MARVEL NETFLIX Thread * RIP STAN LEE - Jessica Jones = Final Season


  • Daredevil S1

    Votes: 36 31.3%
  • Daredevil S2

    Votes: 43 37.4%
  • Jessica Jones

    Votes: 8 7.0%
  • Luke Cage

    Votes: 26 22.6%
  • He Insisted & Bragged That He Was the Iron Fist But Never Really Showed & Whined About It Instead AK

    Votes: 2 1.7%

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They're most definitely gonna die if they stick around. But I don't wanna see that. They played the everybody dies around Jessica angle in both seasons.
That's just plain facts for superheroes across the board usually.

IF (was driven by death).

im sorry. you telling me we went thru this slow *** season and THAT was the payoff? really? im good on JJ. she was a complete wreck over her mother who was killing everything in her path. then trish suddenly develops and obsession over becoming super powered and is willing to do anything to get it... including what she did to drug addict #1 whatever his name is. and then what she did in the very end? So trish is so stupid she thinks there is no line she can't cross cuz theyre sisters?

By the end of this season, I was hoping Jess would just pull an of mice and men on both her mom AND trish.
Trish looks like she has Domino type powers, maybe she's the villain next season, goes on a crazy crusade assassinating people she deems evil.
Trish been wanting powers though .. And it's been known.
Reviews like yours always seem like you're looking for her show to be like dardevil

everyone "wants powers" but trish goes from "im gonna use my voice! thats my power" to willing to shoot friends, use whoever, use drugs again, willing to sacrifice jessicas mother's case and thus screwing over jess, and would rather die than be normal. she went from nurse rosario dawson to a villain obsessed with obtaining power. i didnt drop a review. i just sat looking at the screen upset with myself that i stuck this season out and that was the ending.
since season1 she wanted Jess to be the hero, she was jealous of the power, since season 1 we knew she wanted to be more than trish talks. Season 2 comes, and they find the person who can give her powers. She took the inhaler in the first place because she heard jess fighting and wanted to help. She found a way she could help,. she felt good about herself, something she's always wanted she was finally getting. it was a good progression for her
Plus we all knew she was gonna get powers or become Hellcat somehow. It would've been boring and predictable if she would've been her regular self then got her powers. Her being desperate and highlighting her addiction brought more depth to the character.
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I would've preferred her to get her powers in a less scumbaggy deliberate way tbh.

They could've kept her background as a failed child star, teenage star, and pop star, drug addiction, etc. Patsy in the comics is a bit of a hot mess as well but she's loyal to her friends and not insanely murderous.

I didn't even mind how she kidnapped Mallus to get powers and kinda wished Jess didnt stop it or that Trish died on the table cuz it was ended abruptly and she let Mallus inject her so she could be revived.

Like Jess said though, it didn't have to be her.

everyone "wants powers" but trish goes from "im gonna use my voice! thats my power" to willing to shoot friends, use whoever, use drugs again, willing to sacrifice jessicas mother's case and thus screwing over jess, and would rather die than be normal. she went from nurse rosario dawson to a villain obsessed with obtaining power. i didnt drop a review. i just sat looking at the screen upset with myself that i stuck this season out and that was the ending.
Did you miss where her life/career began to spiral down the drain?

She wss going through a breakdown of her own on several fronts.

I agree it could've taken a closer focus to examine how she snapped. Probably should've added that the inhaler can make a person lose impulse control or suffer psychotic breaks.
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I would've preferred her to get her powers in a less scumbaggy deliberate way tbh.

Did you miss where her life/career began hospital down the drain?

She wss going through a breakdown of her own on several fronts.

