LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!


here's to a break from the heated research and strained eyes of LOST fans.

the obvious is shown in this picture
Kate DID looked busted up when she got out of that van.

Sawyer's speech about getting over someone was mad deep man. I can relate to him on that one. You can get over them if you aren't around them but whenyou see them again for that first time, it cuts DEEP.

After reading you guys posts and Vozzeks write up, this episode is actually VERY appreciated from me. I've had one hell of a terrible week so I wasn'tin full LOST mode last night but i've turned it around today and am doing a lot better.

Seeing that statue was so sick! Young Charlotte was kind of sad too if you look at it through Daniel's eyes. I mean he loved her but couldn't reallyexpress all his feelings.

SMH @ a week off. At least it isn't three or 4 though. This season is going along too damn good and fast to take a serious hiatus. I think for the firsttime in LOST history we are actually caught up completely on the timeline right? I mean we have seen (FOR THE MOST PART) how we got to where we are RIGHT nowin the story and have NO idea where we will be going from here.

Originally Posted by dr funk 13


Referring to the numbers then are you? The Valenzetti Equation? The equation that predicts the end of humanity? Supposedly that's the reason the DHARMA Initiative was created, to change one element of the eqaution. Correct?

Either that or your G (masonic?) and New Order of the Ages...

Yeah, the G co-relates to the meaning of Freemasonary. Unfortunately, I can't talk about that any further.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by dr funk 13


Referring to the numbers then are you? The Valenzetti Equation? The equation that predicts the end of humanity? Supposedly that's the reason the DHARMA Initiative was created, to change one element of the eqaution. Correct?

Either that or your G (masonic?) and New Order of the Ages...

Yeah, the G co-relates to the meaning of Freemasonary. Unfortunately, I can't talk about that any further.

"It's a secret society, all we ask is trust"
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

I don't know if this has already been asked/answered but if the flashes stopped after Locke turned the wheel, then how did Jack, Kate and Hurley get on the island. Sawyer and them were stuck back in the 70s because the flashes stopped. Yet Jack Kate and Hurley only got to the island through the flash that happened as they flew over the island. Are flashes still happening on the island for the people in current time (Locke, Ben and the other survivors of 316) and just not for those who were in the time of when Locke "fixed" the wheel?
Good question. Anyone
Well, I'll try my best to answer this w/o spoiling too much. Basically, the island stay within time. Like we've observed all throughoutseason 1, the island is sensitive with time, and the rules of time and space works very much differently than the mainland. Once Locke pushed the wheel, theisland was calibrated to a specific time, and now flows through that specific time frame.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by MexicanSoul

He was wrong about the O6 so he holds no weight.
Going back like 3 seasons, pretty much the only thing I've seen him miss on. You need to let it go man.

I've apologized for that, and I will apologize once again. At that time I wasn't as fortunate enough to watch future episodes in advance like I can donow. A lot of plans chnage within this show. I think i've pointed that out several times throughout this season.

But, what I do what everyone to know is that what I provide here is what I know from my current state. What I know today, can never be seen tomorrow. But thatonly happens about .01% of the time
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by dr funk 13


Referring to the numbers then are you? The Valenzetti Equation? The equation that predicts the end of humanity? Supposedly that's the reason the DHARMA Initiative was created, to change one element of the eqaution. Correct?

Either that or your G (masonic?) and New Order of the Ages...

Yeah, the G co-relates to the meaning of Freemasonary. Unfortunately, I can't talk about that any further.
Not a problem.
I respect the brotherhood of Freemasonry.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Kate DID looked busted up when she got out of that van.

Sawyer's speech about getting over someone was mad deep man. I can relate to him on that one. You can get over them if you aren't around them but when you see them again for that first time, it cuts DEEP.

After reading you guys posts and Vozzeks write up, this episode is actually VERY appreciated from me. I've had one hell of a terrible week so I wasn't in full LOST mode last night but i've turned it around today and am doing a lot better.

Seeing that statue was so sick! Young Charlotte was kind of sad too if you look at it through Daniel's eyes. I mean he loved her but couldn't really express all his feelings.

SMH @ a week off. At least it isn't three or 4 though. This season is going along too damn good and fast to take a serious hiatus. I think for the first time in LOST history we are actually caught up completely on the timeline right? I mean we have seen (FOR THE MOST PART) how we got to where we are RIGHT now in the story and have NO idea where we will be going from here.


I can relate to Sawyer in the same way, man. Everything he said was right. Thats why I love this show. It doesn't reach in just in an entertaining level,but it also touches you in a very personal level.
So did the plane that crashed with Jack, etc. crash into 1977? The crash in the pilot episode just happened to be into the same time as the real world?
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

So did the plane that crashed with Jack, etc. crash into 1977? The crash in the pilot episode just happened to be into the same time as the real world?

