Local NYC board backs plan to build mosque near Ground Zero

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by bijald0331

If you think 9/11 was an inside job, you essentially have acknowledged your entire existence is just a desired simulacrum.

depends on your definition. was pearl harbor an inside job if Roosevelt had a few days of prior knowledge and let it happen anyway?

9/11 in extreemly fishy. from the tests being ran that day to building 7 to the investigation.

What in your opinion wasn't an inside job? What is real to you?
WTC 7 dropped for no reason. And on top of that, the WTC buildings fell when scientists proved that fire alone couldn't drop those.

Than, they find the passports in perfect condition on the ground amongst all that debris and rubble after the buildings dropped...

Spoiler [+]

That's just the tip of the iceberg we playing with...
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by bijald0331

If you think 9/11 was an inside job, you essentially have acknowledged your entire existence is just a desired simulacrum.

depends on your definition. was pearl harbor an inside job if Roosevelt had a few days of prior knowledge and let it happen anyway?

9/11 in extreemly fishy. from the tests being ran that day to building 7 to the investigation.

What in your opinion wasn't an inside job? What is real to you?
i really don't know man. but i don't automatically think someones a moron if they wana question what happened on 9/11. there are just many things that are "off" about what happened that day

im more inclined to belive that the administration expolited a tragedy than actually set one up though. i dont think they planned on an attack on their own people but there isn't much left that can happen in this world that would shock me
I never said anyone is a moron for believing in the 9/11 conspiracy. I just want to know what one believes isn't a conspiracy and what is reality to said person.

I'm making a point here and will explain in depth but I want to hear answers to my questions first.
I find it funny the same mental midgets who were saying "they hate us for our freedoms" are now trying to deny citizens freedoms (Not at anyone in this thread that I know of but in general)

Do people not realize that the "terrorists" won???... The minute we abandoned all of our damn principles in our constitution.. We ripped up our values & principles, threw them out the window into a pile of dog !**%.. That's what the "terrorists" wanted to prove the big bad almighty United States is no better than they are or anyone.. We did all this because we got scared... Because we saw the boogeyman... 9/11 was a traumatic day, I was 10 when it happened and I remember crying...

But instead of standing strong and saying no we will not change our way of life.. We decided to torture, to prosecute without due process, invasion of privacy, warrant less wiretaps, politics driven by fear and bullying, the killing of the 1st amendment, etc. etc....

This is *$!+@@% despicable... Does no one else see this?

Does no one else see that we fell for their trap?... We did every exact thing they wanted us too.. And look where it got us...

These @%#%%$%* who say they are sticking up for Americans and those who died or were part of the rescue team of 9/11 are talking out their !%%. They are doing the exact opposite and crippling America at the same time..

Why is this even a question?? Why do we even need to discuss this? It is a Constitutional Right... And the Conservatives are ripping up every god damn thing in the constitution and then saying Democrats are... And weak ******* like Harry Reid buckle under the pressure.. Grow some *$!+@@% balls...

A strong nation stands up for what it believes in... The "terrorists" tested us and knew how we'd react... We are a WEAK Nation... Acting like cowards to the force of a handful...

I am so *$!+@@% angry over this...

Call it what it is... Those who claim to be "STRONG" on Defense & Terrorism are the weakest ******* in history... Bunch of soft Pau Gasol types.. Crying every chance they can get... Stand up for this country.. Not hiding behind the events of one date to step aside to allow the attacks of what we believe in...
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

WTC 7 dropped for no reason. And on top of that, the WTC buildings fell when scientists proved that fire alone couldn't drop those.

Than, they find the passports in perfect condition on the ground amongst all that debris and rubble after the buildings dropped...

Spoiler [+]

That's just the tip of the iceberg we playing with...

Of course fire alone couldn't drop them, you seem to ignore the fact that they'd just been hit by planes that were going 300 miles per hour.

You find scientists who say one thing, I can find some who say another. It's about common sense. Even I can understand that a fire that might not be hot enough to melt the structure of the building, but it could definitely weaken it. After being hit by a 767, any building is going to be severely damaged structurally. On top of this, you're adding the extra weight of the planes wreckage to a weakened structure that now has fires burning inside it that cannot be reached to be extinguished. Yet it's impossible that the buildings collapsed on their own?

