Loved the series, def buying this on Blu Ray.
Episode 8, shot multiple times, get some sleep, back at it.
Ep 9, shot to side of the head, multiple chest shots, sleep, few bruises.
Ep 10, shoulder shot, knife wound, some bactine and nap, let's do this.
Ep 11, stabbed, shot, blown up, beat to a pulp, operated on on a bed, few Z's, good to go.
Ep 12 and 13, shot a half dozen times, knife thru the arm, beat repeatedly, lil purple and yellow discoloration but we're good to go still.
This is about 10-15 days worth of timeline.
Wolverine is jealous of these healing abilities.
Face drag scene was
Bullet to the cheek, glass to the gut, face drag, broken arm, bashed skull, little surgery and we're good still. Okay.
Still loved the show, just rough on everyone's shoulders and glancing blows to the face with bullets. 3 people took bullets to the head and merely have some scarring.