Local NYC board backs plan to build mosque near Ground Zero

Damn muslim people are getting treated like black people, a small group of people do something stupid, then they assume all of you us are either hoodlums, or terrorist.

welcome to the club
New Yorkers can be some of the most myopic and entitled people on Earth. They think that every star athlete will do what ever it takes to play ball there, they consider investment banking with our tax dollars "God's work," they think of any west of the Judson as a vapid wasteland and they believe that invoking 9/11 will and should get them what ver they want no matter how distant their request is from 9/11. The events of 9/11 do not justify bigotry and it is especially galling that so many New Yorkers would act like this because no one else in the US talks more about diversity and how much more cosmopolitan they are than every else than do people from Lower Manhattan.
Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Deuce King wrote:

the people who attacked the WTC are far extreme muslims. 
See this is the type of statement that is moving us backwards instead of forward.  Instead of saying the people that attacked the WTC are far extreme muslims, you should say that the people that attacked the WTC are far extreme terrorists, or terriorists.  Them being muslim really has nothing to do with it. 

Actually them being Muslim does have something to do with it. The original statement is correct. The people that attacked the United States on 9/11 were Muslim, and they were terrorists. However they do not represent the Muslim world as a whole. They are an extremely small percentage of the one billion Muslims across the globe. They're basically no more than a few thousand radicalized individuals who interpret Islam differently than the majority of the Muslim world and use it to carry out an agenda. 

Yeah, the people that attacked the US on 9/11 were Muslim and they were terrorists.  The problem in here lies in how people keep throwing around the word Muslim which in turn leads people to believe that a good majority or all Muslims are either bad people in general or even worse...........terrorists.  The way the word Muslim is talked about is usually in connection to the 9/11 attack or terrorism, which in turns gives Muslims or the word Muslim a bad light in the American eye.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Deuce King wrote:

the people who attacked the WTC are far extreme muslims. 
See this is the type of statement that is moving us backwards instead of forward.  Instead of saying the people that attacked the WTC are far extreme muslims, you should say that the people that attacked the WTC are far extreme terrorists, or terriorists.  Them being muslim really has nothing to do with it. 

Actually them being Muslim does have something to do with it. The original statement is correct. The people that attacked the United States on 9/11 were Muslim, and they were terrorists. However they do not represent the Muslim world as a whole. They are an extremely small percentage of the one billion Muslims across the globe. They're basically no more than a few thousand radicalized individuals who interpret Islam differently than the majority of the Muslim world and use it to carry out an agenda. 

Yeah, the people that attacked the US on 9/11 were Muslim and they were terrorists.  The problem in here lies in how people keep throwing around the word Muslim which in turn leads people to believe that a good majority or all Muslims are either bad people in general or even worse...........terrorists.  The way the word Muslim is talked about is usually in connection to the 9/11 attack or terrorism, which in turns gives Muslims or the word Muslim a bad light in the American eye.

That has a lot to do with the perception of the American people which is primarily shaped by the media. The media shows the scenes of terror and news of violence by the small percentage, and this leads to the general public in America assuming that the entire region is like what they see on television, when it is actually quite different. It's sad how the entire Middle East is demonized because of the actions of a small number of people. 
Originally Posted by Deuce King

but there's ALREADY a mosque there.,,,,,they just want to rebuild a new community center and a new mosque

That's the thing that most people didn't or even still chose to not understand.  It's already there, they just want to expand and build a new mosque.  There is truly NOTHING for anyone to be up in arms about.

the people who attacked the WTC are far extreme muslims. 
See this is the type of statement that is moving us backwards instead of forward.  Instead of saying the people that attacked the WTC are far extreme muslims, you should say that the people that attacked the WTC are far extreme terrorists, or terriorists.  Them being muslim really has nothing to do with it. 
by saying they are extreme muslims, its saying that shouldn't impact the view of the mosque near the WTC, its like saying All christians are terrible because the KKK are christian. 
its ignorant, and should be told to anyone who associates Terrorist with Muslim. I believe that although a mosque is already there, they shouldn't go all over the top near the WTC, as its sparked hatred towards a usually peaceful religion besides a very small portion that happens to be in the news frequently for their violence 
Originally Posted by Deuce King

but there's ALREADY a mosque there.,,,,,they just want to rebuild a new community center and a new mosque

That's the thing that most people didn't or even still chose to not understand.  It's already there, they just want to expand and build a new mosque.  There is truly NOTHING for anyone to be up in arms about.