They found one passport on the ground. Improbable? Yes. Impossible? No.

WTC 7 was, as should be understood by anyone, hit by debris from the other two buildings collapsing. Clearly this may also have damaged that building, causing the structure to become unstable.

Why are these things so hard to grasp?
Originally Posted by Essential1

I find it funny the same mental midgets who were saying "they hate us for our freedoms" are now trying to deny citizens freedoms (Not at anyone in this thread that I know of but in general)

Do people not realize that the "terrorists" won???... The minute we abandoned all of our damn principles in our constitution.. We ripped up our values & principles, threw them out the window into a pile of dog !**%.. That's what the "terrorists" wanted to prove the big bad almighty United States is no better than they are or anyone.. We did all this because we got scared... Because we saw the boogeyman... 9/11 was a traumatic day, I was 10 when it happened and I remember crying...

But instead of standing strong and saying no we will not change our way of life.. We decided to torture, to prosecute without due process, invasion of privacy, warrant less wiretaps, politics driven by fear and bullying, the killing of the 1st amendment, etc. etc....

This is *$!+@@% despicable... Does no one else see this?

Does no one else see that we fell for their trap?... We did every exact thing they wanted us too.. And look where it got us...

These @%#%%$%* who say they are sticking up for Americans and those who died or were part of the rescue team of 9/11 are talking out their !%%. They are doing the exact opposite and crippling America at the same time..

Why is this even a question?? Why do we even need to discuss this? It is a Constitutional Right... And the Conservatives are ripping up every god damn thing in the constitution and then saying Democrats are... And weak ******* like Harry Reid buckle under the pressure.. Grow some *$!+@@% balls...

A strong nation stands up for what it believes in... The "terrorists" tested us and knew how we'd react... We are a WEAK Nation... Acting like cowards to the force of a handful...

I am so *$!+@@% angry over this...

Call it what it is... Those who claim to be "STRONG" on Defense & Terrorism are the weakest ******* in history... Bunch of soft Pau Gasol types.. Crying every chance they can get... Stand up for this country.. Not hiding behind the events of one date to step aside to allow the attacks of what we believe in...
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by bijald0331

If you think 9/11 was an inside job, you essentially have acknowledged your entire existence is just a desired simulacrum.

depends on your definition. was pearl harbor an inside job if Roosevelt had a few days of prior knowledge and let it happen anyway?

9/11 in extreemly fishy. from the tests being ran that day to building 7 to the investigation.

What in your opinion wasn't an inside job? What is real to you?
i really don't know man. but i don't automatically think someones a moron if they wana question what happened on 9/11. there are just many things that are "off" about what happened that day

im more inclined to belive that the administration expolited a tragedy than actually set one up though. i dont think they planned on an attack on their own people but there isn't much left that can happen in this world that would shock me

well i looked up simulacrum and i don't see anything complimentary about it

the things i question are how the investigation was handled, building 7 and insurance related issues, people in the building who heard secondary explosions (many saying from the basement) and that the goverment was running a series of tests on 9/11 that were similar to what happened that day, how the 9/11 investigation was handled. some white people got arrested in the following days and we never heard about it again.

it's been so long that i honestly can't even go to detail about those things anymore. the info is there if you wanna waste your time. i dont know whats fact and fiction anymore, thete are massive amounts of propoganda on both sides

i've never believed that bush and Cheney were sitting in a room and hatched this massive conspiracy. but there are just too many "fishy" things about that day and how the investigation was treated that im ready to belive the goberment's story 100%
Originally Posted by bijald0331

I never said anyone is a moron for believing in the 9/11 conspiracy. I just want to know what one believes isn't a conspiracy and what is reality to said person.

