Lakers @ Warriors: Bob Delaney Appreciation /"Warriors Fans Crying"/ Laker Fans saying "stop crying"

God I hope we see the Warriors in the first round.
Originally Posted by k0befomvp

I still dont want the Lakers to face Golden State in the playoffs. But Denver will take care of that.
GS will make the playoffs.....The mavs on the other hand....
Warriors dont want none of us in the 1st round with Gasol, Bynum, & Mihm all back for the playoffs.

The series would last only 5 games at the most.
Derek Fisher always pull some tricks at the closing seconds even worse is when he pretended to be injured and laid on the floor for the longest time and goingto playing like nothing happens. I remember a few games he pulled something like that, IT COSTS THE LAKERS SOME GAMES. I JUST LAUGH.

Was really Utah letting Fish go to LA for his daughter to be closer to "good" hospital or he didn't want second string to Deron Williams?
Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Originally Posted by bright nikes

Warrior fans don't wish upon the Lakers in first round.

Having problems with odom&turiaf imagine odom+turiaf+bynum+gasol trust me, it isn't gonna be a good look.

I'm a warriors fan, $!%! that bandwagon #$@#. I know Im a diehard. So, with that being said, as bad as the matchups are, I have full confident we can beat the Lakers in the playoffs. Eff that Bynum + Gasol, they havent even played a single game on the floor together. How you know the chemistry will be there? So, until I see them all on the floor together as a unit playing incredible basketball, please stop speculating on how good the Lakers are going to be until they actually play all together. Talent doesnt equal everything without actual execution.
trust me dude, the warriors have no chance in hell to beat the lakers in the playoffs IF Gasol, Bynum, Mihm, and Ariza come back. You dont even needchemistry for that. When you have a player like Kobe who demands a double team alot, it opens up the game for everyone else. Its gonna be hard for any team tobeat this laker team at full strength.
Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

at some of you laker fans, ya'll know damn well you'd react the same way if this happened to your team., forget it happening to their OWN team. These little KOBE/Laker fans got all pissy when the MIAMI HEAT got a call in their favor to end the game against Dallas.
Bron/Tmac whoever you think is better at the moment than Kobe you root for, You always mad when Kobes successful.

I'm always mad when Kobe's successful? Oh really...go look up my posts. Go see the MVP threads. Don't get me confused with other people.
Dog, we been on here for about the same amount of years and always playa you be on Kobe.

Yea exactly, so i'd think you'd know me by now homie. Am i a kobe fan? HELL !$!!%@@ NO. But do i give kobe props when he does something amazingor is doing his thing?....HELL YEA! AND...when did i say ANYTHING about Kobe in this thread until you brought him up? I could give a damn about Kobe. Thiswas a thread about MY team vs. the Lakers.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Originally Posted by vietsta4o8

tupac003 wrot
what sucked was that the ref that made the call had absolutely NO ANGLE and just made the call on an assumption.
He was standing right there....

All I know is some of yall (both sides) Need to grow up. IT WAS ONE GAME! I know it was a horrible call but it happens. It happens to every team at least 3 or 4 times a year. Just gte over it and move on. If it happened to us hell yeah I would be pissed but I am not going to wish death on players amnd whine about it for 5 or 6 pages. The game is over and both teams have business to handle. Get over it.
dude was on the baseline and had no vision on the play. don nelson was doing his ring around the rosie play that he always does where they all line up and baron runs arounds in circles. monta and fish got tangled up on the other side of the circle and that ref had no vision on it.

Dude....your reaching...and for no reason. You can't change the call. PERIOD. Its one game. Yall act like this was for the title. Its one game. Just take care of you business and yall will still make the playoffs.

we all know you cant change the call, but like many have stated, it should have been a no call. let the players decide the game. but like i stated beforeit was a very good and entertaining game. series is 2-2 and you cant deny that when both teams play each other its a very entertaining game. im not knockingthe lakers or anything. they are the number one seed and are playing w/o bynum and gasol and are obviously doing something right. im just ticked that the refmade that call under the circumstances
which game was it when sasha fell on the ground and they called a foul on him....that was a BS call too but see we just keep pushing and move on to the nextgame...

you TRUE WARRIOR FANS should do the same.

peace and love y'all !
Originally Posted by Kidskillz858

Warriors dont want none of us in the 1st round with Gasol, Bynum, & Mihm all back for the playoffs.

The series would last only 5 games at the most.

ok you were right with the first two but Mihm?
Ska ban him immediately.
Originally Posted by rocboys

Derek Fisher always pull some tricks at the closing seconds even worse is when he pretended to be injured and laid on the floor for the longest time and going to playing like nothing happens. I remember a few games he pulled something like that, IT COSTS THE LAKERS SOME GAMES. I JUST LAUGH.

This coming from a dude saying that the Kings had a championship run.
I DNR see how anyone can argue that call monta and diddy were both trying to plow over fish and Kobe clearly a fowl. With that said I'm out see youwarriors fans in the 1st round. And I'm sayen this with diddy being me 2favorite player and a very close friend on the family, it was a good call!
Originally Posted by Kidskillz858

Warriors dont want none of us in the 1st round with Gasol, Bynum, & Mihm all back for the playoffs.

The series would last only 5 games at the most.

Why does everyone keep saying this?
EVery real warrior fan KNOWSthis, this is like a broken record, got damn you guys we get the damn point, no we KNOW the damn point
Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

at some of you laker fans, ya'll know damn well you'd react the same way if this happened to your team., forget it happening to their OWN team. These little KOBE/Laker fans got all pissy when the MIAMI HEAT got a call in their favor to end the game against Dallas.
Bron/Tmac whoever you think is better at the moment than Kobe you root for, You always mad when Kobes successful.

I'm always mad when Kobe's successful? Oh really...go look up my posts. Go see the MVP threads. Don't get me confused with other people.
Dog, we been on here for about the same amount of years and always playa you be on Kobe.

Yea exactly, so i'd think you'd know me by now homie. Am i a kobe fan? HELL !$!!%@@ NO. But do i give kobe props when he does something amazing or is doing his thing?....HELL YEA! AND...when did i say ANYTHING about Kobe in this thread until you brought him up? I could give a damn about Kobe. This was a thread about MY team vs. the Lakers.
Care to explain?
Originally Posted by daprescription

Originally Posted by Kidskillz858

Warriors dont want none of us in the 1st round with Gasol, Bynum, & Mihm all back for the playoffs.

The series would last only 5 games at the most.

ok you were right with the 1st two but Mihm?
Ska ban him immediately.


You should be banned for being a poser Laker fan and yourweak sig.
I just got home and I am not going to bother reading these 41 pages. That was a frustrating game because it SHOULD NOT have ended the way it did. How the +@$*are you going to decide a game on a call like that? But we all know Stern wants the Lakers in the finals so
. Anyways, Monta had a tough game but dude hasbeen due for one forever. He has been so great for us lately so I ain't trippin about that. Biedrins also needs to stay out of foul trouble. Azubuikeshould also get more minutes, this dude has been great the past 2 nights. Today reminded me why I hate Laker fans so much, not all of them, but nearly EVERYONEI know personally is the cockiest dude alive. But it is what it is. The Warriors should have won this game but we didn't. I'll take 1 out of 2 and wegot to move on.
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