i tore my knee up. Even had an open tryout for the Indians ( Guardians, whatever). Once that happened i just gave up. wish i never did but my kids probably wouldn't be around so ......

Yeah i should've kept playin ...
Depends on your starting point.

You know how people in their 40s are like I’m more in shape now than I was in my 20s.


I’m in the best shape of my life etc.

definitely depends on where you start. i’d agree tho, if one actually got to a high level/peak condition when younger, it is super difficult to get back to that but you can certainly become ‘less washed’ 😂 which could be, relative to others, not washed at all, but compared to their past self washed…so being washed is absolute but your state of washedness is relative

on the subject of trying to be less washed, gotta stop trying myself on plyometric days…strained my achilles, again on a simple back handspring…and again injured myself on a day i rode my bicycle (times like this, i regret riding a fixed gear bicycle) to the gym, did some time in the pool after that made the ride back to the spot ok

I think it’s possible to unwash 5 years from yourself if you’re just an avg joe not an athlete.
I don't know whether it counts as being washed or not, but some college kids called me out for being 40+ when I'm only in my 30s during a pickup game. They also had the height and weight advantage on me and clowned me for having the ugliest Jordans (Jordan 36). They said all that after the game.

We won 15-7 and I had more than half of our points.

I don't know whether it counts as being washed or not, but some college kids called me out for being 40+ when I'm only in my 30s during a pickup game. They also had the height and weight advantage on me and clowned me for having the ugliest Jordans (Jordan 36). They said all that after the game.

We won 15-7 and I had more than half of our points.

i wouldve asked for their mutha's # after giving em that work
I don't know whether it counts as being washed or not, but some college kids called me out for being 40+ when I'm only in my 30s during a pickup game. They also had the height and weight advantage on me and clowned me for having the ugliest Jordans (Jordan 36). They said all that after the game.

We won 15-7 and I had more than half of our points.

Putting in work in the paint, like a baby tim duncan.
I don't know whether it counts as being washed or not, but some college kids called me out for being 40+ when I'm only in my 30s during a pickup game. They also had the height and weight advantage on me and clowned me for having the ugliest Jordans (Jordan 36). They said all that after the game.

We won 15-7 and I had more than half of our points.


Bro those college kids can be straight HURTFUL! I got keys to my HS and started advertising open gyms on a public FB page to get more numbers.

So like 5 of my mid-thirties friends show up, and like 25 college kids show up. We shoot for teams so we’re all mixed up.

Had a really good hoop sesh last week. My team ran the table. Never lost a game so we kept the same team all night. I was leading scorer most games.

Afterward I’m walking to my car and I overhear 2 of the college kids talking. The one that was on my team the whole time was like “yooooo I can’t believe we held the court for so long. We had old man rivers who could only make breakaway layups. Jumper was trash!”

i don’t know why y’all acting like calling the old dude, old is a new or unexpected thing…regardless of the state of being washed or how you perform, you gon’ get these jokes regardless if you playing with the youngins 🤣🤣🤣
i don’t know why y’all acting like calling the old dude, old is a new or unexpected thing…regardless of the state of being washed or how you perform, you gon’ get these jokes regardless if you playing with the youngins 🤣🤣🤣

And we get more emotional as we get older. Got me sitting there like “y’all finished, or y’all done?”
mann when the young dudes start calling me OG on the court, i’ll know i’m officially of the washed generation

thing about being asian though is im 36 and can’t grow a beard so i probably won’t be called OG probably until im 50+ :lol: i still get asked to show a hallpass by the campus security at the high school i work with when i’m walking thru hallways. it’s embarrassing for all parties involved
My grays are getting more prominent so that doesn't even bother me anymore. Actually got carded and wondered what was wrong with son.
Same thing happened to me a while back. Was picking up backwoods for someone at the store and the clerk asked for my ID. I was looking around, who me? You joking? I think i was older than the clerk too :lol:
I have no greys on top and only have a sparse few greys in my beard, never more than 3. I can find them and yank them. Bout to sign back up for Trt though **** it. Granite i was also younger and more active when i was on it i loved how it felt, altho idk how much of it is/was mental. I have nothing but time at my current job so no excuse for me not to get back into shape
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