Lakers @ Warriors: Bob Delaney Appreciation /"Warriors Fans Crying"/ Laker Fans saying "stop crying"

All I'm saying is this. I believe that it was a bad call.

But hey, whatever, I'll take any W by any means necessary.

Blame the refs, not Fish. That's my take.
I'm fine with Fisher flopping but I'm not fine with his acting like he got a season-ending injury and then act nothing happen once the game starts.

Even kobe flops...I saw it tonight.
Originally Posted by DOdADaMnTh1nG

Originally Posted by akajaedeuce

fisher didn't flop, ellis knocked him down.
you warrior fans are delusional.

u would of act the same if it happen the other way around

And you would jump out of a building if it was on fire! See how easy it is to make assumptions about others? Get over it! GS beat LA Yesterday! LA beatGS today! Its a wash- focus on Dallas, that is where you guys will make the playoffs. Because if you can't beat them then I think you will be looking inthis year.
Originally Posted by thachosen123

@ some of the Laker fans throwing salt in the wounds

@ ALL of you Warrior fans., some of this stuff yall sayin is jus completely out of hand
This thread is going crazy
. I am pissed at the call and I have hated Fisher since forever so that didn't help
but I think everyoneneeds to CHILL. If CERTAIN people weren't so damn cocky, I am sure some things would have not been said. But that is just the way it is. Your going to havecocky fans and your going to have fans say some crazy @#% @#$%. The game is done. We cannot do a damn thing about it. It was definitely a frustrating game tolose, especially the way we lost it. But we got to move on.
Originally Posted by knightngale

how does this reach 40+ pages? are most NTers based in oakland or something?

just laker and warriors fans sayin the same thing from page 24.. i swear i dont even know why im reading all this .. im basically reading the same meaningjust in different words.. lol
its all fun though..
Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Originally Posted by Kidskillz858

Yeah Warrior fans are so intelligent with threads like:

I would choose Monta Ellis to make a mid range jumper if my life depended on it.




Do you watch basketball? Minh and now this? Please stop, you are ruining the reputation of Laker fans. If I was a laker fan, I would be embarrassed of your lack of knowledge.

Do all of NT a favor and just go to sleep already.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by 715 asterisk

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

You're telling me Monta can "run" into Fisher and have him fly across the floor, land about 8 feet away, and hurt his knee all at the same time?

Get. The. @%%+. Out. Of. Here.
Talk about over-exaggeration

Take a break from NT and your 13529 posts and re-watch the play. Don't worry. The message board will be here when you return.



Struck a nerve? And who's this dude catching feelings through another man's heart break?
Originally Posted by akajaedeuce

fisher didn't flop, ellis knocked him down.
you warrior fans are delusional.
It is things like this that are keeping this post alive with negative words towards both squads.
You didnt even watch the game though? You said you saw the replay on ESPN, so you didnt see all the angles, because I know ESPN only showed one angle of the play. Fisher had his left arm around Monta and dragging them down. Monta didnt run him over at all, all he did was try to get position to receive the inbound pass, and was grabbed down by Fisher.
I don't need to see the entire game to have an opinion of one play. And I don't need to see every possible angle to see that Ellis hadmomentum that was going into Fisher's position, even before the ball was inbounded.
Paul Is On Tilt:
I'll admit, I'm biased. It was a call against MY team. If the same thing were to happen in a Detroit vs New Jersey game for example, I'd be unbiased, yes, but still argue that it was a horrible call to end the game. So my stance on this whole play wouldn't change.
Now on the "Ellis/Fisher" play... it's called "physical play". They used to allow it in the NBA.
THAT... I have no problem agreeing with. Twenty years ago, the ref looks down at the play, maybe even chuckles, and thinks 'Sure, bud...'
how does this reach 40+ pages? are most NTers based in oakland or something?

