Local NYC board backs plan to build mosque near Ground Zero

I was there for a while. I had to go outside to make a train transfer and saw a bunch of cops, news trucks (all the usual suspects) and hoards of people just talking on the sidewalk. Had to check out what was going on. Later, someone boarded the A train with me with a "Sharia" sign with letters dripping blood
Muslims traditionally have built mosques over land that they've think they've conquered...  Propaganda victory for the terrorists not matter how you look at it.
Originally Posted by reigndrop

Muslims traditionally have built mosques over land that they've think they've conquered...  Propaganda victory for the terrorists not matter how you look at it.

No not at all...

We don't let them build it: The freedoms that were attacked to prove America is not a moral light in the world and no better than them is proven... So the terrorists won.. Shows we only care about our values when convenient, and are willing to act just like terrorists..

We let them build it: We prove America does not falter.. That our values do not go by the waste-side no matter what.. And our words that America truly is the land of the free is correct...  Let alone allowed it to be run by an Imam hired by Bush to go around the world and promote religious tolerance and sell the United States to the middle east....  And we also show the world that we will not discriminate on people, and we show those who want to "end America" that no matter what you do to us.. Our premise, our ideas, and our values live on...

It's no win-win for terrorists.. It's a win-lose....

We don't need to prove anything to the terrorists who want to kill us.. But we do to the world of billions of Muslims who are not terrorists that we are the land of the free and we don't hate the religion.. And we are willing to build bridges... Show America is not this Islamic Hating Entity..

Cannot propaganda America as Islam hating if we will allow a Mosque to be built anywhere... Right now their propaganda on us is that we are not the land of the free and we hate Islam...

So if we let it be built terrorists take a SERIOUS LOSE to the people who are either sympathizers or those who had a neutral position or any casual observer.
Originally Posted by reigndrop

Muslims traditionally have built mosques over land that they've think they've conquered...  Propaganda victory for the terrorists not matter how you look at it.

No not at all...

We don't let them build it: The freedoms that were attacked to prove America is not a moral light in the world and no better than them is proven... So the terrorists won.. Shows we only care about our values when convenient, and are willing to act just like terrorists..

We let them build it: We prove America does not falter.. That our values do not go by the waste-side no matter what.. And our words that America truly is the land of the free is correct...  Let alone allowed it to be run by an Imam hired by Bush to go around the world and promote religious tolerance and sell the United States to the middle east....  And we also show the world that we will not discriminate on people, and we show those who want to "end America" that no matter what you do to us.. Our premise, our ideas, and our values live on...

It's no win-win for terrorists.. It's a win-lose....

We don't need to prove anything to the terrorists who want to kill us.. But we do to the world of billions of Muslims who are not terrorists that we are the land of the free and we don't hate the religion.. And we are willing to build bridges... Show America is not this Islamic Hating Entity..

Cannot propaganda America as Islam hating if we will allow a Mosque to be built anywhere... Right now their propaganda on us is that we are not the land of the free and we hate Islam...

So if we let it be built terrorists take a SERIOUS LOSS to the people who are either sympathizers or those who had a neutral position or any casual observer.
Originally Posted by reigndrop

Muslims traditionally have built mosques over land that they've think they've conquered...  Propaganda victory for the terrorists not matter how you look at it.


Originally Posted by reigndrop

Muslims traditionally have built mosques over land that they've think they've conquered...  Propaganda victory for the terrorists not matter how you look at it.
This is a few different levels of ridiculous.
a little bit of me can't help but question the judgement in deciding the location of this community center; is it to send a subliminal message, or better yet, they must've seen this backlash coming a mile away, why go thru with that location?. if anything i believe the latter.

ultimately i am for the mosque. the group of people who are anti mosque have flawed reasoning to justify spewing hate. its not so much questioning the placement of the mosque as it is str8 "f all muslims". I am not surprised this thing blew up, it was a wrap for muslims in this country after 9/11. word to dave chappelle.