I was hoping no one would ask this question. It's VERY difficult for me to answer this w/o completly spoiling everything and ruining season 5. I don'twant to take that away from any of you. Even if you do want to know, I just don't want to rob you guys of this surprise. Everyone who has been dedicated tothe show deserves to find out the old fashioned way. Trust me when I say that.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

So did the plane that crashed with Jack, etc. crash into 1977? The crash in the pilot episode just happened to be into the same time as the real world?

I was hoping no one would ask this question. It's VERY difficult for me to answer this w/o completly spoiling everything and ruining season 5. I don't want to take that away from any of you. Even if you do want to know, I just don't want to rob you guys of this surprise. Everyone who has been dedicated to the show deserves to find out the old fashioned way. Trust me when I say that.


Well let's think about this for a second...
One particular event that I remember was Ben showing Jack that the Red Sox won the title in 2004...
If they weren't in the present...when were they?




Through a round-about sort of way, I've happened across some interesting points of intersection between the TV show LOST and the writings of AleisterCrowley. Among Crowley's writings are The Book of the Law (a book with a similar title featured in an episode of LOST) and an account of "The LostContinent of Atlantis" that features, among other things, Atlanteans who cannot have children, and a fear that further "progress" beyond theperfection they'd achieved would mean a loss of perfection and be detrimental, and thus a plan emerged to preserve the status quo.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who saw a resemblance between Daniel Faraday's diagram of space-time (also found in the Hydra station in "TheLife and Death of Jeremy Bentham") and depictions of Gnostic emanations, Hermetic, mystical and magical diagrams, and that sort of thing.

But perhaps most intriguing is the apparent similarity between John Locke and Crowley himself. Crowley apparently believed he was special from birth, destinedfor greatness. And so one wonders what the message of LOST will be. Is it that belief in one's own specialness becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, one thatinspires all sorts of people to do horrific things?

Another echo I missed until it was pointed out to me is of The Last Temptation of Christ. In the scene where Locke is about to kill himself and then Benarrives, it is very reminiscent of the scene when an "angel" appears and tells Jesus he can come down from the cross, he's suffered enough. Butin that movie, Judas is friend rather than traitor, and interestingly enough, given the Ben/Judas parallels, in both the necessary death comes about throughBen's/Judas' influence, but in very different ways. And so as always, there are not only echoes and parallels but inversions of other stories and theirthemes and characters as well.
I just want to see that damn statue!!

I got this theory in mind, but it seems to be missing this one part and I think Richard Alpert and this damn statue will put it into place. So far season 5 hasbeen further supporting my theory.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

I just want to see that damn statue!!

I got this theory in mind, but it seems to be missing this one part and I think Richard Alpert and this damn statue will put it into place. So far season 5 has been further supporting my theory.
_ you cant have a theory when you know wats going on
sooooo did the oceanic 6 crash in 1977 and the actual plane with locke/ben crash into the present...? because that is what i was thinking the whole time
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by nycknicks105

I just want to see that damn statue!!

I got this theory in mind, but it seems to be missing this one part and I think Richard Alpert and this damn statue will put it into place. So far season 5 has been further supporting my theory.
_ you cant have a theory when you know wats going on
I know up to a certain extent, like some people here. I dont like to be totally spoiled. I know most of whats going on, but I don't know thebe all-end all. Like for example, I dont know who Jacob is....and some other stuff.
alright i dont wanna skim through pages cuz theres a bunch of good theory's ideas etc
heres mines hopefully no one posted one like this

so i was thinking that when charles told locke that he has to go back to the island or else the wrong side is going to win seeing that charleswas part of thedharma the wrong side is the others. i remember in the last episode i think juliet said she used to live there but when the others took over the place. thehuge battle is going to be dharma vs the others. charles wants locke to be there so that he changes the outcome dharma wins instead of the others and dharmawould be runnng the island instead of the others. since ben came back to the island hes going to prevent dharma from winning and everything stays the same andwhatever happened, happened. hopefully my theory made sense theres a bunch of holes in the theory but oh well.
Jack, Sawyer, and the Losties-turned-DHARMA eventually be the ones to turn the wheel or shift the island to 2004 so that the plane will crash...

nycknicks, DON'T tell me anything about this, just thinking out loud
. I appreciate that you give us info, but not major spoilers, and I like that youwant to keep it that way

One thing I do want to ask though, given what you know, is that popular theory that the show will return to Jack waking up in the jungle after the 815 crash aridiculous idea, or a not-so-ridiculous idea?
Where are Bernard & Rose? Is it important that they are not around? This is getting out of hand. I don't appreciate her attitude but jeez!

Thanks Knicks!
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