let this thread die (NYK)

A win is a win
Originally Posted by RavageBX

I think something may be going on internally with the Bucks. Only explanation for Ellis/Jennings looking so disinterested. Hell even Scott Skiles looked like he could care less.

Can't be they been blowing teams out recently on the road. Shocked we held them to 80 points
Damn, I feel for Monta. He was looking like Melo the past few games with the way his shots were not falling. I'm wondering if he's still injured or was just of. Like I said Jennings is a streaky guy. Son had nothing consistent even when he strung together back to back shots. Then we stopped Dunleavy's best Larry Bird impression.

Good defensive win but we're too sloppy with the ball.

Melo was still off but he came through in the third. Drawing fouls and getting to the line is just as important as scoring the regular way. With our luck makes sense he re-injures his groin
I love the effort our bench gave but with these injuries piling up the future is bleak even if we make the playoffs.
such a bittersweet win

and this is one i guarantee we lose with dantoni. we shot 35 percent and WON

"our shot's just didn't fall lets go"
Originally Posted by DubA169

such a bittersweet win

and this is one i guarantee we lose with dantoni. we shot 35 percent and WON

"our shot's just didn't fall lets go"

"If we shot 10% better from the field, we win this game"
"The Bucks are a very good team......"

Let's not get carried away with Amare's back..There has been no extensive diagnosis done so it can either be a long term injury or something that requires only a few games off. It seems like pick your poison with his health tho..Either he's bulkier and slower but his back is protected with the extra body strength, or he's leaner and faster, but makes his back more vulnerable
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Amare is done. Played through the pain and the injury got worse.

Melo's gotta step up for real now.

How long is he out for? Hopefully he bounces back soon... I heard the injury doesn't require surgery, but a lotta rehab.  All this for trying to show off during pre-game 
Exactly..If Amar'e decided early in the season that he was too hurt to continue the season n was better off missing the rest of it, the media would have tore him apart saying he has no heart and all that BS..Plus, back injuries stay with you for life..You just have to get proper treatment on a daily/weekly basis to keep it under control
At .500 but at a big big cost. Still have no idea they how they won.

Defense saved another game.

Hopefully Mel gets a little better by Weds or we are getting killed
I'm SO mad right now. I just went in my room to clean up a bit. And found a video tape. Popped it in and it was all star weekend 05 in denver and its RIGHT on the dunk contest and amare and steve nash teaming up in the dunk contest...

GOD I'd kill to see Stoudemire that agile and mobile again.
I just

And press eject.
It's like Clyde said one game...

"Offense might not show up every night but defense can"
Originally Posted by d5

It's like Clyde said one game...

"Offense might not show up every night but defense can"

Tyson said something similar tonight..He said something along the lines of "Some nights your offense will just be off but you can't control those things..Defense is something you can always control"...I'm paraphrasing because I don't remember his exact words but he's completely right..The Knicks offense had trouble scoring against the 76ers but the defense won us that game..A week prior with D'Antoni coaching, the Knicks couldn't score against the Sixers and got blown out as a result because they tried to play that "offense will be our defense" BS

There are so many questions hovering around this season, especially surrounding the stars of the team..But above all the things that are frustrating about how the season has turned out, I think the thing that bothers me most is thinking what could have been had the Knicks let Mike go earlier in the season and let Woodson take over and get the team focused on their defensive intensity. Obviously hindsight is 20/20, but it doesn't make it less frustrating to think that this team could have been playing like this long ago if Dolan told Pringles to kick rocks

I'm pretty sure stat will be fine come playoff time. I'd like to see melo post up more and attack the rim like he did today. He didn't get buckets but got to the free throw line often. We need to set some screens for Novak. Teams are all over him now that should free up the paint and get some easy baskets with good ball movement. I think this stat injury might just be a blessing in disguise for melo
yeah we need some sets to free up novak.. the simple drive and kick wont work anymore

sigh .. prays for amar'e*
Couldn't have been said any better uptempo.

I feel like there were guys on the team who knew after the Boston series last year that Pringles would never lead them deep into the playoffs. That being said, I think the Melo trade contributed to the fact that you couldn't fire Pringles, but at the same time, led to his demise. If the Knicks had never made that trade, everyone would have given Pringles a free pass no matter what because they would have overachieved with the pre-trade roster and he would have gotten all the credit of getting that team into the playoffs with his "SSOL offense". IMO I easily could have seen a scenario where he even got an extension if they finish the season without the trade, but than the trade actually happened. Even Dolan knew that firing Pringles after the season would have been a media nightmare. With the trade, constant shuffling of the roster, I could see why it would look bad to get rid of Pringles when we finally had a decent roster. IMO the casual fans wouldn't have understood getting rid of Pringles after that series.
Idk why but I feel like the media gives Pringles such a free pass for "being a nice guy." C'mon with that BS. Games 1 and 2 were lost on the sidelines. I know people will argue otherwise but after watching those games so many times, Pringles mismanaged so much in those first 2 games. The lockout that followed also helped contribute to his free pass.
I'm being pessimistic about Amar'e. He's choosing not to get surgery. He went to MIA to get a 2nd opinion. The way I see it he should shut it down the rest of the season and hope the team can make the playoffs without him. Get a month of rest and make him come off the bench in the postseason and after that I'd say he gets the surgery replace those discs with metal springs and coils and he can start next season a month or two late.

I can't be hopeful for his future as a Knick. Lose-lose when I think about different things that could've been done since then.
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