Lakers @ Warriors: Bob Delaney Appreciation /"Warriors Fans Crying"/ Laker Fans saying "stop crying"

Originally Posted by Kidskillz858

Monta Ellis 7 for 20 tonight from the field.

I guess Warrriors fans still will select him to make a shot if they're life depended on it


Terrible logic used by you. This ONE GAME warrants you to say that? Once again, terrible logic.
very happy with the way the warriors played in the second half except for the last 2 minutes of the fourth when Sasha, Luke and Ronny played sloppily andturned the ball over letting the warriors come back. the lakers played the way they were supposed to, under control, moving the ball around and being patienton the offensive end going from around 33 percent shooting to 45 percent.. If you're patient against the Warriors you can get the shot you want or get theoffensive rebound for the put back. Good win.

About the call, I didn't think it was a terrible call but I didn't think it was a great call either but something had to be called especially withfisher and Ellis falling to the ground. I felt Ellis initiated the contact but then Fisher took advantage of it to get the call his way which is just smartbasketball. And he did not flop, he was falling already before his arm went behind Ellis
Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

at some of you laker fans, ya'll know damn well you'd react the same way if this happened to your team., forget it happening to their OWN team. These little KOBE/Laker fans got all pissy when the MIAMI HEAT got a call in their favor to end the game against Dallas.
Bron/Tmac whoever you think is better at the moment than Kobe you root for, You always mad when Kobes successful.

I'm always mad when Kobe's successful? Oh really...go look up my posts. Go see the MVP threads. Don't get me confused with other people.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

some of ya'll disgust me
Lakers fans, have some taste though, if it was you, you'd be upset too. Take into consideration your .5 games back from the 9th seed, you'd be MAD.

Acting like Laker fans don't cry as well on bad calls.
tupac003 wrot
what sucked was that the ref that made the call had absolutely NO ANGLE and just made the call on an assumption.
He was standing right there....

All I know is some of yall (both sides) Need to grow up. IT WAS ONE GAME! I know it was a horrible call but it happens. It happens to every team at least 3 or 4 times a year. Just gte over it and move on. If it happened to us hell yeah I would be pissed but I am not going to wish death on players amnd whine about it for 5 or 6 pages. The game is over and both teams have business to handle. Get over it.
dude was on the baseline and had no vision on the play. don nelson was doing his ring around the rosie play that he always does where they all line upand baron runs arounds in circles. monta and fish got tangled up on the other side of the circle and that ref had no vision on it.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Tackle is the absolute worst word you can use. There was no view that we saw that showed Fisher's right arm. Fisher's left arm WAS on the back of Monta, but unless Monta weighs 20 lbs, there ain't no way you can tackle a man with that much "force." Monta didn't help the cause that he was pushing (not hard, not lightly) on Fisher.

Monta's momentum was already going forward... it's easier to pull someone down when their momentum is going that way.

So his momentum was already going through a defender? Now we are getting somewhere, a GS fan admitting the charge.
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Originally Posted by LVJordan238

Alright, the way I see it, that should have been a no call.
They were both tangeled up. Yes, Fisher pulled him to the floor but someone also had Fisher headed to the floor as well.
Oh well it's nice to see us catch a break for once.

BTW Why are some of our fans worried about the W's in playoffs. I am 100% confident we would win a series against them easily, provided we have Gasol and Bynum back.
How bad is Gasol's injury?

He should be back this week along with Mihm.

And Bynum and Ariza should both be back before the playoffs begin.
Terrible logic used by you. This ONE GAME warrants you to say that? Once again, terrible logic.

don't even bother man..

a bunch of dudes running wild in here right now on both sides

sounding like a bunch of HS kids
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Warrior fans don't wish upon the Lakers in first round.

Having problems with odom&turiaf imagine odom+turiaf+bynum+gasol trust me, it isn't gonna be a good look.

I'm a warriors fan, $!%! that bandwagon #$@#. I know Im a diehard. So, with that being said, as bad as the matchups are, I have full confident we canbeat the Lakers in the playoffs. Eff that Bynum + Gasol, they havent even played a single game on the floor together. How you know the chemistry will be there?So, until I see them all on the floor together as a unit playing incredible basketball, please stop speculating on how good the Lakers are going to be untilthey actually play all together. Talent doesnt equal everything without actual execution.
This thread just proves that the majority of warrior fans were kings fans at once.

They think they can get revenge for what the lakers did to the kings in the past... No...its not gonna happen...

I am a warrior and laker fan but im embarassed to be a warrior fan with all this crying...

Did fisher foul him or tricked the refs into thinking monta fouled him? Most likely. Its called a vet trick... Bad call? Probably. Can you do anything aboutit? nope

Bob fitzgerald should hang himself tonight. What a cry baby
Originally Posted by vietsta4o8

tupac003 wrot
what sucked was that the ref that made the call had absolutely NO ANGLE and just made the call on an assumption.
He was standing right there....

