LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by im that one

is there anywhere or anyone who has a better find of that Lost finale poster?

Not one around. It's gonna be a while before we see a hi-res shot of that probably. I'd love one for my wallpaper though.

Zik-you mad?
Damn, you sound like you lost all faith in the show orsomething. I'm not saying the vids are definitely going to pertain to the show. The poster doesn't HAVE to be the definitive answer for what season 6will be, but it's summer. I hate baseball, there's NOTHING on TV that I care to watch so when anything new and interesting drops about the best/myfavorite show of all time, you best believe i'm going to get hype over it.
Sorry if you don't feel the same way, but let us haveour fun.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Zik-you mad?
Damn, you sound like you lost all faith in the show or something. I'm not saying the vids are definitely going to pertain to the show. The poster doesn't HAVE to be the definitive answer for what season 6 will be, but it's summer. I hate baseball, there's NOTHING on TV that I care to watch so when anything new and interesting drops about the best/my favorite show of all time, you best believe i'm going to get hype over it.
Sorry if you don't feel the same way, but let us have our fun.
Not at all. Where are you getting any of hat from? All I'm saying is I aint gonna buy in to and get hype over what's being given to usfrom comicon. Your the one that brought up the poster as if it was proof of me being wrong or something.

This is LOST
After what CruzAzul9 replied to me with I'm even moreinclined to not take the two vids as iron clad truth. Don't see where anything I said stops you from having your fun like I said the vids are cool butI'm not gonna run with them.
It's all good. It just seemed to me like you were mad at the show/producers or something like that calling them out on the chang video from last comicon.Anything at this point will get blown out of proportion through. It's the FINAL SEASON.
Today in my Chem II class we learned about Faradays Constant when I heard the professor say those words I was
Everybody pretty much knows how much I hate Walt and the mystery behind his character but I seriously doubt his story is over. We don't need to worry aboutit. Something willlll go down.
Yeah, I 'm doing my off season re-watch, I'm a little past half way thru S1. And there is def something with Walt. Maybe the producers left that"plan" behind, but for some reason I doubt it.

Few other things I noticed:

I'm back on the theory that, that wasn't Jack's first time on the island..... for now.

LOCKE IS, WAS, AND WILL ALWAYS BE THAT DUDE. (I hope somehow, someway he really isn't dead

REALLY forgot how much I liked Charlie.

Forgot how conniving, crazy, G, Kate was.

The numbers and how tied up they was, Hurley, it was the original transmission on the island before Rousseau changed it, the hatch. Dude in the nut house toldHurly he opened up "the box" by using them.

And it's also weird seeing the Sun and Michael "crush" or whatever you wanna call it.

This is VERY weird thought, but for some reason another thing that kinda stuck out to me during the rewatch was the time that boar was messing with Sawyer (hewas still Sawyer at this point EBW
), and to me I think it was kind ofimplied it was somehow the shrimp guy he killed.
Just watched the whole panel now

I read that Charlie had "Am I Alive?" on his hands in the youtube comments but you couldn't see anything in the vid so either someone is makingthat up or it's coming directly from someone who was at Comic Con.


Not sure if I'm gonna avy this or stick with the white theme.
Overall, watching the panel definitely got me hyped for nothing since it's still a long time before the season starts but it's all good.
nice find.
he better not be alive.

that reminds me that nothing ever happened with Mikhail?
I just googled it and he was last seen after throwing the grenade that killed Charlie and then nothing ...
yea i was just there... no luck

this was on the website when i was looking. thought id share. nothing of substance just something more Lost.
Mysteries of the Universe: The Dharma Initiative is a five-part short-form series that debuts on ABC.com on August 4 in the build up to the sixth and finalseason of Lost later this year.

The online 'documentary' is set in the early 1980s and attempts to "uncover the truth about the shadowy organisation" through interviews,research and eyewitness accounts.

on that video up there, from digg.com
I'm sure i'll be watching. It's really the only thing to help hold me over besides actually watching re-runs.

After watching older episodes, I kinda do miss Charlie I guess. I didn't use to like his character, but i'm kinda caught in the hype of the idea of himcoming back with all these hints and stuff.
This is an amazing deal for anyone looking to upgrade their LOST collection to Blu-ray. Amazon is offering a preorder for all 5 seasons for only $172.That's over 50% savings on what it would regularly be at retail price. Sure it's never going to be full retail anywhere all the time but it's worthit at this price if you have the money now and are patient enough to wait for the discs. Personally, I can't do it because i'm waiting on 1-6 onBlu-ray in some hopefully dope Dharma box or something. Heres the link for anyone who is interested though.

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