let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

I dead don't want to hear $#@! about Melo being top 10 anything for the rest of my life
He's doubled all game and making the passes, +#@* else you want him to do. Even if Melo scored 40 they'd still lose, would that make you happier?
Woodson hasn't exactly looked all that great either, zero adjustments yet again.
Cut it , they started doubling him in the 4th quarter. He did absolutely nothing all game long to extend the lead
we need a pg, a real second option tht doesn't mind being one and a great coach. And luck when it comes to this injury %!*#.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]TEAM[/color] CELTICS, [color= rgb(153, 153, 153)]SPURS,[/color][color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]THUNDER,[/color][color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]LAKERS[/color] 

I have a serious question. I know it's not a popular thought, but what about the idea of trading Carmelo while you still can fool other teams into taking him. I mean, so far in the playoffs with the Knicks, he's 0-7. Someone would still bite and get rid of good players for him. I KNOW no one wants to hear it, but think about it, what has he done up until this point to make you think otherwise. Yes, there were/are injuries but still you could at least get one win. I say ship him out as fools gold to someone and move in a different direction while you can.
Bad PG play, no offensive adjustment from Woodson, no Amare, Melo was gassed, the Heat's defense is great, Lebron being Lebron, (other issues).

Disappointing that despite the Heat's poor play the first 3 quarters that the Knicks couldn't take advantage. Still don't think this team is constructed well and any kind of deep playoff run would need some luck and Melo or Amare to put up monster numbers. Whatever... I'll still be a Knicks fan, but I'm numb to it.
Last year it was Billups and Amare. This year it's Lin, Amare & Shump
3 of our starters out
Not that we would have beat the Heat anyway, but it just SUCKS that this team hasn't had a healthy squad all season long. 
We have the worst luck. Our city does NOT deserve this 
How does the 0-7 just fall on Melo though? STAT was available for just two of those games and played a 1or 2 seed.

Melo played alone out there tonight and a lot of shots were forced.
somehow package amare with lin sign and trade to the nets for D.Will
everybody stays in NY..win/win for both parties
Originally Posted by LovesIt

Last year it was Billups and Amare. This year it's Lin, Amare & Shump
3 of our starters out
Not that we would have beat the Heat anyway, but it just SUCKS that this team hasn't had a healthy squad all season long. 
We have the worst luck. Our city does NOT deserve this 

That sums it up, we never had a legit shot without em
Originally Posted by LovesIt

Last year it was Billups and Amare. This year it's Lin, Amare & Shump
3 of our starters out
Not that we would have beat the Heat anyway, but it just SUCKS that this team hasn't had a healthy squad all season long. 
We have the worst luck. Our city does NOT deserve this 
Son even the verry temporary time we had everyone healthy, the coach wasnt making the best of it.  i dont wanna get swept 2 years in a row.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

How does the 0-7 just fall on Melo though? STAT was available for just two of those games and played a 1or 2 seed.

Melo played alone out there tonight and a lot of shots were forced.

Because he's the "star" of the team, and his attitude permeates the rest of the team. Not moving the ball or directing others to get into position to score easily. Of course there were injuries, but have some pride about your team. No effort or push back, nothing. You see when Lebron and Wade got upset? There was push back. JR even had some sort of push when he threw it down. 'Melo just wants to make it look good, is it hard to figure that out after watching him for 9 years? At this point, it's obvious he can't get it done. His attitude must change.
it's gonna be very hard for Knicks to win this, the Heat already has this in the bag. the Knicks need healthier players
Amar'e needs to beg Nash to hold him down and come to NY, or else we gotta pray that Lin can live up to the hype and be a consistent 16/8 guy on a nightly basis. Otherwise, this playoff losing streak is gonna be at 20
Alan Hahn said it right wade and bron made plays and shots and melo did not. This was the most important game of the year and melo didn't play d had a bunch of turnovers and was bricking everything. So in reality our super star was a sixth man for the heat tonight
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