But at the end of the day its still white america. as the mosque down south is any indication, whether or not it is near ground zero, its still gonna be a big deal.

the sick and sad irony to me, is that the KKK have no backlash whatsoever in this country. sure a lot of people are against their very existence, but anti-muslim > anti KKK in white america. and thats the Word.
So the Imam Rauf sits on the Council of Foreign Relations and is the head of ASMA, it all makes sense now. This place is being built with blood money. The same money this government is funneling to the defense contractors, is the same profits that are being funneled to this cause. The following companies fund the Council on Foreign Relations:

Bank of America
Goldman Sachs
Chevron Corporation
Exxon Mobil Corporation
General Electric Company
JPMorgan Chase & Company
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Morgan Stanley
Shell Oil Company
Rockefeller Group International, Inc.
The Blackstone Group L.P.
Boeing Company
DynCorp International
Raytheon Company
Rothschild North America, Inc.

[table]10 companies making the most in Iraq* (millions of dollars)[tr][th=""]Rank[/th][th=""] Company[/th][th=""]Amount[/th][th=""] [/th][th=""] [/th][th=""] [/th][th=""] [/th][/tr][tr][td]

KBR Inc. (KBR, news, msgs) and Halliburton (HAL, news, msgs)
Veritas Capital Fund
Washington Group International (WNG, news, msgs)
Environmental Chemical
International American Products
Fluor (FLR, news, msgs)
Perini (PCR, news, msgs)
First Kuwaiti General Trading & Contracting
L-3 Communications (LLL, news, msgs)
*Goods and services contracted specifically for Iraq. Source: Eagle Eye

Veritas owns DynCorp and KBR.

This isn't about Islamophobia as I once thought.
So I just watched a video of a black guy (not even Muslim) walking through the "Anti-Community Center" crowd.. And the crowd gets in his face.. Yells at him... And get into a verbal argument with him... All while the crowd is chanting some #%**%%@% slogan..

Black guy is escorted to safety I guess (to avoid riot).. They never asked the man who he is or what his opinion on the building is..

This is the goddamn 1960's again (minus the violence, for now)...

I would love to write all my feelings on this subject but it won't change the views... All the speeches I could make wouldn't matter... I literally feel worried.. This will not end well... And it is tearing this country apart (these #%**%%@% nonsense topics that mean very little)... It is the first nail into the coffin... I hate to be a doomsday kind of person (I never really am) but this is the first sign of this country's demise.. Not the bailouts, not corruption...

It is the citizens under the guise of Political Think Tanks (I'm not sure it is needed).. Are arguing for the land of the free.. By taking away freedoms...

Good run but it's starting to near its end.
Also don't believe this 9/11 BS. If you actually believe some untrained Muslims that took a couple of cessna flying lessons was able to control these planes in the way that they did, especially into the pentagon (worlds most secure building with no video of any plane?) then you are naive 

9/11 had to be an inside job.
But what about those who are Muslim who died in 9/11 either because they worked in the WTC or because they were trying to rescue others... Is that not insensitive to them either?
I think so.
In any event, the U.S. armed forces field Muslim troops and make accommodations for them. The Pentagon opened an interfaith chapel in November 2002 close to the area where hijacked American Airlines flight 77 slammed into the building, killing 184 people

^Essential I think that, while things are certainly bad, they have actually been bad for quite some time now.

Arabs and Muslims have for a long time previous to 9/11 been associated with terrorists and violence.

Now we are reaching a critical point, and it is really entering the political realm. Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller are respected scholars and have given talks on Islam to FBI and Army officials. Geert Wilders is the leading voice in a strong political party. The minaret ban in Switzerland. The niqab bans across Europe, and now possibly in Quebec.

Things have been bad, but now it's becoming more and more obvious to people how polarized the issue is becoming. As long as some media outlets continue to show how high this prejudice has risen, things will get better, God willing.
^Essential I think that, while things are certainly bad, they have actually been bad for quite some time now.

