Lakers @ Warriors: Bob Delaney Appreciation /"Warriors Fans Crying"/ Laker Fans saying "stop crying"

Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

at some of you laker fans, ya'll know damn well you'd react the same way if this happened to your team., forget it happening to their OWN team. These little KOBE/Laker fans got all pissy when the MIAMI HEAT got a call in their favor to end thegame against Dallas.
some of ya'll disgust me

Seriously, it was a bad call, it wasn't the right call, but man some of you are overreacting. I understand each game matters, and I was mad when the Lakersbeat us from the line, but that's the game. There's no going back. The game's decided and it's over. Lakers fans, have some taste though, if itwas you, you'd be upset too. Take into consideration your .5 games back from the 9th seed, you'd be MAD.
I believe there should have been no call on that play but it couldn't come at a bad time with the game in the balance.

I had no idea what was happening in OT with the Lakers, it just seemed like people standing around waiting for Kobe to win it for them.

If that happened to our team, I'd be in the same situation as Warriors fans are right now, pissed off that the game ended from a call like that.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Alright now that i'm cooled of a little ( i'll still punch a laker fan swift in the jaw right now ). It was a HELL OF A GAME. Back and forth action all through the game. Both teams played great games. It is VERY unfortunate that the game came down to a terrible call, that should have been a NO CALL! Lamar dominated. Great mini-series laker fans, I wouldn't want to see them in the Play-off. It's not like the Warriors are going to make it anyway


Oh...shhhhiiii... e-thug...
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

You can't call that on Derek Fisher.
You can't call that on Monta Ellis.

That's the way I viewed it. The way I saw the play, they got tangled, Monta had his arm on Fisher, Fisher had his arm on Monta's back. It wasn't a flop by either player, they were tangled.

That's the way I see it. Whether it was a bad call or not, you can't blame the refs... missed FTs and layups by the W's put themselves in thatposition.
Even if it was a no call GS still had to score. You GS fans acting like that was the end-all-be-all. Accept it you lost.
Originally Posted by Sriracha Hot Sauce



do u watch many lakers games? They got screwed out of a game a couple weeks ago against the kings
Originally Posted by SupraTurbo619

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

You sure are on the jock.

LOL wow.
I post in ONE laker thread and you get all va jay jay hurt.

It's time for bed, go to sleep in your new Jabbawockiez shirt.

The only va jay jay that's hurt is yours.

Stay hating.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

You sure are on the jock.

LOL wow.
I post in ONE laker thread and you get all va jay jay hurt.

It's time for bed, go to sleep in your new Jabbawockiez shirt.
when someone is running into you, your first reaction is to take him down too cuz you go down means easy basket for them
Originally Posted by SupraTurbo619

Apparently the Lakers are trying to see Ellis and Baron Davis running through their pathetic defense.

A newly-back-from-injury-and-not-yet-used-to-being-the-second-big-man-option Bynum is really going to be in the groove by that time right?

Gasol would tear up any of Nellie's boys (esp. Biedrens) that's for sure.

The Warriors are giant killers, if I was a Laker fan I would want to put off seeing them for as long as possible.

c'mon now dude. the lakers can take the warriors without either of the two bigmen, what makes you think they can take them with one of them down low?
having only one of them down low is going to kill the warriors. easy.
To whoever said the Warriors would beat LA in the playoffs - these two games indicate nothing as they're missing 2 of their best 4 (arguably 3) players,both of which are in the frontcourt. Frontcourt talent is the W's kryptonite, especially since Gasol and Bynum aren't bad at running.

To whoever is mad that the W's lost and Denver won - the call was not BLATANTLY against Fisher. In fact, I think it was the right one, but I was watchingKCAL and they only showed it twice. Anyway, don't be so worried. As an objective Warrior fan I think that they'll make it, especially since the Mavsare in real danger of falling out.

To wishing death on Fisher AND his family - and this is probably rooted in how you think Derek Fisher is "classless," huh? He wasn't faking aninjury even if it was a flop, because Al tripped and landed on his knee after the fact. So chalk one up to not even knowing what you're talking about. Whothe hell says this kind of stuff anyway? Especially based on a CALL in a BASKETBALL GAME that you didn't like? I'm not trying to flame anyone becausethis seems like simple logic: these statements prove that there are idiots in the world.
Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

at some of you laker fans, ya'll know damn well you'd react the same way if this happened to your team., forget it happening to their OWN team. These little KOBE/Laker fans got all pissy when the MIAMI HEAT got a call in their favor to end the game against Dallas.
Bron/Tmac whoever you think is better at the moment than Kobe you root for, You always mad when Kobes successful.
Warrior fans don't wish upon the Lakers in first round.

