let this thread die (NYK)

There is nothing to be optimistic about

Amare puts on muscle. Proceeds to be slow and useless. Takes off muscle. Shows explosion but gets injured right away

Back and knees are the wort injuries you can have as a player

Lin, Novak, and smith need to get paid. We don't have that kind of money

This team is screwed until his contract is done. We are gonna have the same issues over and over for the next 3 years
We'll definitely resign Lin. JR will be gone and so will Novak, but hopefully we can find another sharpshooter.

I'll try to stay optimistic. I mean, after the last 10 years, it's tough...but whatever.
No 2012 pick. No 2014 pick. Denver has a right to swap 2016 pick

So all the money comes off the books by then. If we don't get free agents and keep melo. If chandler is worthless by then. That could be a lottery pick we give away
Lol, more 'the sky is falling' replies. MOAR! As shaky as his injury might be, I think we're still ok. Jeffries and Lin should be back sooner than later, hopefully Melo's tweak wasn't too serious. Despite all of that like Jorgé said, we're 2.5 out of 1st in the Atlantic. Defense keeps playing like this and the offense redeems itself I like our chances.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Lol, more 'the sky is falling' replies. MOAR! As shaky as his injury might be, I think we're still ok. Jeffries and Lin should be back sooner than later, hopefully Melo's tweak wasn't too serious. Despite all of that like Jorgé said, we're 2.5 out of 1st in the Atlantic. Defense keeps playing like this and the offense redeems itself I like our chances.
The sky IS falling. Getting swept out of the playoffs 2 years in a row will not feel good and its heading directly that way.
Like I said, feeling like last year all over again. We'll have a glimpse of hope heading into the playoffs, even without Amare, only to take a bad L

Originally Posted by true 3 blue

If he does, people in this thread will be chewing on healthy crow.

GUARANTEE people will just say that proves he couldn't play at that level WITH amare
To me it's crystal clear that melo has been injured most of the season. Plus was misused by dantoni trying to turn him into a point forward. I do understand that a big part of that was the managements fault for giving him TD as a starting pg. But also Dantoni sticking him around the perimeter hurt him. woodson is getting the ball to him in the low post more
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Surgery is the absolute last step when treating a disc bulge, there are so many options I just don't see how Amare would just quit on the season like that without going an alternative route first....but that's just me.

Mez is 100% right. This is not a herniated disc and may not require immediate surgical procedure so there is reason to have some optimism. I think Amar'e will get treatment and rest over the next few weeks and will be back for the playoffs. Its a tough blow but right now the team just has to stay committed to playing defense.
Damn, having to give up JR and Novak isnt sitting well with me.

JR has really improved his basketball IQ (might not be apparent sometimes with the shot selection, but still) and has been working hard out there. He's another player in a shooting slump too. Once he overcomes that he'll be much more deadly.

and Novak is just Novak 

Just have to wait and see what happens in the offseason.
good Lord...some of you dudes is straight TNT status
"We know drama"Ima sit back and watch the rest of the regular season. as long as amare is good for the playoffs, the Knicks will be fine. And this will allow Melo to get this thing back right before the post season. They need him back in assassin mode to have any kind of playoff success this year.
man idc about all the drama I just hope amare is back soon and can return to the way he has been playing the last month. the shot blocking, hoop stuffing, monster that he is.
man...It took Amare 75% of the season to get back to his "agressive" self.
even if he sits out the next two weeks it's not like he's gonna be as aggressive as he's been the last few games...
Did you guys miss the free throw clinic that Melo put on against the Bucks, a pretty good defensive team? He knows his jumper is off due to his wrist injury and decided to stay aggressive in the paint...With Amar'e missing a few games/weeks, Melo has the entire paint to himself..Don't be surprised if the Knicks just run multiple post plays for Melo the next few games and watch him get to the free throw line 10+ times a game. And the defense will be fine w/o Jared or Amar'e. This team is obviously much better with the entire roster available, but it's not like they're gonna collapse because of Amar'e being out..He wasn't doing much during the Lin winning streak.
Was at the game, but was too drunk to actually watch it.
Blew my night when I realized what I had did to myself.

Anyway, I just watched the re-run and got excited about a couple things...

The team's defense is looking like 1 of the best in the L at this moment. We held the Bucks to 80 with out Jeffries of the bench clogging the lane.

Shumpert should be on the 1st all defensive team. (BETTER make the 2nd team if not)

J.R. Smith is such a great asset off the bench. He can score 20 off the bench. He can play lock down D if he wants. He's a crowd energizer with some of the things he can do athletically.

He and Shump are the boost together.
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