Local NYC board backs plan to build mosque near Ground Zero

[h1]Michael Enright Charged With Hate Crime: Ahmed Sharif, Muslim Cab Driver, Attacked For Religion[/h1]

NEW YORK — A college student who did volunteer work in Afghanistanwas charged Wednesday with slashing a taxi driver's neck and face afterthe driver said he's Muslim.

A criminal complaint alleges Michael Enright uttered an Arabicgreeting and told the driver, "Consider this a checkpoint," before thebrutal bias attack occurred Tuesday night inside the yellow cab onManhattan's East Side. Police say Enright was drunk at the time.

Ajudge ordered Enright, 21, held without bail on charges of attemptedmurder and assault as hate crimes and possession of a weapon. Thehandcuffed defendant, wearing a polo shirt and cargo shorts, did notenter a plea during the brief court appearance.

Besides a serious neck wound, cabbie Ahmed H. Sharif suffered cutsto his forearms, his face and one hand while trying to fend offEnright, prosecutor James Zeleta said while arguing against bail.

Full story: http://www.huffingtonpost...-stabbed-c_n_694285.html
[h1]Michael Enright Charged With Hate Crime: Ahmed Sharif, Muslim Cab Driver, Attacked For Religion[/h1]

NEW YORK — A college student who did volunteer work in Afghanistanwas charged Wednesday with slashing a taxi driver's neck and face afterthe driver said he's Muslim.

A criminal complaint alleges Michael Enright uttered an Arabicgreeting and told the driver, "Consider this a checkpoint," before thebrutal bias attack occurred Tuesday night inside the yellow cab onManhattan's East Side. Police say Enright was drunk at the time.

Ajudge ordered Enright, 21, held without bail on charges of attemptedmurder and assault as hate crimes and possession of a weapon. Thehandcuffed defendant, wearing a polo shirt and cargo shorts, did notenter a plea during the brief court appearance.

Besides a serious neck wound, cabbie Ahmed H. Sharif suffered cutsto his forearms, his face and one hand while trying to fend offEnright, prosecutor James Zeleta said while arguing against bail.

Full story: http://www.huffingtonpost...-stabbed-c_n_694285.html
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Arson reported at Tennessee mosque construction site

MURFREESBORO, TENN — Federal agents have been called in after someone poured flammable liquid on four pieces of construction equipment early today at the site of a planned new Islamic center and mosque just outside Murfreesboro.

A CBS television affiliate is reporting that it is being investigated as arson.
Carmie Ayash, a spokeswoman for the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, said the Rutherford County Sheriff's Department was contacted around 1:30 a.m. by someone who had seen the fire.
Ayash said the vandalism at the site "takes it to a whole new level." A sign on the property, off Bradyville Pike just southeast of Murfreesboro, has been damaged twice by vandals.

"Everyone in our community no longer feels safe," she said. "To set a fire that could have blown up equipment and, God forbid, spread and caused damage to the neighbors there ... we really feel like this is something that we and the neighbors don't deserve.

The center is planned offer a new place of prayer to replace the office suite that 250 local Muslim families have been using in a nearby office building.

Hundreds of opponents to the new center packed a Rutherford County Commission meeting in mid-June to protest the Murfreesboro mosque. And when supporters of the Murfreesboro mosque held a vigil June 24 at the Rutherford County Courthouse, mosque opponents showed up.

Contributing: Wire reports


Newsweek    http://www.newsweek.com/2...troversy-to-recruit.html

“By preventing this mosque from being built, America is doing us a big favor,
this world breaks my heart. i pass this block everyday and im about to start protesting with the man with the martin luther king jr and che guevara books outside and with the peace chalkings all over the sidewalk
Originally Posted by sole vintage

^You should probably take away the Che books for people to take yall seriously. Dude was ruthless.
Muslim Cleric Calls for Jihad, Copts Attacked

SHIMI, EGYPT (Worthy News)-- During Friday prayers, Imam Sheikh Tobah called for jihad against all Christians living in the Egyptian village of Shimi.

Christian Copts were assaulted over the next two days; 11 were hospitalized and many Copt youths were arrested.

The assaults began only hours after the Imam’s incitement.  Security forces took the first Copt victims to a police station where they were pressured into accepting "reconciliation" with their attackers, but no Muslims were arrested.

"I was told by the security authorities that for the sake of the Holy month of Ramadan, everyone ought to make peace," said Reverend Ezra Nageh. (But) "I was against reconciliation, because I know that the culprits know that they can assault Copts, and in the end, it will boil down to Copts giving up all their rights with the reconciliation sessions."

The next day, Muslims again attacked the houses of the Copts; they beat the inhabitants and also any Copts found in the fields.

"We are forced into reconciliation and in less than 24 hours, we are assaulted again," said Ghali Tawfik, one of the Copt victims.

"They have humiliated us," said Maher Amin. "We were beaten and we could not do anything about it. We are weak and helpless and have to accept reconciliation. They will next come to our homes and rape our women, and we will not be able to do anything about it."

After Police released the Copt victims who were initially detained at the station, they then arrested three Copt youths on old charges and transferred them to (Egyptian) State Security, but Ezra said State Security is employing an old trick: detaining innocent Copts and fabricating crimes against them in order to force the church into accepting reconciliation.

"They attack us today and force reconciliation on us," said Ezra. "Are they waiting for us to be killed tomorrow and then they would think about the rule of law?"

Not a peep from the media, of course.
Minorities denied flood relief in Pakistan
Imtiaz Ahmad, Hindustan Times
Email Author
Karachi, August 18, 2010

Earlier this week, members of Pakistan's Ahmadiyya community, who were caught up in the raging floods around the Central Punjab town of Muzaffargarh, were not rescued from their homes because rescuers felt that Muslims must be given priority. Ahmadiyyas are ostracized by Pakistan's mainstream

Muslim community who consider them to be non-believers. In

1973, this community was officially declared a minority. Since then the discrimination against them has been severe.The Ahmadiyyas complained to the government that not only were their community members not rescued but in some instances ejected from relief camps when their identity was disclosed. This has been refuted by the provincial Punjab government but eye witnesses have attested to this.

As the waters recede and people flock to relief camps and look for help, Pakistan's power politics have come into play whereby chosen areas are being helped at the expense of others which are being completely ignored. Hamir Soomro, a landlord from Shikarpur, one of the most badly affected districts in Sindh, says that his area is not receiving government help, which is instead going to Khairpur, the constituency of the province's Chief Minister, Qaim Ali Shah.

The UN says that the government suffers from a "image deficit" problem. "In plain words, they don't trust the ability of the government to deliver," says Mian Nawaz Sharif, opposition leader.

Earlier this week, Sharif met with Prime Minister Gilani and both agreed to the formation of a "clean commission" - comprising people of integrity, to oversee distribution of funds for for flood relief. The idea did not go down well with President Zardari whose office has blocked the move on grounds that the government is fully in control.

But the UN and donor agencies dont think so. They have pointed out that the government has no relief plan and is also unable to make an estimate of what is needed where. As a result, the situation has turned dire in many neglected or inaccessible areas.

In Kohistan, , there are reports the five children died of starvation because help had not arrived.

Members of the Sikh community, who arrived in Gurdwaras in Lahore also complained of government apathy. They said members of their community were abandoned in Khyber-Pakhtoonkhwa and had to arrange rescue for themselves.

Not a peep.
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