the people who attacked the WTC are far extreme muslims. 
See this is the type of statement that is moving us backwards instead of forward.  Instead of saying the people that attacked the WTC are far extreme muslims, you should say that the people that attacked the WTC are far extreme terrorists, or terriorists.  Them being muslim really has nothing to do with it. 
by saying they are extreme muslims, its saying that shouldn't impact the view of the mosque near the WTC, its like saying All christians are terrible because the KKK are christian. 
its ignorant, and should be told to anyone who associates Terrorist with Muslim. I believe that although a mosque is already there, they shouldn't go all over the top near the WTC, as its sparked hatred towards a usually peaceful religion besides a very small portion that happens to be in the news frequently for their violence 
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

My whole question is, why do they have to open it on Sept 11th? Cant they do it on the 10th or 12th or something?

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

^^since when did they say it would be opened on 9/11?


A mosque rises over Ground Zero. And fed-up New Yorkers are crying, "No!"

A chorus of critics -- from neighbors to those who lost loved ones on 9/11 to me -- feel as if they've received a swift kick in the teeth.

Plans are under way for a Muslim house of worship, topped by a 13-story cultural center with a swimming pool, in a building damaged by the fuselage of a jet flown by extremists into the World Trade Center.

The opening date shall live in infamy: Sept. 11, 2011. The 10th anniversary of the day a hole was punched in the city's heart.

That is my biggest problem. Why do they need to open it on that date? Thats what make this b.s.

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

My whole question is, why do they have to open it on Sept 11th? Cant they do it on the 10th or 12th or something?
Answer that!

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

My whole question is, why do they have to open it on Sept 11th? Cant they do it on the 10th or 12th or something?

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

^^since when did they say it would be opened on 9/11?


A mosque rises over Ground Zero. And fed-up New Yorkers are crying, "No!"

A chorus of critics -- from neighbors to those who lost loved ones on 9/11 to me -- feel as if they've received a swift kick in the teeth.

Plans are under way for a Muslim house of worship, topped by a 13-story cultural center with a swimming pool, in a building damaged by the fuselage of a jet flown by extremists into the World Trade Center.

The opening date shall live in infamy: Sept. 11, 2011. The 10th anniversary of the day a hole was punched in the city's heart.

That is my biggest problem. Why do they need to open it on that date? Thats what make this b.s.

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

My whole question is, why do they have to open it on Sept 11th? Cant they do it on the 10th or 12th or something?
Answer that!

They can open it up on 9/11 because this is AMERICA
You know the land of the free

The gotta ask permission now

Bigotry at work SMH
You can open it on any date and wherever you want, but WHY September 11th? It's just weird in my opinion, it will simply FEED into the ignorance.
Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

They can open it up on 9/11 because this is AMERICA
You know the land of the free

The gotta ask permission now

Bigotry at work SMH
Of all the dates on the calendar they picked 9/11. I want to hear an explanation of why they chose that date.

There is no reason to open it on THAT day unless they wanted to create a controversy. Open it on 9/10, or 9/12 or any other day of the !+**%$% year except THAT DAY. They know damn well what they are doing and its ridiculous. I have no problem with them building it, that doesnt bother me. They day they are opening it does and they are asking for trouble by doing it on that date. 
I believe it is opening up on Sept. 12th., and the opening date ties into the ending of Ramadan, although it ends a few days prior.
I believe it is opening up on Sept. 12th., and the opening date ties into the ending of Ramadan, although it ends a few days prior.
I don't think that the opening date is true.

I've done a lot of searching through a lot of publications and only found a few sources that say it opens on 9/11; Glenn Beck and the Andrea Peyser article are about 2 of 5 sources I can find about an opening date.

There is nothing on their site about the projected opening date, nor is there on any other official source. I think it's just a rumor.
While I agree that they should be able to build the Mosque there and nobody should align the deed of 9/11 to Islam, I do find it ironic that the people in here supporting the Mosque are the same people supporting the Gay marriage law being overturned in California, but the the founder of the Cordoba House advocates Shari'a Law in America. With that being said, you are supporting a place that will discriminate against people who are homosexual.
[h1]Reid: Mosque Should Be Built Someplace Else[/h1]
"The First Amendment protects freedom of religion," reads a statementfrom Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's office (D-Nev.). "Senator Reidrespects that but thinks that the mosque should be built someplaceelse. If the Republicans are being sincere, they would help us passthis long overdue bill to help the first responders whose health andlivelihoods have been devastated because of their bravery on 911,rather than continuing to block this much-needed legislation."