Arabs and Muslims have for a long time previous to 9/11 been associated with terrorists and violence.

Now we are reaching a critical point, and it is really entering the political realm. Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller are respected scholars and have given talks on Islam to FBI and Army officials. Geert Wilders is the leading voice in a strong political party. The minaret ban in Switzerland. The niqab bans across Europe, and now possibly in Quebec.

Things have been bad, but now it's becoming more and more obvious to people how polarized the issue is becoming. As long as some media outlets continue to show how high this prejudice has risen, things will get better, God willing.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

^Essential I think that, while things are certainly bad, they have actually been bad for quite some time now.

Arabs and Muslims have for a long time previous to 9/11 been associated with terrorists and violence.

Now we are reaching a critical point, and it is really entering the political realm. Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller are respected scholars and have given talks on Islam to FBI and Army officials. Geert Wilders is the leading voice in a strong political party. The minaret ban in Switzerland. The niqab bans across Europe, and now possibly in Quebec.

Things have been bad, but now it's becoming more and more obvious to people how polarized the issue is becoming. As long as some media outlets continue to show how high this prejudice has risen, things will get better, God willing.
True.. But not like this...Especially here... Of course you'd hear random racist jabs at Muslims...

But this is a new level...

If this gets built who knows what happens... I think it should get built... But these people are nuts...

I really hope they do get better...

Obama could really shine here (insert speech from Cairo) but there's no way he can because his middle name will be brought up no matter how stupid the damn argument is..

There really is no hope for this...
In any event, the U.S. armed forces field Muslim troops and make accommodations for them. The Pentagon opened an interfaith chapel in November 2002 close to the area where hijacked American Airlines flight 77 slammed into the building, killing 184 people

because its impossible to discern a low key non-denominational room open to all, between a 14 story mosque being pushed by a man(piss and pigs blood be upon him)  who blames this country for 9/11, will not denounce terrorism and wants this nation to be sharia compliant. Funded by dubious sources, smack dab in the vicinity of a civilian graveyard, without a shred of muslim existence in the area. THERE WAS NO DEMAND FOR THIS MOSQUE.

I can see how some might confuse the two.

Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

In any event, the U.S. armed forces field Muslim troops and make accommodations for them. The Pentagon opened an interfaith chapel in November 2002 close to the area where hijacked American Airlines flight 77 slammed into the building, killing 184 people

because its impossible to discern a low key non-denominational room open to all, between a 14 story mosque being pushed by a man(piss and pigs blood be upon him)  who blames this country for 9/11, will not denounce terrorism and wants this nation to be sharia compliant. Funded by dubious sources, smack dab in the vicinity of a civilian graveyard, without a shred of muslim existence in the area. THERE WAS NO DEMAND FOR THIS MOSQUE.

I can see how some might confuse the two.

It is open to anyone who wants to go.. Just like Italian Community Centers and Polish Community Centers and Irish Community Centers are open for those not belonging  to that group
First of all it is 13 stories... Only 1 or 2 of which will be a prayer space...

What he said was our foreign policy contributed to it... Technically he is right... And it is an idea that was even spread by Glenn Beck..

Yes he has denounced terrorism... Not only by actively pursuing religious tolerance around the world.. But by being hired by GEORGE W. BUSH to go to the MIDDLE EAST... And make the people of the area LIKE AMERICA.. And this was stated by the Imam 2 days ago

"This issue of extremism is something that has been a national security issue - not only for the United States, but also for many countries and nations in the Muslim world.

"This is why this particular trip has a great importance because all countries in the Muslim world - as well as the Western world - are facing this ... major security challenge."

