Local NYC board backs plan to build mosque near Ground Zero

Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

Wow. C5A, this is America. Not "another country". Either you accept the diversity here, or shut the *#*@ up.

So you agree the vast majority of muslim countries are intolerant of christians,jews, et al? Good.
Also, I don't know if you've ever been to Ground Zero, but anyone who has been there can tell you the area around Ground Zero is a dead zone.  The property's cheap price tag is the primary reasoning behind the location.
yes i have. The stand still is a result of thousands upon thousands of lawsuits filed by families of the victims for a myriad of reasons. Just the way it is.
Can you guys who are firmly behind building this mosque answer a few things for me...........

1) Do you feel that building this mosque near Ground Zero is a smart thing for the safety and well being of the mosque itself, as well as the people who will use it?

2) Do you think that eventually some idiot/racist will vandalize, burglarize or attack this mosque near Ground Zero for whatever reason he may have?

Now ask yourself the same 2 questions, only this time, instead of using the phrase "this mosque near Ground Zero," use "this mosque 15 miles away from Ground Zero." Can you honestly tell me that your answers are the same?

Spoiler [+]
IMO, its stupid to build a mosque in a location that is an extremely touchy location for a ton of Americans. I have nothing against Muslims, but I just dont think this is a smart thing to do. But hey, if they want to move forward with this, they should have every right to do so. They just need to be prepared for whatever happens, wrong or not.
If those are Muslim dominant countries, than what the hell do you call this very country you live in?! Christian dominant country? Which means what's happening now here in NYC, is exactly what would happen in those countries. Point proved. Take the L in this argument and go to sleep.
Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

Wow. C5A, this is America. Not "another country". Either you accept the diversity here, or shut the *#*@ up.

So you agree the vast majority of muslim countries are intolerant of christians,jews, et al? Good.

[table][tr][td]The Daily Show With Jon Stewart[/td][td]Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c[/td][/tr][tr][td]Municipal Land-Use Hearing Updatehttp://[/td][/tr][tr][td]www.thedailyshow.com[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td]Daily Show Full Episodes[/td][td]Political Humor[/td][td]Tea Party[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]
Get your mental weight up.
Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

If those are Muslim dominant countries, than what the hell do you call this very country you live in?! Christian dominant country? Which means what's happening now here in NYC, is exactly what would happen in those countries. Point proved. Take the L in this argument and go to sleep.

...a swing and a miss.
No, the only miss here is your political point. Your comparing third-world foreign country policies to American's policies. That's asinine considering that diversity, freedom of religion, and where every race, religion, creed and culture is accepted. One nation under God. Get your head out your #!%.
Originally Posted by MzD650

Can you guys who are firmly behind building this mosque answer a few things for me...........

1) Do you feel that building this mosque near Ground Zero is a smart thing for the safety and well being of the mosque itself, as well as the people who will use it?

2) Do you think that eventually some idiot/racist will vandalize, burglarize or attack this mosque near Ground Zero for whatever reason he may have?

Now ask yourself the same 2 questions, only this time, instead of using the phrase "this mosque near Ground Zero," use "this mosque 15 miles away from Ground Zero." Can you honestly tell me that your answers are the same?

Spoiler [+]
IMO, its stupid to build a mosque in a location that is an extremely touchy location for a ton of Americans. I have nothing against Muslims, but I just dont think this is a smart thing to do. But hey, if they want to move forward with this, they should have every right to do so. They just need to be prepared for whatever happens, wrong or not.
1) Doesn't matter... Freedom of Religion...  If people want to @!%% all over America and act like they are protecting America they are the one's who get left behind in history just like the racists in the 60's... Just like the McCarthyism in the 50's.
2) Yes they probably would... But seeing as how it will be a hate crime not just a misdemeanor or felony that first person gets the fullest extent of punishment.. And not only will the prosecutor nail them to the wall, the judge would make an example of the person...

I have thought about the questions if it was moved... Too bad people are protesting Mosques in Wisconsin, Tennessee and California.. They'd still protest it 15 miles away...