Full link: http://www.huffingtonpost...uld-be-bui_n_683762.html

[h1]"Ground Zero" Mosque To Move?[/h1]

Have Muslim leaders behind the misnomered "Ground Zero" mosque backed down?

Yes, according to Israel's Haaretz.

The paper reports that business and religious leaders have decidedto take the seemingly less painful road of moving the proposed CordobaHouse rather than risk stirring up any more anti-Muslim sentiment.

Full Link: http://www.huffingtonpost...que-to-mov_n_684030.html
[h1]Newt Gingrich Calls 'Ground Zero Mosque' Organizers 'Radical Islamists' Seeking 'Supremacy,' Compares Them To Nazis (VIDEO)[/h1]
ur request is being processed...

[h1]'Ground Zero Mosque' Becomes Another Election-Year Hurdle For Democrats[/h1]

WASHINGTON — Add another election-year hurdle for Democrats:tongue:resident Barack Obama's forceful defense of the right of Muslims tobuild a mosque near the World Trade Center site.

His comments are giving Republicans a campaign-year cudgel andforcing Democrats to address a divisive issue within weeks of midtermcontests that will decide the balance of power in Washington. SenateMajority Leader Harry Reid, in a competitive re-election fight, was thehighest profile Democrat to move away from Obama on the matter.

"TheFirst Amendment protects freedom of religion," Reid's spokesman JimManley said in a statement Monday. "Senator Reid respects that butthinks that the mosque should be built some place else."

Full Story: http://www.huffingtonpost...que-become_n_683949.html

When I first heard about the mosque, I knew it was going to be controversial, but this is huge.

'Ground Zero Mosque' Becomes Another Election-Year Hurdle For
See, this is why America is so @**!+# up. This is why there is no patriotism in me or no motivation to vote in any election held in my country.

Here is a an opportunity to escape the whole 'Islam is bad' reputation that Americans have of American-born Muslims by placing a peaceful community center in NYC. Yet, you have the undercover racists who oppose this because it is within a couple hundred yards of where an attack that no one can legitimately prove who it was done by. This !+%! is sickening. Plain and simple like I said before, who ever opposes this community center being is an outright prejudice citizen of the United States.

There are Muslims in this country that deserve every right to be able to build a community center anywhere they like just like any other Christian, Jew, Hindu, etc. has, regardless of past-geographical events.

If these racist Republicans of this country force these people to have to move this center, well than I got one thing to say about this country:

%#!% it. Let it rot to pieces.
i have no problems with a mosque being built there, but i'm not so sure it's the best idea.  i foresee endless vandalism if it goes through.

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

See, this is why America is so @**!+# up. This is why there is no patriotism in me or no motivation to vote in any election held in my country.

Here is a an opportunity to escape the whole 'Islam is bad' reputation that Americans have of American-born Muslims by placing a peaceful community center in NYC. Yet, you have the undercover racists who oppose this because it is within a couple hundred yards of where an attack that no one can legitimately prove who it was done by. This !+%! is sickening. Plain and simple like I said before, who ever opposes this community center being is an outright prejudice citizen of the United States.

There are Muslims in this country that deserve every right to be able to build a community center anywhere they like just like any other Christian, Jew, Hindu, etc. has, regardless of past-geographical events.

If these racist Republicans of this country force these people to have to move this center, well than I got one thing to say about this country:

%#!% it. Let it rot to pieces.

Yeah, really.

Did you see the face of any attackers that day? Or did you turn on Foxnews and see the list of people that government accused 2 hours after the towers fell? So where's the proof?

Some of yall are sheep. It's sickening. Bush fed Depositism to some of you and fell for evey bit of it.
If you think 9/11 was an inside job, you essentially have acknowledged your entire existence is just a desired simulacrum.
is it true that there is already a muslim cultural center literally a couple of blocks away from that proposed site? can someone confirm that?

anyway its hard (if not impossible) to have a logical argument saying they shouldn't build there. But i could see why people think its unnecessary and provocative , especially if they lost a loved one on 9/11.

when i first heard it bothered me but as time went on i couldn't see a legitimate problem as long as the money is accounted for. i just really don't care. seems like a BS wedge issue when we could be concerned with so much more.

it's funny people are crying about patriotism and we still don't even have a proper memorial at ground zero. that's the real issue that people should be going crazy over.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

If you think 9/11 was an inside job, you essentially have acknowledged your entire existence is just a desired simulacrum.

depends on your definition. was pearl harbor an inside job if Roosevelt had a few days of prior knowledge and let it happen anyway?

9/11 in extreemly fishy. from the tests being ran that day to building 7 to the investigation.
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