His opinion on Sharia Law is FAIRLY RESONABLE http://www.huffingtonpost...w-is-all-a_b_190825.html
More on the Sharia law from President of Muslim Public Affairs in the U.S.  http://www.huffingtonpost...uestions-a_b_687532.html

"1. What about Sharia (Islamic law) in the U.S.?
If what you mean by Sharia is what is practiced in the Muslim world -- no! Many Muslims fled the Muslim world because of corrupt regimes, injustice, misogyny, and downright discourtesy. I love the Muslim peoples throughout the world, and to borrow from Thomas Jefferson, my heart trembles for the Muslim world when I reflect that God is just. Sharia, to me, means living up to God's will of establishing justice. It is driven by five noble goals (as agreed upon uniformly by Muslim scholars throughout the ages), namely to secure and promote individuals' rights to life, expression, faith, property and family. When we see stoning of women in Afghanistan or Nigeria, or child marriages in the Arabian Peninsula, that is not Sharia. It is an exploitation of Islam to oppress people, especially women. (See Abusing Women, Abusing Islam.)

In reality, the U.S. Constitution fulfills my obligation as a Muslim to achieve the five principles of Sharia. When I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, I make a pledge with God to uphold liberty and justice for all. Among our vast challenges today as Muslim Americans is the urgent need to develop a corpus of thinking and action that promotes a progressive approach to applying Islam in the modern era. We must find a way to keep the principles but do away with customs, cultural biases, and archaic traditions."

The funding for it

"3. Where's the funding of Muslim organizations coming from?

My organization, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, only accepts donations from American citizens and residents. If a foreign group or government wants to financially support us, we decline. We have done this since our inception more than 20 years ago because we want to preserve our Muslim American identity and maintain our intellectual independence from any foreign influence. Our challenge as Muslim Americans is to ensure complete financial transparency and accountability to our American constituents. The board of Park51 may not follow our policy, but that's their prerogative. They have at least committed to an audit of all financial transactions to ensure that no funds come from anti-American sources."

Without a shred of Muslim Existence in the area... Except for the Mosque 4 blocks away from Ground Zero.. And the other mosque 8 blocks away from that... And not to mention the Civilian Graveyard for many Muslims as well...

And who cares what is and is not in demand.. It is a damn community center that is going in place of a building that has been an abandoned Burlington Coat Factory for 9 years. (SINCE 2001... THE IRONY). In this country we have freedom of religion, freedom of speech... We also have freedom against discrimination in real estate.. That states you cannot discriminate based on race, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation OR RELIGIOUS GROUNDS...

The building was for sale.. This organization BOUGHT IT... They went to the board and came forth with their plans.. The board accepted it... AND THERE WE HAVE IT THEY WENT THROUGH THE LEGAL PROCESS.

So I can see how some might confuse the two because he has not researched the facts and just stated an opinion which he was absolutely wrong about
This is nothing but a slap to the face of all the Americans that suffered from the horrible events of 9/11....
Originally Posted by mikykr20

This is nothing but a slap to the face of all the Americans that suffered from the horrible events of 9/11....

You're right............if you're talking about the bigots opposing the building of a Muslim Community Center where a Burlington Coat Factory once stood.
Including the Muslim ones?

You know there are Halal carts at ground zero daily. If you don't know, it's similar to "kosher food" for Muslims.

Is that also an insult?
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

In any event, the U.S. armed forces field Muslim troops and make accommodations for them. The Pentagon opened an interfaith chapel in November 2002 close to the area where hijacked American Airlines flight 77 slammed into the building, killing 184 people

because its impossible to discern a low key non-denominational room open to all, between a 14 story mosque being pushed by a man(piss and pigs blood be upon him)  who blames this country for 9/11, will not denounce terrorism and wants this nation to be sharia compliant. Funded by dubious sources, smack dab in the vicinity of a civilian graveyard, without a shred of muslim existence in the area. THERE WAS NO DEMAND FOR THIS MOSQUE.

I can see how some might confuse the two.