I'm making a point here and will explain in depth but I want to hear answers to my questions first.
"Sec. of State Colin Powell conceded Thursday that despite his assertions to the United Nations last year, he had no 'smoking gun' proof of a link between the government of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and terrorists of al-Qaeda.'I have not seen smoking-gun, concrete evidence about the connection,' Powell said." [NY Times, 1/9/04]

The chairman of the monitoring group appointed by the United Nations Security Council to track Al Qaeda told reporters that his team had found no evidence linking Al Qaeda to Saddam Hussein.� [NY Times, 6/27/03]

U.S. allies have found no links between Iraq and Al Qaeda. 'We have found no evidence of links between Iraq and Al Qaeda,' said Europe's top investigator. 'If there were such links, we would have found them. But we have found no serious connections whatsoever.'" [LA Times, 11/4/02]

there are many financial "coincidences" that was posted way back . this is too perfect a job; always somebody on the inside

please proceed however
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious


Funny how you have done a complete 180 politically over the years  

Also don't believe this 9/11 BS. If you actually believe some untrained Muslims that took a couple of cessna flying lessons was able to control these planes in the way that they did, especially into the pentagon (worlds most secure building with no video of any plane?) then you are naive 
Originally Posted by roc4life24

Originally Posted by bijald0331

I never said anyone is a moron for believing in the 9/11 conspiracy. I just want to know what one believes isn't a conspiracy and what is reality to said person.

I'm making a point here and will explain in depth but I want to hear answers to my questions first.
"Sec. of State Colin Powell conceded Thursday that despite his assertions to the United Nations last year, he had no 'smoking gun' proof of a link between the government of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and terrorists of al-Qaeda.'I have not seen smoking-gun, concrete evidence about the connection,' Powell said." [NY Times, 1/9/04]

The chairman of the monitoring group appointed by the United Nations Security Council to track Al Qaeda told reporters that his team had found no evidence linking Al Qaeda to Saddam Hussein.� [NY Times, 6/27/03]

U.S. allies have found no links between Iraq and Al Qaeda. 'We have found no evidence of links between Iraq and Al Qaeda,' said Europe's top investigator. 'If there were such links, we would have found them. But we have found no serious connections whatsoever.'" [LA Times, 11/4/02]

there are many financial "coincidences" that was posted way back . this is too perfect a job; always somebody on the inside

please proceed however
So you're using examples where government officials came out and admitted they lied to prove that there was in fact a conspiracy, that they're still lying about?  

Oh, okay.
i used that to say the clearly this "war" was thought out and 9/11 was a means to a end to do it.    they lied about the actual reasons for going to war and who attacked NYC so i cant put anything past this country, the military industrial complex in particular.
Originally Posted by roc4life24

i used that to say the clearly this "war" was thought out and 9/11 was a means to a end to do it.    they lied about the actual reasons for going to war and who attacked NYC so i cant put anything past this country, the military industrial complex in particular.

See, if this were a huge secret then yes, you'd have a point. But again, it isn't. Neocons blatantly called for ousting Saddam during the Clinton years in a number of articles, speeches, etc etc. If they planned on simply blaming Iraq and Saddam for the 9/11 attacks they would have. And in fact, they tried to. But it was fruitless because there was in fact no link. They had to first go after the true culprits, Al Qaeda, who had been attacking U.S. interests in the Middle East and North Africa since the late 90s/early 00s. Then, as you showed, they tried to tie Al Qaeda and Iraq/Saddam by the thinnest of threads and it didn't work which is why we were convinced, due to bad intelligence, that Iraq was a true global threat and had WMDs, when in reality they probably weren't even a threat to their neighboring countries, and the Neocons wanted to finish the job that the previous Bush administration decided against. 
If anything, this is the only conspiracy here. And it isn't even a conspiracy because its blatantly obvious.
A Beautiful Wave wrote:
Also don't believe this 9/11 BS. If you actually believe some untrained Muslims that took a couple of cessna flying lessons was able to control these planes in the way that they did, especially into the pentagon (worlds most secure building with no video of any plane?) then you are naive 

weren't they trained in saudi arabia?
CallHimAR wrote:
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

WTC 7 dropped for no reason. And on top of that, the WTC buildings fell when scientists proved that fire alone couldn't drop those.

Than, they find the passports in perfect condition on the ground amongst all that debris and rubble after the buildings dropped...

Spoiler [+]

That's just the tip of the iceberg we playing with...

WTC 7 was, as should be understood by anyone, hit by debris from the other two buildings collapsing. Clearly this may also have damaged that building, causing the structure to become unstable.

Why are these things so hard to grasp?

Yes, the Leaseholder of WTC 7 Larry Silverstein admitted to "pulling" the building that day the other 2 buildings dropped.

If the plane colliding into the building alone was strong enough to knock the down the towers, they would have dropped immediately. Otherwise, fire would have been the cause hence the delay of the dropping after they were hit. Therefore, fire was the MAIN reason why the buildings dropped in a constructive fashion*.