I agree it could've taken a closer focus to examine how she snapped. Probably should've added that the inhaler fan make a person lose impulse control or suffer psychotic breaks.

i just didnt like it period. seeing all around the net too that this season can be seen as Trish's decent into insanity. i agree with that tbh. her breakdown came from as jess put it "insecurity issues." but as mentioned above.... she literally became murderous. she became a villain, to get powers to be... a hero? she wants to protect her friends so.... she kidnaps one, and murders the others mother in front of her? huh? its like trish doesnt realize that she doesnt really have Jess's well being at heart. She keeps SAYING "i did this and that to protect you" but every single decision that trish made this ENTIRE season has been a selfish one fueled by her trying to become more than who she is. Even in the beginning of the season she blew up Jess's whole spot on the radio just because. Trish doesnt really give a damn about Jess. She just uses her to excuse the jacked up stuff she did ALL SEASON LONG.

was she a jerk last season? sure. did she have wild plans like challenging kilgrave on the air? definitely. was she a kidnapping, murdering, relapsing drug addict who would sacrifice jess's (and anyone else for that matter) well-being for her own gain? no.

and for that reason... im out. She was a frustratingly stupid character this season. Not to mention the overall slow burn of 9 out of the 13 hours. I'm good G.
Well yeah, I to felt it made her too unlikable. But I do wonder if that was the emotional pull the writers were going for.

I liked Trish as a supporting character and best friend to Jess cynical self. They snatched that away in a pretty ugly way this season.

I wouldn't quite say she was a villain or the villain of the season cuz there's plenty shades of gray for JJ stories. In one sense she had a pic you could agree with but too many extreme actions were taken; knocking out Malcolm and putting him in the trunk, the whole inhaler part of the story and getting Malcolm to take it, she pretty much lost it after dumping her bf and Jess telling her the case was over.

But I feel a lot of those flashbacks explained her destructive behavior. Not to mention being a victim of sexual abuse as a teen in the Hollywood industry. There's probably a better story of her pursuing special abilities due to not feeling in control and wanting to help ppl based on her life experiences but Trish is not the main character.
I believe that's what the writers were going for because it made her vital to the store. Before she just existed because she has a presence in the comics. In this season, she had a presence. And it fits with who she was as a character. She's always wanted what Jessica had and she's always pushed her to use her powers. That and the sexual abuse validates her motivations. I didn't see them showing that as something out of line. She became unlikable but I feel as if it was done to add character to someone who was pretty much bland for the most part .
Exactly they pushed her to become unlikeable without givingup too much of Jessica's story.
They knew JJ didn't have a clear cut villian this season, they needed to share that story love and make it interesting. They pushed Patsy which will set her up for next season.
I'm not bashing you for saying the show is bad, If you didn't like , you didn't like it, but when you bash and say it was trash for a reason you didn't quite comprehend, that's when it needs to be discussed... You didnt like it cool.
Well they need to do something about Malcolm next.

Cuz he's just there, and going off to another private investigator agency don't mean ****. I don't like or dislike him but he was pretty expendable when he was an addict in s1 but they gave him some development and showed he's somehow actually good at being a P.I. on his own but I can't see it going anywhere interesting.

Also as far as I can tell he isn't based on anybody from the comics and that makes him more expendable.
only thing i really see for malcom is setting him up to be the damsel in distress possibly dying setting her to want to do the super hero thing instead
Jheri was great as well.
I really liked her story arc too but it sucked they had to give her ALS.

All of the females had a well written story arc. Even Alisa, Jessica's mom, I liked how in the end even she came to the realization she had to ditch Jessica for her own good either by being on the run or going to the Raft.

Which is why it pissed me off that Trish shot a defenseless person in the back of the head.
I really liked her story arc too but it sucked they had to give her ALS.

All of the females had a well written story arc. Even Alisa, Jessica's mom, I liked how in the end even she came to the realization she had to ditch Jessica for her own good either by being on the run or going to the Raft.

Which is why it pissed me off that Trish shot a defenseless person in the back of the head.

I wonder how Jessica figured out about the Raft
rewatching season 2 of Daredevil. May be the greatest netflix show ever, not just best marvel. awesome fight scenes
awesome acting.
Finished season 2 today. Liked it overall. Trish needs to chill B. Trinity got them yambs and liked the mom-daughter angle until the very end. That was a wack way for her to go out.
Trish annonying as hell.

Wiki already got her down as Hellcat :lol:

Her powers doesn’t seem to resemble those in the comics.

Also the Actress the plays JJ one of the best actresses/actors that the TV MCU has.
Her main super power is supernatural in origin. I doubt she'll be sensing mystical **** in JJ.

Probably just gonna give her the common super agility and reflexes, slightly enhanced healing factor, and maybe enhanced strength.
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