All I know is some of yall (both sides) Need to grow up. IT WAS ONE GAME! I know it was a horrible call but it happens. It happens to every team at least 3 or 4 times a year. Just gte over it and move on. If it happened to us hell yeah I would be pissed but I am not going to wish death on players amnd whine about it for 5 or 6 pages. The game is over and both teams have business to handle. Get over it.
dude was on the baseline and had no vision on the play. don nelson was doing his ring around the rosie play that he always does where they all line up and baron runs arounds in circles. monta and fish got tangled up on the other side of the circle and that ref had no vision on it.

Dude....your reaching...and for no reason. You can't change the call. PERIOD. Its one game. Yall act like this was for the title. Its one game.Just take care of you business and yall will still make the playoffs.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Tackle is the absolute worst word you can use. There was no view that we saw that showed Fisher's right arm. Fisher's left arm WAS on the back of Monta, but unless Monta weighs 20 lbs, there ain't no way you can tackle a man with that much "force." Monta didn't help the cause that he was pushing (not hard, not lightly) on Fisher.

Monta's momentum was already going forward... it's easier to pull someone down when their momentum is going that way.

So it's Fisher's fault? No. There was a push/pull on both ends, they got tangled up, they fell, the ref blew the whistle. I'm with you guyssaying it was the wrong call, I'm with you saying it wasn't a foul, but it wasn't a foul on Fisher. If someone is running at you and your trying todeny him the ball and you both fall, then it's a toss-up at who's at blame. The ball wasn't going in Monta's hands to begin with so I thinkthere should be a no call. But it's whatever. I was just trying to show the P.O.V of someone who is unbiased.
Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce

Originally Posted by bright nikes

Warrior fans don't wish upon the Lakers in first round.

Having problems with odom&turiaf imagine odom+turiaf+bynum+gasol trust me, it isn't gonna be a good look.

I'm a warriors fan, $!%! that bandwagon #$@#. I know Im a diehard. So, with that being said, as bad as the matchups are, I have full confident we can beat the Lakers in the playoffs. Eff that Bynum + Gasol, they havent even played a single game on the floor together. How you know the chemistry will be there? So, until I see them all on the floor together as a unit playing incredible basketball, please stop speculating on how good the Lakers are going to be until they actually play all together. Talent doesnt equal everything without actual execution.

Oh the irony of this statement. Think about it!
Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

at some of you laker fans, ya'll know damn well you'd react the same way if this happened to your team., forget it happening to their OWN team. These little KOBE/Laker fans got all pissy when the MIAMI HEAT got a call in their favor to end the game against Dallas.
Bron/Tmac whoever you think is better at the moment than Kobe you root for, You always mad when Kobes successful.

I'm always mad when Kobe's successful? Oh really...go look up my posts. Go see the MVP threads. Don't get me confused with other people.
Dog, we been on here for about the same amount of years and always playa you be on Kobe.
im a warriors fan and my take on the play is that fisher and ellis were playing physically and fisher lost his balance and grabbed onto ellis and pulled himdown with him. since fisher fell down first it seemed like ellis charged through him and add that with a little acting and you get an offensive foul. it shouldhave been a no call, and it is just horrible on both sides when players play hard for 53 minutes and dont even get a chance to decide the game.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Warrior fans care to chime in on that Baron flop vid?

Because that has everything to do with the way this game was decided.

Kids with ADD need to keep up, its hard with this thread being 40+ pages. But we're talking about the Warriors not being given a chance to tie the game.

You swallow your whistle in that situation.
Originally Posted by daprescription

I'm a Warriors fan and I said a healthy Lakers team would sweep us in the playoffs. Everybody stop crying. Game is over, nothing you can do.

so true... I wrongfully assumed that u were a senseless warriors homer before, but clearly I was wrong...
damn I'm reading page 37 and it jumps to page 40 lolol

a lot of salty ppl in here
Originally Posted by Big Sloppy Panda

This thread just proves that the majority of warrior fans were kings fans at once.

They think they can get revenge for what the lakers did to the kings in the past... No...its not gonna happen...

I am a warrior and laker fan but im embarassed to be a warrior fan with all this crying...

Did fisher foul him or tricked the refs into thinking monta fouled him? Most likely. Its called a vet trick... Bad call? Probably. Can you do anything about it? nope

Bob fitzgerald should habng himself tonight. What a cry baby

You keep saying this? Explain yourself. The "Beat LA". That comes from the Giants Vs Dodgers b
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by Kidskillz858

Monta Ellis 7 for 20 tonight from the field.

I guess Warrriors fans still will select him to make a shot if they're life depended on it


Terrible logic used by you. This ONE GAME warrants you to say that? Once again, terrible logic.

Kidskillz, you don't have any basketball knowledge whatsoever. Yeah, lets narrow down ONE bad game Monta had. Please check your facts before you postthat nonsense. You can't be serious here.
how many more pages of warriors fans crying? i say they reach 45
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