let this thread die (NYK)

''Offensively we just didn't have it,'' Knicks interim coach Mike Woodson said. ''We were so stagnant and I got to take the heat for that.''
[font=Georgia, Times, 'Times New Roman', serif]Can respect that at least. [/font]
This one hurt, deep inside. Its feels like that moment in the summer when you were 16, you looked at the calendar and realized school was a week away .
the end is near... But in the back of your mind you pray summers extended just a little more.. Ocean gif described my exact feelings following the game. Just sucks so much.

Im not gonna slander my team. We played goddamn hard. Severely undermanned , under pressure, we didnt respond the way we could have, but im not doubting they left it all on the court. They just got a better squad on the floor compared the package we have to put out.

Jeremy Reed on sunday?
1. Hire Ewing as an assistant coach
2. Sign Steve Nash/Goran Dragic in the off-season
3. Find a time machine & bring 93-94 Patrick Ewing back
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

It all comes back to us losing to the cavs.


Keep 'ya head up my fellow Knick fans. Somethings gotta give soon. I know this feeling, we hit rock bottom as a franchise at the same time the sucker !*! #6 began to elevate. 

Just gotta be optimistic. I don't think there is a team that has more flexibility this off-season than the Knicks. If you guys have to make some trades, you have a $%@* load of pieces to trade. Plus, Sloan may be available as a coach this off-season, I can't think of a better team that can use him than the Knicks.....stay up yall.
For the anti-Melo crowd in here... Name me one guy in the league who would win a game off the Heat in a 7 game series playing with a washed up Baron Davis, Landry, Novak + Tyson. Anyone? And as far as I'm concerned I'm a pretty big Kobe supporter for a Knicks fan. Don't give me this BS Kobe would "will" his way to a win. Please.

And some of y'all say it was Melo's fault for losing to Boston too? Son played with Toney freaking Douglas, Fields, Turiaf and Jeffries.

Y'all need to get real. Yea, Melo does some +!!! out there that drives me nuts. I agree. Like tn when we were making that run, he let's Miller drive past him w/ 2 seconds left on the shot clock, that's unacceptable, don't get me wrong. And he needs to set a tone that people will follow, it can't be Tyson, it can't be Shump. But be fair when you judge the guy at least.
Been holding off since after Gm 1 can we talk the off season now and making actual reasonable trades?

Also, Mike Woodson's job is clearly in jeopardy and unfortunately I must say deservedly so with the way this team has played in these 3 games. At this point we need to scrap a lot of these guys just for their lack of effort and questionable hearts. We're not getting rid of Tyson, Melo, and Amar'e so yall can get that out of your mind now. With dudes contracts being up we're not gonna be able to retain JR, Novak, Baron, maybe even Jared too if we decide to go in a different direction, etc. Not that there are a whole lot of valuable FAs out there but we can't keep putting this same mediocre product on the floor that can not keep a consistent chemistry while playing 82+ games.
Have to agree with ruffryda,melo can't do this on his own. Nets are hungry for any kinda star names,shop amare to them
Team is gonna be really tied up salary wise if they give Lin 6-7mil per year / 3-4 years..

Cap around 60 mil, give or take. Melo, $19.5mil. STAT, $20mil. Tyson, $14mil.
Can't win with Melo or Stat, can't win with them together. Allen Iverson was a better scorer then Melo, still he brought that team nowhere. Melos an amazing talent just doesn't make a team better. Stat is a Statue, he's gettin us nowhere. How long do we keep this up? This facade? The goal is a championship right?
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

Can't win with Melo or Stat, can't win with them together. Allen Iverson was a better scorer then Melo, still he brought that team nowhere. Melos an amazing talent just doesn't make a team better. Stat is a Statue, he's gettin us nowhere. How long do we keep this up? This facade? The goal is a championship right?
THIS! This gets overlooked because he's such a good scorer. He also seems to score when the game isn't on the line of late. It's uncanny, he gets' buckets, but they don't seem to matter. Idk. And he doesn't make the team better, they all stand around. If it's not on him and on the coach, then what in the hell are they running in practice? Idk, the more I hear, the less I'm sold on 'Melo, He kinda does remind me of a different version of AI. He's not a bum, but he doesn't improve others around him by the same token.
Man, the *#$% for? I really wish once a large group of customers (fans) would make a concerted effort to boycott an establishment at a high level. Would love to see everybody who bought tickets refuse to go inside to see the game and just occupy MSG and protest.

I'm so tired of being tired of this %*@#.
So a guy who has to shoot 20+ plus shots, play defense on the best player in the league, waste all his energy just tryin to get in position. Not to mention the other team best player can take a rest during the game on defense because he has another A+ defender on his team. He is basically standing around by guarding a guy who can only shoot 3's.

Melo deserves some of the blame of tonight's loss but its foolish to say you can't win with Melo given these circumstances.

The 3rd highest shot attempts was Chandler's 6. 10 shots lower than JR. There are only 2 threats on this team. Fields can be one if he would be aggressive and just take his man off the dribble.

That passing the ball around let everyone touch method it is not gonna beat the Heat. Strong point guard play does. So even I have to admit that if the Knicks had Lin they would have a better shot
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

Damn nar drank myself into a. Tequila stupor.goddamn Knicks
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I'll smack the fire out Landry Fields when I see him. Weak %$%

I love the first post is drunken gibberish.. but the second post is much clearer and makes sense. It's as if the threat of hitting Fields gave you a sudden clarity and focus. 
Honestly if fields wouldnt changed his form and would knock down those open Js,we wouldnt be where we are. Sure he stinks on defense but he can rebound, cut, all he needs is to hit those !%$#%%* open shots cmon dude.
Honestly everything was against us this season, coaching, injuries , everything that could go wrong went wrong. We regroup work on it this summer get healthy, get a perm coach. Get everybody on the same book , and go on from there.
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