It is open to anyone who wants to go.. Just like Italian Community Centers and Polish Community Centers and Irish Community Centers are open for those not belonging  to that group
First of all it is 13 stories... Only 1 or 2 of which will be a prayer space...

What he said was our foreign policy contributed to it... Technically he is right... And it is an idea that was even spread by Glenn Beck..

Yes he has denounced terrorism... Not only by actively pursuing religious tolerance around the world.. But by being hired by GEORGE W. BUSH to go to the MIDDLE EAST... And make the people of the area LIKE AMERICA.. And this was stated by the Imam 2 days ago

"This issue of extremism is something that has been a national security issue - not only for the United States, but also for many countries and nations in the Muslim world.

"This is why this particular trip has a great importance because all countries in the Muslim world - as well as the Western world - are facing this ... major security challenge."

His opinion on Sharia Law is FAIRLY RESONABLE http://www.huffingtonpost...w-is-all-a_b_190825.html
More on the Sharia law from President of Muslim Public Affairs in the U.S.  http://www.huffingtonpost...uestions-a_b_687532.html

"1. What about Sharia (Islamic law) in the U.S.?
If what you mean by Sharia is what is practiced in the Muslim world -- no! Many Muslims fled the Muslim world because of corrupt regimes, injustice, misogyny, and downright discourtesy. I love the Muslim peoples throughout the world, and to borrow from Thomas Jefferson, my heart trembles for the Muslim world when I reflect that God is just. Sharia, to me, means living up to God's will of establishing justice. It is driven by five noble goals (as agreed upon uniformly by Muslim scholars throughout the ages), namely to secure and promote individuals' rights to life, expression, faith, property and family. When we see stoning of women in Afghanistan or Nigeria, or child marriages in the Arabian Peninsula, that is not Sharia. It is an exploitation of Islam to oppress people, especially women. (See Abusing Women, Abusing Islam.)

In reality, the U.S. Constitution fulfills my obligation as a Muslim to achieve the five principles of Sharia. When I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, I make a pledge with God to uphold liberty and justice for all. Among our vast challenges today as Muslim Americans is the urgent need to develop a corpus of thinking and action that promotes a progressive approach to applying Islam in the modern era. We must find a way to keep the principles but do away with customs, cultural biases, and archaic traditions."

The funding for it

"3. Where's the funding of Muslim organizations coming from?

My organization, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, only accepts donations from American citizens and residents. If a foreign group or government wants to financially support us, we decline. We have done this since our inception more than 20 years ago because we want to preserve our Muslim American identity and maintain our intellectual independence from any foreign influence. Our challenge as Muslim Americans is to ensure complete financial transparency and accountability to our American constituents. The board of Park51 may not follow our policy, but that's their prerogative. They have at least committed to an audit of all financial transactions to ensure that no funds come from anti-American sources."

Without a shred of Muslim Existence in the area... Except for the Mosque 4 blocks away from Ground Zero.. And the other mosque 8 blocks away from that... And not to mention the Civilian Graveyard for many Muslims as well...

And who cares what is and is not in demand.. It is a damn community center that is going in place of a building that has been an abandoned Burlington Coat Factory for 9 years. (SINCE 2001... THE IRONY). In this country we have freedom of religion, freedom of speech... We also have freedom against discrimination in real estate.. That states you cannot discriminate based on race, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation OR RELIGIOUS GROUNDS...

The building was for sale.. This organization BOUGHT IT... They went to the board and came forth with their plans.. The board accepted it... AND THERE WE HAVE IT THEY WENT THROUGH THE LEGAL PROCESS.

So I can see how some might confuse the two because he has not researched the facts and just stated an opinion which he was absolutely wrong about

Hopefully he actually reads that. Doubt he will, it's a lot of words and people that hold these views seem to only get their information from 30 second sound bites on the News at 10.
This is why I hate libs and demoRats...y'all are what's wrong with this country. January 2013 cant come soon enough then its Good bye to obuma
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