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^ What I do LOVE about Pryor is that his ability to scramble and run the ball himself takes some load off of DMC. I am hoping that means keeping him healthy for a whole season.
The City of Oakland has been dragging its feet on the issue of the Raiders getting a new stadium (the O.co was sold out in its first of eight home dates Sunday) and now it appears that the mayor of the City can’t be bothered to show up to meetings with the NFL on the matter on time.

Vic Tafur of the San Francisco Chronicle was the first to report on the absence of Oakland Mayor Jean Quan as the Chronicle reported on what was supposed to be a private meeting between the City, Mark Davis and the NFL.

Tafur confirmed that Raiders owner Mark Davis, along with Oakland and Alameda County officials, met at the team headquarters last week to update a delegation from the National Football League on the prospects for a new stadium.

The Chronicle report claimed that the money for the stadium is still not there.

“The fact is that Davis doesn’t have finances like, say, a Jerry Jones (owner of the Dallas Cowboys) to swing a stadium deal on his own,” one person who was at the meeting told the Chronicle’s Phillip Matier And Andrew Ross. “We’d have to ask the voters to help.”
And while no one said it at the meeting, everyone knows the chances of voters helping out with a new stadium deal – while they are still paying off $20 million a year for the 1990s renovation of the old one – are slim to none.
None of the attendees of the private meeting would speak to the Chronicle on the record, but they did divulge that the lack of punctuality from Mayor Quan did not boost spirits amongst the league.

“She arrived 20 minutes late,” said our attendee, Tafur reported. “She apologized, saying she was held up by a phone call.”

Mark Davis wants a modest stadium in the 50, 000 seating range. His lack of personal funds might threaten the proud tradition of the Raiders as it appears more and more likely that the City of Oakland doesn’t want to keep the Raiders (and the A’s) in the East Bay for their loyal fans. If Davis is forced to find a city that is willing to bring the NFL to town, he may be forced to move the Raider Nation for another time.
F*^& Quan.

Clady is hurt. The floodgates of hell have opened. Lets pay some fines on Monday Night against Peyton Manning.
Quan is messing up...reports are that she is expecting some news regarding a new stadium by the end of the year. I think shes full of **** though...something about her I just dont like or trust...prototype politician...
Ya'll seriously mad at the Mayor of Oakland over a stadium. Look, I want the Raiders to be in Oakland. They belond in Oakland. But the City simply doesn't have $300 million to build a new ******g stadium. The education system is awful. Crime is still a problem. Oakland employees were on strike just 2 months ago. The roadways are littered with potholes and in general poor conditions. The City has been on the brink of bankruptcy since 2009. If a brand new sparkling football stadium is in Quan's Top 10 priorities, she should be FIRED. Straight up.
Quad is going to be ousted regardless in the next mayoral race. And I agree Oakland has priorities before building a stadium for the Raiders. Hence my position on going back to LA.
1 could argue that Raiders leaving would also hurt the city

Maybe look into a place like Dublin.
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Should Oakland fund some of money for a new stadium? Not sure...I live in Oakland and I see how fun and vibrant downtown can be and the possibilities...

With that said...Quan should be taking these stadium talks serious because she can lose all 3 professional sport teams during her stint. And being 20 minuets late to a meeting that can lead to more jobs/money to your city?! C'mon man...

Rumor was a couple of months ago that the Raiders and [if approved] the NFL would be able to fund $500 mil and Mayor Quan had her 'peoples' in china that were interested in investing into stadiums. Well where are they now? I hope they were the reason she was 20 minuets late...
Should Oakland fund some of money for a new stadium? Not sure...I live in Oakland and I see how fun and vibrant downtown can be and the possibilities...

With that said...Quan should be taking these stadium talks serious because she can lose all 3 professional sport teams during her stint. And being 20 minuets late to a meeting that can lead to more jobs/money to your city?! C'mon man...

Rumor was a couple of months ago that the Raiders and [if approved] the NFL would be able to fund $500 mil and Mayor Quan had her 'peoples' in china that were interested in investing into stadiums. Well where are they now? I hope they were the reason she was 20 minuets late...

I'm saying. Priority should always go to safety, education and economic growth. But man, if you lose 3 professional sports teams? Morale drops. When morale drops you get IDGAF attitude. IDGAF attitude results in...well...you know.

You'd be surprised what people/communities are capable of when they take pride in something.
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To be fair, the A's were packing their bags for San Jo long before Quan became Mayor. Those plans had long been set forth.

The mismanagement of City funds doesn't happen in ONE mayoral term. This is the result of poor planning/circumstance for years.

Someone mentioned downtown being vibrant. I grew up in Oakland and for the first 18 years of my life, downtown was NOTHING like it is today. I can actually go there now with friends, hit a few bars, see beautfiul women and have a great time. Good vibes and **** that I had never seen before. There's progress being made in the City and if you had the choice between a better school system/lowered crime rate/economic growth vs. a new stadium...I think the choice is obvious.

Plus...can we really look at the City of Oakland and place 100% of the blame on them for not replacing the Coliseum? What about the Davis family? In that very same article, it did mention that Jerry Jones didn't need to hold the City of Dallas hostage to build his massive new stadium? They deserve some blame, if not most IMO. Oakland ain't San Francisco. Ya'll know this. Oakland is predominantly blue collar workers. Is there another Pro Football City worse off other than say Detroit and maybe Baltimore? I'm VERY interested to see how they deal with their inevitable new stadium deal.
Moved to the Bay recently and man the 49ers sure done came up. They owned the west side and now moving to Santa Clara got them the south bay. I see 49ers stuff all over the southbay now. I came up in the early 00s to San Jose and I remember it being a Raider Nation strong hold...doesnt seem like it anymore but maybe im wrong. Anyway ima always represent for the Raider Nation
Oct. 6 Raiders-Chargers game on Sunday night?

It looks as if the Raiders have fought off efforts to swap their home games with the Chargers due to a scheduling conflict with the Oakland A’s and the baseball playoffs. The A’s will play at O.co Coliseum on Oct. 5 or 7 depending on where they finish, and Major League Baseball was hoping the Raiders would swap their Oct. 6 home date with the Chargers’ Dec. 22 home date.

But little birdies outside O.co are saying kickoff will likely be pushed back on Oct. 6 for a home night game. The game would be broadcast on the NFL Network.

The A’s and their opponent would have to move their off-day workout, maybe to AT&T Park in San Francisco.

No one is talking about the matter on the record. The Raiders and NFL will make an announcement in the next couple of days.
I guess we aint that bad.
We lead the league in rushing
We almost beat a team away that just beatdown the 49ers at Candlestick
We beat the Jaguars by 8 less points than Seattle.
Hopefully we stun the donkies tomorrow
I think we'll be there down the stretch for a wild card spot, but ultimately lose out. The Skins, Steelers, Chargers are winnable games the way we've played. Denver too, given Clady's injury and Houston having a career year.
I'm using tomorrow nights game as a measuring stick to how far we've come and just how much our defense has improved..

Worried about blitzing Manning as much as we blitz...we need the front four to generate enough rush alone and sprinkle in blitzes to keep manning on his toes...

Hoping DMC goes off too :pimp:
Front four should be able to have lots of pressure with Clady gone. But Peyton will have his check downs ready.
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