Also funniest thing i read that the athlete wearing the model of a shoe shouldn't affect how the shoe is going in sales , and that this is a recent attitude.ARE YOU DRUNK?
1.Im 32 years old , and i can't even imagine what course would jordan xi (my favourite sneaker all-time) would have if jordan after two games went back to the x s.I love the shoe , i would still cop it easily,but that has nothing to do with sales in general.
2.No one is saying that the lebron xis arent beautiful cause lebron isn't wearing them.No one is saying that these won't sell or stay in shelves based in the fact that he won't wear them for some matches.BUT PLEASE DO UNDERSTAND THIS FELLOW 'SNEAKERHEAD' .LEBRON COMPLETELY PASSING ON THE XI LINE(a thing i HIGHLY doubt will happen by the way) WILL BE DISASTROUS FOR ITS SALES.Yes we heard that you like them.We heard that you wear them casual no matter what the **** Lebron does with them you ll love them anyways.BUT YOU ALONE DO NOT DICTATE HOW SALES WILL GO.
I hope you understand that this is a BASKETBALL shoe.PERFORMANCE shoe.How good is it for its sales that if the BASKETBALL player it gets its name from doesn't wear it to PERFORM at all?Once again this is not about YOU.No one said you shouldn't buy them.Its just that many people will hesitate to.