Lots of NTers are from the Bay Area and lots are from SoCal and this was controversial, competitive and emotional game. I am not surprised that this thread hasso many posts. As a Laker fan, I am glad to see the Warriors playing well enough to be in the post season. A Lakers-Warriors series thisy ear and a multi-yearpost season rivalry would be be fun because some of the very best sports rivalries are played within the State of California.
Originally Posted by 715 asterisk

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by 715 asterisk

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

You're telling me Monta can "run" into Fisher and have him fly across the floor, land about 8 feet away, and hurt his knee all at the same time?

Get. The. @%%+. Out. Of. Here.
Talk about over-exaggeration

Take a break from NT and your 13529 posts and re-watch the play. Don't worry. The message board will be here when you return.


Struck a nerve? And who's this dude catching feelings through another man's heart break?

Not really, because in all fairness, my post count and my time spent on NT really has nothing to do with your over-exaggeration of the play.

So yeah, the stoneface IMO was well deserved.
Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

Originally Posted by akajaedeuce

fisher didn't flop, ellis knocked him down.
you warrior fans are delusional.

it should have been a no call

true, but i feel that monta was more at fault.
Originally Posted by 715 asterisk

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by 715 asterisk

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

You're telling me Monta can "run" into Fisher and have him fly across the floor, land about 8 feet away, and hurt his knee all at the same time?

Get. The. @%%+. Out. Of. Here.
Talk about over-exaggeration

Take a break from NT and your 13529 posts and re-watch the play. Don't worry. The message board will be here when you return.


Struck a nerve? And who's this dude catching feelings through another man's heart break?


Another man's hearbreak huh? Write a poem dog!

You GS fans acting like WWIII just broke out. Calm down!
You said you saw the replay on ESPN, so you didnt see all the angles, because I know ESPN only showed one angle of the play. Fisher had his left arm around Monta and dragging them down. Monta didnt run him over at all, all he did was try to get position to receive the inbound pass, and was grabbed down by Fisher.

Bud, there was one other view of the play, and it was no better than the shot that everyone else saw.

There was SPACE between Fisher's arm and Monta's body as they were going down, and unless Fisher is benching 1,000 pounds with his pinky toes,there's no way that he could DRAG him down. And you didn't mention that Monta's off-arm was on Fisher, just about as much as Fisher was"dragging" him down. Fisher was pushed back, what the hell do you want him to do? just stand there and get pushed? They both fought for position,they both fell. It happens, it just always doesn't get called.
SMH at what this post turned into like i expected. just got back from the game..

you can already kinda predict what i feel about the call: it was !%%@#%@ #+#%%++$. i'm not saying that decided the game (the baron throw to monta in OTshould NEVER have been thrown, that was a costly posession). You should NEVER let something so wishy-washy decide the game. whether or not Ellis pushed, Fisherdefinitely did a helluva flopping job. And NEVER should the game be decided over that. I don't mind losing, but losing over some absolute crap thatshouldn't even be called in the first place is really hard to swallow.

Really, to me, this was a HELLUVA game to watch at Oracle, but that last call really took the sails out of the game. It's like the game still isn'tover yet. If even Farmar stole the inbound pass cleanly and sealed the game up, I wouldn't be so pissed. But it's absolutely ridiculous.

Watch, I know Laker fans are gonna be like "U MADD?" and act all immature with some photoshops, but flip the positions, you would be crying foul aswell.

Again I want to reiterate the Lakers played a helluva game and a Warriors/Lakers series would be REALLY something especially the way the last 3 games havegone. But it's a shame (to me) that such a great game is decided over something absolutely ridiculous.

fisher didn't flop, ellis knocked him down.
you warrior fans are delusional.

maybe it's you laker fans that are even more delusional. and this is why laker fans are looked so down upon on NT.
Fisher is a known flopper. He flopped. I don't mind that, but the refs should know better not to call something so stupid. And Ellis' momentum wentinto Fisher? Trust me if the positions switched you Laker fans would be crying foul all over the place.
Originally Posted by Big Sloppy Panda

Originally Posted by dako akong otin

warrior fans remind me of the old kings fans
Thats because the majority of warriors fans ARE kings fans. Its well documented

co-sign...LOL...the queens fans of yesterday are the warrior bandwagon fans of today...and rocboy how u gonna say kobe getting out of the 1st round sonwhen brokeback t-mac hasnt even tasted the 1st round and dont even say kobe had shaq...shoo didnt t-mac have yao?
Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

^ya I just can't stand it when a game (especially a good game like this) is decided by the refs...

