*Dead* at the list of football players.
LMAO @ this whole thread.

Jayde really on childish +#$ though. If you not even having a relationship with this dude why would you make him your avy in the first place??? Son prollytelling the whole football team about smashing you and you acting like you bout to get married to this dude. SMH. While EB clearly made this thread for areason, your antics look quite immature.
Child Please!
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

LMAO @ this whole thread.

Jayde really on childish +#$ though. If you not even having a relationship with this dude why would you make him your avy in the first place??? Son prolly telling the whole football team about smashing you and you acting like you bout to get married to this dude. SMH. While EB clearly made this thread for a reason, your antics look quite immature.
Child Please!

lmao the reason i made this thread is bcuz this is one of the 1st time i've taken a L like this in a few years. and i figured i'd share it with NT. iknew that she would read it, but considering that i didnt mentino anything that was even remotely related to her i assumed that she would just ignore thisthread & go about her business.

but its fine i just cant wint in this situation. so if i cant win, i jsut wont engage in these lil encounters anymore.

matter of fact its also getting annoying to me. so please the next time I personally engage in these shenanigans(arguments) with her, please have me besuspended for a week as a reminder that nobody wants to read it.

go ahead & screen print that please, im definitely willing to stand by it
Come on EB, you better than this. You knew damn well what was going to happen when you posted this thread.

Jayde just as immature as you...yall need stop trying to impress NT (although entertaining) and get yall situation

handled. It's hella obvious yall still got feelings for each other. Don't even try to lie to me.
Originally Posted by AG 47

Come on EB, you better than this. You knew damn well what was going to happen when you posted this thread.
no i didnt. my post had absolutely nothing to do with her. am i never supposed to post anything on NT that is even slightly related towards sex?bcuz that post damn sure didnt have anything to do with her.

but lets not act like i go around into threads that she participates in & i start drama with her like she's been doin.

oh well, im going to ask a mod to lock this thread up. nothing good is going to come of it still being open
After further review...


@ everything going on from jayde's ratchet comments

to Doosta's short comment

Everything...everything is epic

Jayde you think you'll let Ray ray armstrong smash? He's number 26
I realize im a lil late but.

EB14 i applaude your patience & self control, cuz back in the days i wouldv did it anyway.

All it takes is one time.
andddd, i go to school with both of you. i wonder what it's like when you two cross paths?
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