I don't think it is stupid at all... I think it is the absolute smartest thing for America... No sarcasm...  You prove you are really the land of the free.. You prove you accept everyone from all walks of life... "Give me your poor huddled masses" actually means something....You show you have nothing against Islam.. You only have something against the extremists.. That kind of PR would be great for the "War on Terror" you show the youth of the Middle East no matter what the extremists say we are not that... We don't discriminate and we don't hate your religion or your people....

Instead we look like a nation waging war on Islam (why do you think Bush never declared a war on Islam) and the extremists will successfully use it as propaganda against the US for a whole new generation to brain wash..

And what you said at the end is no different than if a black person sat at the front of the bus pre 1965... "They know the feelings, so they should be prepared for whatever happens to them if they sit there, wrong or not"  Not calling you a racist by any means.. Just drawing the similarities
Originally Posted by MzD650

Can you guys who are firmly behind building this mosque answer a few things for me...........

1) Do you feel that building this mosque near Ground Zero is a smart thing for the safety and well being of the mosque itself, as well as the people who will use it?

2) Do you think that eventually some idiot/racist will vandalize, burglarize or attack this mosque near Ground Zero for whatever reason he may have?

Now ask yourself the same 2 questions, only this time, instead of using the phrase "this mosque near Ground Zero," use "this mosque 15 miles away from Ground Zero." Can you honestly tell me that your answers are the same?

Spoiler [+]
IMO, its stupid to build a mosque in a location that is an extremely touchy location for a ton of Americans. I have nothing against Muslims, but I just dont think this is a smart thing to do. But hey, if they want to move forward with this, they should have every right to do so. They just need to be prepared for whatever happens, wrong or not.
1) Doesn't matter... Freedom of Religion...  If people want to %#!* all over America and act like they are protecting America they are the one's who get left behind in history just like the racists in the 60's... Just like the McCarthyism in the 50's.
2) Yes they probably would... But seeing as how it will be a hate crime not just a misdemeanor or felony that first person gets the fullest extent of punishment.. And not only will the prosecutor nail them to the wall, the judge would make an example of the person...

I have thought about the questions if it was moved... Too bad people are protesting Mosques in Wisconsin, Tennessee and California.. They'd still protest it 15 miles away...

I don't think it is stupid at all... I think it is the absolute smartest thing for America... No sarcasm...  You prove you are really the land of the free.. You prove you accept everyone from all walks of life... "Give me your poor huddled masses" actually means something....You show you have nothing against Islam.. You only have something against the extremists.. That kind of PR would be great for the "War on Terror" you show the youth of the Middle East no matter what the extremists say we are not that... We don't discriminate and we don't hate your religion or your people....

Instead we look like a nation waging war on Islam (why do you think Bush never declared a war on Islam) and the extremists will successfully use it as propaganda against the US for a whole new generation to brain wash..

And what you said at the end is no different than if a black person sat at the front of the bus pre 1965... "They know the feelings, so they should be prepared for whatever happens to them if they sit there, wrong or not"  Not calling you a racist by any means.. Just drawing the similarities
Originally Posted by MzD650

Can you guys who are firmly behind building this mosque answer a few things for me...........

1) Do you feel that building this mosque near Ground Zero is a smart thing for the safety and well being of the mosque itself, as well as the people who will use it?

2) Do you think that eventually some idiot/racist will vandalize, burglarize or attack this mosque near Ground Zero for whatever reason he may have?

Now ask yourself the same 2 questions, only this time, instead of using the phrase "this mosque near Ground Zero," use "this mosque 15 miles away from Ground Zero." Can you honestly tell me that your answers are the same?

Spoiler [+]
IMO, its stupid to build a mosque in a location that is an extremely touchy location for a ton of Americans. I have nothing against Muslims, but I just dont think this is a smart thing to do. But hey, if they want to move forward with this, they should have every right to do so. They just need to be prepared for whatever happens, wrong or not.
I'd agree with you if I believed Americans were willfully angry about the controversy rather being duped into it.

The first reports of the Cordoba house were in the New York Times 2 years ago.  The only reason this has become an issue is because of Pamela Gellar and Robert Spencer.

