Lakers @ Warriors: Bob Delaney Appreciation /"Warriors Fans Crying"/ Laker Fans saying "stop crying"

Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

You said you saw the replay on ESPN, so you didnt see all the angles, because I know ESPN only showed one angle of the play. Fisher had his left arm around Monta and dragging them down. Monta didnt run him over at all, all he did was try to get position to receive the inbound pass, and was grabbed down by Fisher.

Bud, there was one other view of the play, and it was no better than the shot that everyone else saw.

There was SPACE between Fisher's arm and Monta's body as they were going down, and unless Fisher is benching 1,000 pounds with his pinky toes, there's no way that he could DRAG him down. And you didn't mention that Monta's off-arm was on Fisher, just about as much as Fisher was "dragging" him down. Fisher was pushed back, what the hell do you want him to do? just stand there and get pushed? They both fought for position, they both fell. It happens, it just always doesn't get called.

Wait, I couldnt read that because I remember you saying Al Harrington was the W's second best option.

Nah. J/P. But, im just saying it was a bad call regardless, period. We can go back n forth of who was more at fault, but all in all, it was the refs fault for taking the game out of the players hands tonight.

Originally Posted by acidicality

SMH at what this post turned into like i expected. just got back from the game..

you can already kinda predict what i feel about the call: it was !%%@#%@ #+#%%++$. i'm not saying that decided the game (the baron throw to monta in OT should NEVER have been thrown, that was a costly posession). You should NEVER let something so wishy-washy decide the game. whether or not Ellis pushed, Fisher definitely did a helluva flopping job. And NEVER should the game be decided over that. I don't mind losing, but losing over some absolute crap that shouldn't even be called in the first place is really hard to swallow.

Really, to me, this was a HELLUVA game to watch at Oracle, but that last call really took the sails out of the game. It's like the game still isn't over yet. If even Farmar stole the inbound pass cleanly and sealed the game up, I wouldn't be so pissed. But it's absolutely ridiculous.

Watch, I know Laker fans are gonna be like "U MADD?" and act all immature with some photoshops, but flip the positions, you would be crying foul as well.

Again I want to reiterate the Lakers played a helluva game and a Warriors/Lakers series would be REALLY something especially the way the last 3 games have gone. But it's a shame (to me) that such a great game is decided over something absolutely ridiculous.

fisher didn't flop, ellis knocked him down.
you warrior fans are delusional.

maybe it's you laker fans that are even more delusional. and this is why laker fans are looked so down upon on NT.
Fisher is a known flopper. He flopped. I don't mind that, but the refs should know better not to call something so stupid. And Ellis' momentum went into Fisher? Trust me if the positions switched you Laker fans would be crying foul all over the place.

You Laker fans huh?

Edit your sigs bro because you seem to behaving an identity crisis. By the way Ellis charged... proof: charge was called.

Good night Laker fans and Laker haters!
Nah. J/P. But, im just saying it was a bad call regardless, period. We can go back n forth of who was more at fault, but all in all, it was the refs fault for taking the game out of the players hands tonight.

You should never make that call in thatsituation. Like Paul already broke down...that's why.
Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

^ya I just can't stand it when a game (especially a good game like this) is decided by the refs...

ive been seeing you post for a minute, and i usually think you provide well-thought, objective analysis, but i dont agree with the whole "game shouldntbe decided by the refs" thing.
you will probably say you dont think fish was fouled at all, and thats cool, but i dont agree that refs should swallow their whistles to "let theplayers decide the game." if its a foul in the first minute, it should be called in the last minute. refs SHOULD decide the game when players put thedecision in their hands... that's what they're paid to do.
Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

^ya I just can't stand it when a game (especially a good game like this) is decided by the refs...

Bullrepeat... I know we have had our things in the past; but with all respect; How can a Bulls fans even say that knowing how Jordan ended his run in that Utah game? The greatest ever had many-a-games helped by the refs; especially that push off to win. This is coming from a Utah-"disliker"!
oh boy....

we really gotta get into that now and have ska pulls out his screen shots

MJ's push was not an offensive foul IMO... It was a hard cross over. The "push" did not affect Russell's direction enough (if at all) to be called an offensive foul. Especially at the end of a game in the NBA Finals......


