Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

What he said was wrong and he does need to be aired out I dont care if he said it in private. It will reflect badly on the NBA as a whole if they dont take any action against him
What he said was wrong and he does need to be aired out I dont care if he said it in private. It will reflect badly on the NBA as a whole if they dont take any action against him

This ain't no secret tho. This has been dude's M.O. for DECADES. If players REALLY wanted to make a stand, they'd refuse any trade to LAC or want to sign with them because. Obviously, its easier said than done....but many of the guys on the team just don't care. For me it's all about principle...for others, as long as they getting paid, oh well. Just my .02
Anyone on that "I'm not shocked", "You should expect that" nonsense is most likely a loser.

This not not normal and those are warped, defeatist attitudes that have taken over your psychology.

This is a rare, tangible insight into the invisible shackles that still hold people in this nation in slavery.

It would be naive to act like conversations like this aren't typical, this just happened to include an owner of a sports team, and it was recorded
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Hi "GF" ain't worth a **** either.

Money grab

Sterling's wife is suing her for having an affair with him and saying she uses wealthy men

She might have recorded it to black mail him or get her to drop the lawsuit, and said forget it. I can become famous and wealthy in other ways.
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She thinks it's just racism on his part which it is but "the truth is far more sinister" he owns a pro sports team when ur on that level monetary wise ur dealing with the elite who don't want to be associated with certain groups on certain levels. I'm not gonna say the buzz word that gets everybody going but that's what we're dealing with here it's obvious. She's thinking he's simply racist when really he's catching heat from a bigger fish. Wouldn't be surprised if she has some sort of "accident". But I'm glad this was exposed
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All the black celebs are on Twitter tweeting about it. Even Magic Johnson. Its picking up steam for real.
In 2012, around the time The Clippers started to become actually good, David Sterling told Clipper Darrell to no longer be associated with the Clippers, and he would no longer receive free tickets.

I remember that thread and a lot of NTers sided with the Clippers on that though

NBA needs to step in on this issue; you can't just act like it didn't happen

I wonder what CP3 and Blake are thinking but I'm sure they already know how this dude rolls behind the scenes
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Where were they before today? Just an honest question.....

I guess the NBA family of players and coaches knew about it but with no proof, nothing could really be done.

Now with social media and updates being sent in every second, more can be said to deal with this.
All the black celebs are on Twitter tweeting about it. Even Magic Johnson. Its picking up steam for real.

Where were they before today? Just an honest question.....
Word, it's been known for a minute that Sterling is ignorant and a bigot, but now the media is gonna make a big story out of it. It's just noise at the end of the day. You got turmoil in the Ukraine, a volatile stock market, a decelerating economy, but let's get Americans riled up by responding to a bigot that we know has been this way for a few years now.

Just live with love people. Don't judge others. Don't be ignorant. Don't spread hate. It gets us nowhere.
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Word, it's been known for a minute that Sterling is ignorant and a bigot, but now the media is gonna make a big story out of it. It's just noise at the end of the day. You got turmoil in the Ukraine, a volatile stock market, a decelerating economy, but let's get Americans riled up by responding to a bigot that we know has been this way for a few years now.


I see it as nothing but ambulance chasing at this point...Sterling should have been gone a LONG time ago. If this incident is what leads to him being out of the game, then so be it. I just wished that people would have advocated for this with as much furor as they are now, a few years (or decades) back.
Word, it's been known for a minute that Sterling is ignorant and a bigot, but now the media is gonna make a big story out of it. It's just noise at the end of the day. You got turmoil in the Ukraine, a volatile stock market, a decelerating economy, but let's get Americans riled up by responding to a bigot that we know has been this way for a few years now.

Just live with love people. Don't judge others. Don't be ignorant. Don't spread hate. It gets us nowhere.

and then here comes the "who cares??!!! there are starving african children!!!" people
So who recorded this conversation and released it? she did?

anyways after listening to 3 minutes of it i stopped. dude is disgusting
Elgin Baylor sued this dude a couple of years ago and it was barely an issue to the media. I guess the thing back then was, the Clippers sucked and Baylor was looked at as a bad general manager. Even though he's one of the 50 greatest players in the history of the sport.
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