And since then, more people have been convinced it's an issue because now politicians have began to use the controversy to gain support.
im inclined to say yeah sure let em build it, but them if something else happens, and god forbid its connected to da spot people are going to act

like "well we didn't wanna say we told you so but......."
Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by Fatherless Child

Wow. C5A, this is America. Not "another country". Either you accept the diversity here, or shut the *#*@ up.

So you agree the vast majority of muslim countries are intolerant of christians,jews, et al? Good.
What are you basing your statements on?

Islam is notorious for spreading their religion through warfare and then allowing their subjects to retain their own beliefs, in comparison to Crusades and such which forced people to convert to Christianity.

If you look at Islamic architecture, and the grandest of Mosques, you will notice Byzantium influence because Islam made a formal, conscious decision to incorporate other cultures into their society.


Another thing you didn't mention was that Islam is unique in the middle east as it functions as both the state and the spiritual state. With that being said their government and way of life is completely different from the United States.
Originally Posted by xJoRDaNHeaD

Originally Posted by xJoRDaNHeaD

Originally Posted by mikykr20

This is why I hate libs and demoRats...y'all are what's wrong with this country. January 2013 cant come soon enough then its Good bye to obuma
Don't blame us. Republicans are the problem

Both of you are the problem. Look at these 2 statements, this is the landscape of the entire country. Blame the other party, while both of you are being played.
You sound like a child who has his fingers in his ears screaming "LALALAL I CAN'T HEAR YOU" while people are attempting to explain things you don't want to understand. Why do you choose to stay ignorant? Is it because you don't want to let go of your hatred? 

Go to ANY Islamic dominated country? Okay, what about Lebanon?

Lebanon’s primary religious groups, very roughly, are Shia Muslim, Christian, Sunni Muslim and Druze. Muslims represent roughly 60% of the total population, while Christians make up the other 40%. Of the Muslims, there are roughly equal numbers of Sunni and Shi'a; Druze and Alawis are minorities.

The division of power between the religious groups is an interesting problem. The Lebanese have solved this by making different high ranking government positions represented by the different religious groups, as per the Taif accord (1989). The President must be Maronite, the Prime Minister must be Sunni, and the Speaker of the Parliament must be Shi'a.

Or Syria

Christians, a sizable number of which are also found among Syrian Palestinians, are divided into several groups. Chalcedonian Antiochian Orthodox ("Greek Orthodox"; Arabic:الروم الارثوذكس‎, ar-Rūmu 'l-Urṯū
^ There are Jews in Iran too and they aren't harrassed. People don't like to awknowledge that.
Originally Posted by rashi

^ There are Jews in Iran too and they aren't harrassed. People don't like to awknowledge that.
This as well.

So much ridiculous in the first 50 seconds of this video.
This is a will you stand up for what this country was founded on and believes in NO MATTER WHAT  or will you fall to the forces of fear telling you that you are not the land of the free, you do not treat everyone equally, that everything this country stands for is a lie and this country is a terrorist nation in disguise...

That is what it comes down to, no more no less...

I'll take the side of standing up for our principles and not risking them for a sense of false security like we are back in 1950's looking for Communists... You can choose the side of proving what the terrorist wanted to show us as, if you want, but just know history will prove you on the wrong side of the debate..

Talk to 'em!!
Originally Posted by C5A5D5A5

Originally Posted by o fenomeno

let them build the %+#@%+! mosque. so much ignorance.

waa waaa

You think THIS is ignorance? go to any islamc dominated country and try to practice christianity, better yet..judaism.

See how much "ignorance" you come in contact with
come on fam, were not a theocracy with a religious leader making all of our decisions for us. were a free country thats built on principles of freedom of speech, religion, and property rights. way to come through with some ignorance and prove my point. we get it, you hate islam. 
Yeah...they are just all basing it on the beliefs of the terrorist attacks during 911. Come on, any part of the world/ almost any ethnic background you will find muslims!
I would jump head-first into this thread but there's really no need to as Essential1 has all bases covered
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