I am just jawing at you. You have earned my respect, I hope you know that by now. Word though... I am guessing you aren't from Cali. Gettinginvolved in the LA vs. "NorCal" thing is not recommended for outsiders; its is a bitter thing. I think it really stems from Northern Cali not beingable to charge Southern Cali for Water sources
! Anyways goodnight!
Overall (since i'm not sure anyone read my post), what bugs me the most is that the refs decided this game. It was SUCH A GOOD GAME! Back and forth, bothteams hitting shots, but it has to be decided over a very, very questionable call. I'm not hating on the Lakers at all, since they brought their gametoday. But it's such a shame the Warriors never got a chance to win/tie/lose the game rightfully.
Originally Posted by krapjnad

Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

^ya I just can't stand it when a game (especially a good game like this) is decided by the refs...

ive been seeing you post for a minute, and i usually think you provide well-thought, objective analysis, but i dont agree with the whole "game shouldnt be decided by the refs" thing.
you will probably say you dont think fish was fouled at all, and thats cool, but i dont agree that refs should swallow their whistles to "let the players decide the game." if its a foul in the first minute, it should be called in the last minute. refs SHOULD decide the game when players put the decision in their hands... that's what they're paid to do.

What I meant is that if it's a questionable call like that one was then they could let it go. Especially on an inbounds play....

I didn't mean to say that the refs should always swallow the whistlesin crunch time. my fault I should have been more clear in the OG post....

I am just jawing at you. You have earned my respect, I hope you know that by now. Word though... I am guessing you aren't from Cali. Getting involved in the LA vs. "NorCal" thing is not recommended for outsiders; its is a bitter thing. I think it really stems from Northern Cali not being able to charge Southern Cali for Water sources
! Anyways goodnight!

ya I'm not from Cali and I've got no clue about this "NorCal vs SoCal thing"

besides the Kings/Lakers from 02
As fans, it's disappointing and makes us mad, but in the end, we just gotta deal with it.

06 Finals.....................................................................................
I am starting to believe that I cant even associate with Laker fans anymore... they are just way too much.

This weekend this dude was honestly convinced Kobe was better than Jordan, and after tonight and reading this post... Im done with it. Its wayy tofrustrating.

"Dont argue with idiots, they will win everytime. They have way more experience." My view on Laker fans.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Tackle is the absolute worst word you can use. There was no view that we saw that showed Fisher's right arm. Fisher's left arm WAS on the back of Monta, but unless Monta weighs 20 lbs, there ain't no way you can tackle a man with that much "force." Monta didn't help the cause that he was pushing (not hard, not lightly) on Fisher.

Monta's momentum was already going forward... it's easier to pull someone down when their momentum is going that way.

So his momentum was already going through a defender? Now we are getting somewhere, a GS fan admitting the charge.

Because a player's momentum is going forward, that doesn't automatically mean it's a charge.

Fish was already at spot position and you admit that Ellis' momentum was going forward, so that makes it a charge. If Fish grabs Ellis after the charge- doesn't matter 1st foul takes priority.

In all honesty, has the thought of Fisher flopping ever cross your mind? In all honesty, do you think the cal was the correct call? Or are you saying allthis because it gave your team the benefit of the doubt and eventually won you the game?

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Besides, when you get knocked down, it is instinct to grab out to break your fall. Move on to your next game already. You have 2 coming up against Dallas; that is what you should really be worried about. Those games could be your season.
So let's say "Ellis charges Fisher", you're going to tell me that any player in the NBA's first reaction is to hold on tosomething to break his fall? Go find me a clip because I can sure as hell find you multiple clips of players flying on charges 6, 7, 8 feet across the floorwithout trying to grab someone/something to break their fall. Their first instinct is to grab out to break your fall [George Lopez] TA LOCA [George Lopez]trying to grab out to break your fall.