So you may be right*.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by Essential1

I find it funny the same mental midgets who were saying "they hate us for our freedoms" are now trying to deny citizens freedoms (Not at anyone in this thread that I know of but in general)

Do people not realize that the "terrorists" won???... The minute we abandoned all of our damn principles in our constitution.. We ripped up our values & principles, threw them out the window into a pile of dog !**%.. That's what the "terrorists" wanted to prove the big bad almighty United States is no better than they are or anyone.. We did all this because we got scared... Because we saw the boogeyman... 9/11 was a traumatic day, I was 10 when it happened and I remember crying...

But instead of standing strong and saying no we will not change our way of life.. We decided to torture, to prosecute without due process, invasion of privacy, warrant less wiretaps, politics driven by fear and bullying, the killing of the 1st amendment, etc. etc....

This is *$!+@@% despicable... Does no one else see this?

Does no one else see that we fell for their trap?... We did every exact thing they wanted us too.. And look where it got us...

These @%#%%$%* who say they are sticking up for Americans and those who died or were part of the rescue team of 9/11 are talking out their !%%. They are doing the exact opposite and crippling America at the same time..

Why is this even a question?? Why do we even need to discuss this? It is a Constitutional Right... And the Conservatives are ripping up every god damn thing in the constitution and then saying Democrats are... And weak ******* like Harry Reid buckle under the pressure.. Grow some *$!+@@% balls...

A strong nation stands up for what it believes in... The "terrorists" tested us and knew how we'd react... We are a WEAK Nation... Acting like cowards to the force of a handful...

I am so *$!+@@% angry over this...

Call it what it is... Those who claim to be "STRONG" on Defense & Terrorism are the weakest ******* in history... Bunch of soft Pau Gasol types.. Crying every chance they can get... Stand up for this country.. Not hiding behind the events of one date to step aside to allow the attacks of what we believe in...

It doesn't even seem like the people arguing against the construction of the mosque/community center realize the prejudice essential in their position.  Imagine if people embraced this opportunity to create interfaith dialogue and healing... instead, people want to cling to their prejudices and bigotry under the auspices of "patriotism," "sensitivity," etc.  To those that lost someone in 9/11, my heart goes out to them but that is NO excuse for the bigotry which permeates their entire position.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

I never said anyone is a moron for believing in the 9/11 conspiracy. I just want to know what one believes isn't a conspiracy and what is reality to said person.

I'm making a point here and will explain in depth but I want to hear answers to my questions first.
You seem to feel like you can demand explanations and answers from people... and then not even respond to their posts.  You did the same thing in the Malcolm X thread.  Like, who are you?
Originally Posted by Essential1

I find it funny the same mental midgets who were saying "they hate us for our freedoms" are now trying to deny citizens freedoms (Not at anyone in this thread that I know of but in general)

Do people not realize that the "terrorists" won???... The minute we abandoned all of our damn principles in our constitution.. We ripped up our values & principles, threw them out the window into a pile of dog !**%.. That's what the "terrorists" wanted to prove the big bad almighty United States is no better than they are or anyone.. We did all this because we got scared... Because we saw the boogeyman... 9/11 was a traumatic day, I was 10 when it happened and I remember crying...

But instead of standing strong and saying no we will not change our way of life.. We decided to torture, to prosecute without due process, invasion of privacy, warrant less wiretaps, politics driven by fear and bullying, the killing of the 1st amendment, etc. etc....

This is *$!+@@% despicable... Does no one else see this?

Does no one else see that we fell for their trap?... We did every exact thing they wanted us too.. And look where it got us...

These @%#%%$%* who say they are sticking up for Americans and those who died or were part of the rescue team of 9/11 are talking out their !%%. They are doing the exact opposite and crippling America at the same time..

Why is this even a question?? Why do we even need to discuss this? It is a Constitutional Right... And the Conservatives are ripping up every god damn thing in the constitution and then saying Democrats are... And weak ******* like Harry Reid buckle under the pressure.. Grow some *$!+@@% balls...

A strong nation stands up for what it believes in... The "terrorists" tested us and knew how we'd react... We are a WEAK Nation... Acting like cowards to the force of a handful...

I am so *$!+@@% angry over this...