Bullrepeat... I know we have had our things in the past; but with all respect; How can a Bulls fans even say that knowing how Jordan ended his run in thatUtah game? The greatest ever had many-a-games helped by the refs; especially that push off to win. This is coming from a Utah-"disliker"!
Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

^ya I just can't stand it when a game (especially a good game like this) is decided by the refs...

i agree. but i'll take this win, especially after last nights game
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

You said you saw the replay on ESPN, so you didnt see all the angles, because I know ESPN only showed one angle of the play. Fisher had his left arm around Monta and dragging them down. Monta didnt run him over at all, all he did was try to get position to receive the inbound pass, and was grabbed down by Fisher.

Bud, there was one other view of the play, and it was no better than the shot that everyone else saw.

There was SPACE between Fisher's arm and Monta's body as they were going down, and unless Fisher is benching 1,000 pounds with his pinky toes, there's no way that he could DRAG him down. And you didn't mention that Monta's off-arm was on Fisher, just about as much as Fisher was "dragging" him down. Fisher was pushed back, what the hell do you want him to do? just stand there and get pushed? They both fought for position, they both fell. It happens, it just always doesn't get called.

Wait, I couldnt read that because I remember you saying Al Harrington was the W's second best option.

Nah. J/P. But, im just saying it was a bad call regardless, period. We cango back n forth of who was more at fault, but all in all, it was the refs fault for taking the game out of the players hands tonight.
Originally Posted by krapjnad

Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by krapjnad

that is why the warriors fans get pissed out at the refs

no, it's because you guys have homer announcers that cry about everything.

"i thought kobe picked up the t-shirt, and he got fouled (chuckle)"
"this is atrocious. wahhhhh... the league will apologize for this, blah blah blah"

who is this guy? i like the warriors, but this announcer has got to be the worst in the league. what a baby. gg warriors.

Only thing I'll comment on... Don't say Warrior fans complain because of announcers. We have eyes and we have brains. We can make decisions for ourselves. Blaming refs because of announcers is logical?

obviously warrior fans (and all fans) have eyes and brains, but dont you think this thread would be a little different if the homer warrior announcer said "and monta fouls fisher! what a bad time for an offensive foul."

granted the guys tonight were the home announcers, but my argument is that the announcers can shape opinions... they give fans opportunities to cry and whine. obviously fans make their own opinions, but the warrior announcers tonight were just awful.

Ok, you made your point on announcers... but even though calling a foul the "Monta/Fisher" play was still unnecessary and IMO the wrongcall regardless of what Fitzgerald had to say.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by BullsRepeat3Peat

^ya I just can't stand it when a game (especially a good game like this) is decided by the refs...

Bullrepeat... I know we have had our things in the past; but with all respect; How can a Bulls fans even say that knowing how Jordan ended his run in that Utah game? The greatest ever had many-a-games helped by the refs; especially that push off to win. This is coming from a Utah-"disliker"!
oh boy....

we really gotta get into that now and have ska pull out his screen shots

MJ's push was not an offensive foul IMO... It was a hard cross over. The "push" did not affect Russell's direction enough (if at all) to becalled an offensive foul. Especially at the end of a game in the NBA Finals......
I've stated throughout this entire debacle that it wasn't the right call, and yes, it was a bad call. My problem with the call is, there should havebeen NO CALL.

Also, it's notable that they shouldn't have done that lane violation, even though that was much earlier than the 4 seconds left.
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