You're pointing out games that should matter ok... that's fine with me... but these games against OTHER WESTERN CONFERENCE TEAMS MATTER ALSO. If weonly worry about beating Dallas and Denver and not take these games vs LA, New Orleans, and others seriously, we're out of the playoffs because ALL THESEGAMES MATTER.
@ not knowing the importance of every game down the stretch for us.
I watched the game, can I comment? I wouldn't have posted until I saw that "injury" Dfish was about to have.
Originally Posted by WstCoastGotti

I am starting to believe that I cant even associate with Laker fans anymore... they are just way too much.

This weekend this dude was honestly convinced Kobe was better than Jordan, and after tonight and reading this post... Im done with it. Its wayy to frustrating.

"Dont argue with idiots, they will win everytime. They have way more experience." My view on Laker fans.

Thanks for summing us all up as idiots.

I can understand that there are a lot of bad seed Laker fans, but don't group all of us into that.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

As fans, it's disappointing and makes us mad, but in the end, we just gotta deal with it.

06 Finals.....................................................................................


i really felt for you guys in the finals....that was absolutelyhorrific.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

As fans, it's disappointing and makes us mad, but in the end, we just gotta deal with it.

06 Finals.....................................................................................

My dude. I feel you on that. I'm not even a Mavs fan, but I pulled my Dirk jersey out in support of the Mavs in that finals because I wasn't aboutShaq getting another chip not wth the Lakers. Ya'll got robbed.
I can understand that there are a lot of bad seed Laker fans, but don't group all of us into that.
I understand that, but it's very hard to do so. Just look at the immaturity in (most, not all) the responses here by Laker fans. There aresome Laker fans here I respect 100%, but the vast majority....not so much.
"I thought it was going to be a no-call, just two guys fall down and the play goes on," Fisher said. "So when the whistle blew, it caught me off-guard as well. ... I don't think anybody was necessarily guilty of anything, but from the angle that Bob had, it looked (Ellis) had his hands to my chest, which he did. But like I said, I wasn't trying to fall down at all in that situation."
It's unfortunate, in a situation like that, that we didn't get an opportunity to get a shot up," said Baron Davis, who had 30 points, nine rebounds and seven assists. "You can't blame it all on the last play, but you can't blame it on our effort, either. I think both games, going down to the wire, they're good games."
"I thought our comeback was great," Warriors coach Don Nelson said. "We really battled, and didn't have great games from everybody. I played my guys a lot of minutes both games, and fatigue was a bit of a factor, but we were right there to win it. It was a really great basketball game."
cmon Nelson.. what comeback are u talking about? you guys were up all game..
It's hard to let go of.
You beat the "champs" in the Spurs in exciting fashion. You whoop the team and player that you let go in the Suns.You get a 2.8 game lead on the defending team, and you lose it. Every possible thing that could go wrong, did. But, I'm not trying to turn this into aDwyane Wade post,

I just have one thing EMBEDDED in my head from that series. 49 FT's in one game (and 25 from Wade).

I'll NEVER forget.

It was worse than Vince McMahon screwing Bret Hart out of the WWF Title.
Originally Posted by caLiwestcoast1

Originally Posted by Big Sloppy Panda

Originally Posted by dako akong otin

warrior fans remind me of the old kings fans
Thats because the majority of warriors fans ARE kings fans. Its well documented

co-sign...LOL...the queens fans of yesterday are the warrior bandwagon fans of today...

Ignorant statements about the Warriors fans and Kings fans. Will it ever stop?!
is everyone forgetting that the lakers were winning the game, you're assuming the Warriors were going to score.
I can understand that there are a lot of bad seed Laker fans, but don't group all of us into that.
I understand that, but it's very hard to do so. Just look at the immaturity in (most, not all) the responses here by Laker fans. There are some Laker fans here I respect 100%, but the vast majority....not so much.
Pretty much... KB8SD I have been on this board forever so obviously I know you a legit fan. But damn I have just had it with some of yall.

And they were down 110-101 with 2 minutes to play. maybe that comeback? jesus watch the game bro obviously youd know what comeback, they had like 3 steals ina row
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