Call it what it is... Those who claim to be "STRONG" on Defense & Terrorism are the weakest ******* in history... Bunch of soft Pau Gasol types.. Crying every chance they can get... Stand up for this country.. Not hiding behind the events of one date to step aside to allow the attacks of what we believe in...
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

CallHimAR wrote:
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

WTC 7 dropped for no reason. And on top of that, the WTC buildings fell when scientists proved that fire alone couldn't drop those.

Than, they find the passports in perfect condition on the ground amongst all that debris and rubble after the buildings dropped...

Spoiler [+]

That's just the tip of the iceberg we playing with...

WTC 7 was, as should be understood by anyone, hit by debris from the other two buildings collapsing. Clearly this may also have damaged that building, causing the structure to become unstable.

Why are these things so hard to grasp?

Yes, the Leaseholder of WTC 7 Larry Silverstein admitted to "pulling" the building that day the other 2 buildings dropped.

If the plane colliding into the building alone was strong enough to knock the down the towers, they would have dropped immediately. Otherwise, fire would have been the cause hence the delay of the dropping after they were hit. Therefore, fire was the MAIN reason why the buildings dropped in a constructive fashion*.

So you may be right*.

I wasn't saying that the plane hitting the building was strong enough alone to take the buildings down. I was saying that the combination of the planes hitting the buildings, the extra weight added to the now damaged buildings by the planes and the raging fires that could not be attended to all played a part in the buildings coming down. 
Glad we can somewhat agree.
^I'm just asking. If people can make the leap that 9/11 is an inside job, I wonder what they actually believe in and what is real to them. Again, I'm just asking. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I'm a nobody on the internet just like you. This discussion will fade into oblivion just like the last and next one.
To elaborate on the point Olbermann made at the tail end of the video.

[h1]Christian Conservative Leader Calls for No More Mosques in U.S.[/h1]
In the wake of the uproar over the mosque to be built near "ground zero" in New York, a prominent, controversial social conservative is calling for the prohibition of the construction of any mosques in the United States.

"Permits should not be granted to build even one more mosque in the United States of America, let alone the monstrosity planned for Ground Zero," Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association wrote this week on the AFA website. "This is for one simple reason: each Islamic mosque is dedicated to the overthrow of the American government."

Fischer is the AFA's director of Issue Analysis for Government and Public Policy. The AFA is a conservative Christian group that been in the news before for taking a number of extreme positions -- for instance, earlier this year Fischer called for Tilikum, the SeaWorld orca that thrashed its trainer to death, to be killedaccording to Biblical rules. In 2005, the AFA finally ended its boycott of Disney, which it kept of for nine years to protest the company's erosion of moral values.

The AFA operates nearly 200 radio stations across the country under the American Family Radio banner and sometimes features congressmen on its shows. Reps. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.), for instance, were recent guests of one show. Fischer is listed as an invited speaker at the Values Voter Summit next month, along with Rep. Michele Bachmann, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, among others.

A number of conservatives have decried the decision by New York City officials to allow for the construction of an Islamic community center and mosque a few blocks from the site of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. A conservative advocacy group founded by the Rev. Pat Robertson vowed to challenge the city's decision in state court.

Fischer's position takes the debate to an entirely new level. He writes that every mosque "is a potential jihadist recruitment and training center" and that because of Islam's "subversive ideology, Muslims cannot claim religious freedom protections under the First Amendment."

Another AFA writer, Elijah Friedeman, wrote that he agreed each mosque is a "potential jihadist recruitment and training center" -- Friedeman wrote, "Each and every mosque could potentially - existing in possibility - be a threat, but the fact is that the very large majority of mosques don't threaten America's existence or anything for that matter."

Friedeman said that the right to build mosques in the U.S. should be protected.

"If we ignore the legal foundation of our nation, we will be left in a legal quicksand with no protection from others who want to suspend our freedoms when they feel like it," he said. "I would give the Devil the benefit of the law, if for no other reason than my own safety."

Meanwhile, while the debate continues over the New York mosque, President Obama yesterday released a statement to commemorate the start of Ramadan, saying Islam has always been part of America. Ramadan is the holiday during which observant Muslims fast from dawn to dusk each day for a month to develop patience, humility and spirituality.

