Method Mans responses Appreciation

Originally Posted by I AM KNOWLEDGE

Method Man and Rexx used to have some very interesting verbal discourse. I know this is a method man appreciation post, but I feel like while Rex and Method Man are on opposite spectrums, these two are the personification of why NT is great.

My first baby bottle was filled with Sweet Baby Rays Sauce, and some of Method's post have really made me consider giving up Pork. No one man should have all that power.

But really I have a lot of respect for him, and have even found myself looking up to him at times, which is crazy considering that I believe that we are close to the same age.

People always wonder what his 'real' life is like, and I always say that if he has given the same amount of effort in life that he has given to Niketalk, he is definitely in a good position. That's all i need to know.

I always found it funny that out of all the members of the Wu, he'd use Method Man as his NT namesake. Imagine if he would have called himself U-God.

 sup foo!
Anytime you have to keep a board like this under control, you're going to have to make judgment calls on occasion, and some will disagree. Dirty and Meth do a pretty good job of exercising their power in a genuine way.

I'm still waiting to meet them in real life... or to become a mod. I'll be happy with either. 

There is one post methodman made where I was drunk, but when I read it (or tried to because of my state of mind)  I swear it really changed my perspective on how I look at people. I think it was in response to rock deep's scam and everyone was flaming him. He said something like " only children view the world where people are identified as only good or bad."

of course he said it so much more eloquently and about 5 paragraphs long and I was drunk when I read it so a lot of it didnt stick. But that very night a facebook friend posted a broad generalization about a men being creeps for whatever reason and it was getting a lot of responses from her female friends supporting her claim. I straight copywrote 2 sentences from meth's response that I felt related to the topic and passed out. The next morning I get a wall post from her saying that I was right and that she felt bad for being so quick to judge someone. Also she deleted the post from facebook. I had no idea what I said and it wasn't on her wall so I spent a good night trying to find Methodman's post so I could read the whole thing with a sober mind and maybe see what I stole that could be so convincing, But I never found it.

Meth needs to come out with a book already

There is one post methodman made where I was drunk, but when I read it (or tried to because of my state of mind)  I swear it really changed my perspective on how I look at people. I think it was in response to rock deep's scam and everyone was flaming him. He said something like " only children view the world where people are identified as only good or bad."

of course he said it so much more eloquently and about 5 paragraphs long and I was drunk when I read it so a lot of it didnt stick. But that very night a facebook friend posted a broad generalization about a men being creeps for whatever reason and it was getting a lot of responses from her female friends supporting her claim. I straight copywrote 2 sentences from meth's response that I felt related to the topic and passed out. The next morning I get a wall post from her saying that I was right and that she felt bad for being so quick to judge someone. Also she deleted the post from facebook. I had no idea what I said and it wasn't on her wall so I spent a good night trying to find Methodman's post so I could read the whole thing with a sober mind and maybe see what I stole that could be so convincing, But I never found it.

Meth needs to come out with a book already
UnkleTomCruze wrote:

I really feel sorry about your poverty. It is not a want of money but it is an intellectual poverty that you and a few of your e-friends need to remedy. You cannot engage me in a discussion about ideas so you have to use 4chan style flame attacks. Congratulations, I no longer write regular columns because it is an act of casting pearls before swine and I now stick to ad hoc responses in threads where I can see that serious people are already engaged in a discussion.

Let me guess, that last paragraph was too much for you to read? Here are your "cliffs," you need to grow up and if a thread is too serious for you, stay out of it, the Internet and the world are very big places, no one is making you read my posts.

As far as Methodman is concerned, I appreciate his intellectual rigor as well as his latest "can't post" thread which was great. Those "didn't read" gif users are to our community as the guy who tries to roll your ankle is to basketball. I am glad that our top official decided to give those types the swift ejection. There are hundreds of boards where people will thoroughly enjoy tired, childish, pathetic and shop worn gifs. 
UnkleTomCruze wrote:

I really feel sorry about your poverty. It is not a want of money but it is an intellectual poverty that you and a few of your e-friends need to remedy. You cannot engage me in a discussion about ideas so you have to use 4chan style flame attacks. Congratulations, I no longer write regular columns because it is an act of casting pearls before swine and I now stick to ad hoc responses in threads where I can see that serious people are already engaged in a discussion.

Let me guess, that last paragraph was too much for you to read? Here are your "cliffs," you need to grow up and if a thread is too serious for you, stay out of it, the Internet and the world are very big places, no one is making you read my posts.

As far as Methodman is concerned, I appreciate his intellectual rigor as well as his latest "can't post" thread which was great. Those "didn't read" gif users are to our community as the guy who tries to roll your ankle is to basketball. I am glad that our top official decided to give those types the swift ejection. There are hundreds of boards where people will thoroughly enjoy tired, childish, pathetic and shop worn gifs. 
^ Haven't seen Rex post in a long while.

Anyway, Meth is doing a real good job on NT. And that is appreciated.
Funny dude.
^ Haven't seen Rex post in a long while.

Anyway, Meth is doing a real good job on NT. And that is appreciated.
Funny dude.
I like that we know nothing about Method Man other than the fact that he runs NT, it adds a cool mystique to him.  I also like how we assume he looks like his avatar (Cobra Commander) because of this.
I like that we know nothing about Method Man other than the fact that he runs NT, it adds a cool mystique to him.  I also like how we assume he looks like his avatar (Cobra Commander) because of this.
Originally Posted by Dunk Demon

I like that we know nothing about Method Man other than the fact that he runs NT, it adds a cool mystique to him.  I also like how we assume he looks like his avatar (Cobra Commander) because of this.

Word,it's crazy how we no barely anything about him compared to other mods
Originally Posted by Dunk Demon

I like that we know nothing about Method Man other than the fact that he runs NT, it adds a cool mystique to him.  I also like how we assume he looks like his avatar (Cobra Commander) because of this.

Word,it's crazy how we no barely anything about him compared to other mods
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

To be fair, a lot of us would be just as witty with the bans if we had the power to...

I suspect meth takes pleasure in taking out the trash, and I aint even mad. Anarchy is the last thing we want on this board.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

To be fair, a lot of us would be just as witty with the bans if we had the power to...

I suspect meth takes pleasure in taking out the trash, and I aint even mad. Anarchy is the last thing we want on this board.
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