Having problems with odom&turiaf imagine odom+turiaf+bynum+gasol trust me, it isn't gonna be a good look.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I just saw the replay on SportsCenter's 'Right Now' segment they do midway through the show, and they showed the Ellis/Fisher deal.

Ellis... DEFINITELY... went through Fisher.

That is so freaking obvious.

Of course, I'll watch it again as soon as I see it again... but Ellis definitely went at Fisher with forward motion. If Fisher WOULDN'T have went down, it would have been to his credit and NOT because Ellis didn't advance forward in Fisher's direction, into Fisher's position.

Whatever dude, Fisher pulled Ellis down, it was the worst call of the year so far.

Fisher needs to tear his ACL, and MCL, I'm sick of him. I hate him, I hated him when he played for the Lakers the first time, and I hated him when heplayed for my Warriors, thought it was a horrible idea signing him for all that money. I hated him when he was on Utah, and I hate him ever morenow.
He's no better then Bruce Bowen, and now he has a balled head just like him

If I ever see him in real life I'm going to tell him just how I feel, even though he can probably beat me up, I'd sue him for my injuries, and stickthe dude for his paper.
Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Alright now that i'm cooled of a little ( i'll still punch a laker fan swift in the jaw right now ). It was a HELL OF A GAME. Back and forth action all through the game. Both teams played great games. It is VERY unfortunate that the game came down to a terrible call, that should have been a NO CALL! Lamar dominated. Great mini-series laker fans, I wouldn't want to see them in the Play-off. It's not like the Warriors are going to make it anyway


Oh...shhhhiiii... e-thug...

I'm not even a thug, but that little comment was towards my friend who is a Lakers fan who called me after they won
Big Sloppy Panda:
This is why i dislike the warriors fans on this board. Always blaming officiating. That last play was just a mess... Refs make mistakes...

Who was the guy who said he agrees with the jazz fans on booing fisher? You should never be allowed to post on this board ever again.

Like i said earlier in the thread, the majority of warrior fans are old kings fans who jump on and off bandwagons at will...

Beat LA signs? Oh really kings.......I mean warrior fans.....
Yeah, cause it's just Warrior fans that complain about officiating right? Please...Laker fans are JUST like their favorite player, BIGGEST CRY BABIES in the world.

You're more than welcome to visit the game thread from last night's Warriors/Lakers game, where you will find that there is NOWHERE EVENCLOSE to the same amount of whining by Lakers fans in that thread as there is by Warriors fans in this thread.

And if you even THINK 'That's because the game wasn't decided by a bad call,' I already have a response: the call didn't decide the game,because we were already up.

Matter of fact, there were PLENTY of Laker fans (PRESENT COMPANY INCLUDED) that gave props to the Warriors on the victory.

Yuku threads don't die; go visit the thread.
You won't like the truth you'll find, though.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Even if it was a no call GS still had to score. You GS fans acting like that was the end-all-be-all. Accept it you lost.

Having a chance to score> no chance
Originally Posted by LVJordan238

Alright, the way I see it, that should have been a no call.
They were both tangeled up. Yes, Fisher pulled him to the floor but someone also had Fisher headed to the floor as well.
Oh well it's nice to see us catch a break for once.

BTW Why are some of our fans worried about the W's in playoffs. I am 100% confident we would win a series against them easily, provided we have Gasol and Bynum back.
How bad is Gasol's injury?
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Originally Posted by jbone2308

Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

Alright now that i'm cooled of a little ( i'll still punch a laker fan swift in the jaw right now ). It was a HELL OF A GAME. Back and forth action all through the game. Both teams played great games. It is VERY unfortunate that the game came down to a terrible call, that should have been a NO CALL! Lamar dominated. Great mini-series laker fans, I wouldn't want to see them in the Play-off. It's not like the Warriors are going to make it anyway


Oh...shhhhiiii... e-thug...

I'm not even a thug, but that little comment was towards my friend who is a Lakers fan who called me after they won
I know son, it sounded thuggish and funny as ever.
definite "no-call" in that situation but the games over so move on. both games were great and the warriors need to focus on not losing that 8 spotrather.

Lakers FTW!
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