"These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings," Mr. Obama said in a statement. "Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality. And here in the United States, Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country."

The president will be hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan at the White House later this week.

The White House has refused to weigh in on the mosque debate in New York. Deputy White House Press Secretary Bill Burton said Tuesday, "The president has made clear that we are not at war with Islam, and that we can have these sorts of discussions well within the traditions of openness and religious freedom that our country is based on."

A number of potential Republican 2012 presidential nominees have weighed in on the issue, however. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee called the New York mosque "really offensive to most New Yorkers and Americans," while Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty called it "inappropriate."

Good to know extremism is limited to Islam, and Islam alone.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

To elaborate on the point Olbermann made at the tail end of the video.

[h1]Christian Conservative Leader Calls for No More Mosques in U.S.[/h1]
In the wake of the uproar over the mosque to be built near "ground zero" in New York, a prominent, controversial social conservative is calling for the prohibition of the construction of any mosques in the United States.

"Permits should not be granted to build even one more mosque in the United States of America, let alone the monstrosity planned for Ground Zero," Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association wrote this week on the AFA website. "This is for one simple reason: each Islamic mosque is dedicated to the overthrow of the American government."

Fischer is the AFA's director of Issue Analysis for Government and Public Policy. The AFA is a conservative Christian group that been in the news before for taking a number of extreme positions -- for instance, earlier this year Fischer called for Tilikum, the SeaWorld orca that thrashed its trainer to death, to be killedaccording to Biblical rules. In 2005, the AFA finally ended its boycott of Disney, which it kept of for nine years to protest the company's erosion of moral values.

The AFA operates nearly 200 radio stations across the country under the American Family Radio banner and sometimes features congressmen on its shows. Reps. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.), for instance, were recent guests of one show. Fischer is listed as an invited speaker at the Values Voter Summit next month, along with Rep. Michele Bachmann, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, among others.

A number of conservatives have decried the decision by New York City officials to allow for the construction of an Islamic community center and mosque a few blocks from the site of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. A conservative advocacy group founded by the Rev. Pat Robertson vowed to challenge the city's decision in state court.

Fischer's position takes the debate to an entirely new level. He writes that every mosque "is a potential jihadist recruitment and training center" and that because of Islam's "subversive ideology, Muslims cannot claim religious freedom protections under the First Amendment."

Another AFA writer, Elijah Friedeman, wrote that he agreed each mosque is a "potential jihadist recruitment and training center" -- Friedeman wrote, "Each and every mosque could potentially - existing in possibility - be a threat, but the fact is that the very large majority of mosques don't threaten America's existence or anything for that matter."

Friedeman said that the right to build mosques in the U.S. should be protected.

"If we ignore the legal foundation of our nation, we will be left in a legal quicksand with no protection from others who want to suspend our freedoms when they feel like it," he said. "I would give the Devil the benefit of the law, if for no other reason than my own safety."

Meanwhile, while the debate continues over the New York mosque, President Obama yesterday released a statement to commemorate the start of Ramadan, saying Islam has always been part of America. Ramadan is the holiday during which observant Muslims fast from dawn to dusk each day for a month to develop patience, humility and spirituality.

"These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings," Mr. Obama said in a statement. "Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality. And here in the United States, Ramadan is a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country."

The president will be hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan at the White House later this week.

The White House has refused to weigh in on the mosque debate in New York. Deputy White House Press Secretary Bill Burton said Tuesday, "The president has made clear that we are not at war with Islam, and that we can have these sorts of discussions well within the traditions of openness and religious freedom that our country is based on."

A number of potential Republican 2012 presidential nominees have weighed in on the issue, however. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee called the New York mosque "really offensive to most New Yorkers and Americans," while Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty called it "inappropriate."

Good to know extremism is limited to Islam, and Islam alone.

Who's saying that Islam is the only intolerant religion? As a conservative myself, I completely condemn what Bryan Fischer has said in that article. He sounds like a damn fool. But I think this is getting away from the primary issue of this thread. Is it right to have a mosque built so close to Ground Zero?

I say they can build there. But just because it's legally right, does it also make it morally right? I think it's insensitive to have it built there.

Would it be chill to build a "Serbian Orthodox church near the killing fields of Srebrenica where 8,000 Muslim men and boys were slaughtered?" (taken from another board - not a right-wing one!).
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