[:: LAKERS 2014 THREAD | POLL: Who Should Coach Next Year? ::]


  • Mike _'Antoni

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stan Van Gundy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Byron Scott

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • George Karl

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jerry Sloan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kurt Rambis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nate McMillan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Doug Collins

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • College Coach (Mention Name and School)...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
LOL @ flipping Kaman for something. Nash won't fetch you much, either. The only teams that would take him would be contenders and even then what will they give up that's worthwhile to us?

Pau has value, so long as D'Antoni plays him at the 5 and lets him excel at his best position. Of course, that won't happen and we'll be wondering why Pau sucks when he's stuck on the perimeter attempting 3's.
I don't think we get anyone next summer.

But I think a certain all star in Oklahoma will want to be here come his time for free agency. And I think that's when the Lakers make there power move.
Cleared for all actives?

And so.......it has begun......


I don't care I still say kobe the goat

Not gona deny the similarities is Kobes game to Mikes but this picture is kinda :rolleyes

Hands on the knees?
Triple threat position?
A one handed dunk? (mikes completely sideways, kobes facing the rim)
Driving to the rim?

Cmon now :lol:

Never knew Mike did the jersey bite though. Kobe definitely bites (no pun) Jordans celebrations and shooting form/fadeaway but then again why wouldnt you want perfect form and have an indefensible shot :lol:

Starting to feel like I'm coming off as a major Kobe stan which definitely isnt the case so ima just stop now :lol:
I wouldn't be surprised if kobe comes back and is just as explosive as he was last season. it seems like the media and fans in general that doubt him have never really been injured themselves. it is entirely possible to make a complete recovery. the only way you wouldn't is if there were complications with the surgery (grant hill) or improperly rehabbing (curry). I was smh at all the people laughing at d rose and now we find out that he improved his vert by 5 inches. the only thing kobe needs to do is make sure he is ready for the marathon and he'll be fine
I'll go with history (and common sense) and say he won't be anywhere as explosive.
:lol: :lol: :lol: at 35 and just as explosive 6 months off an achilles.

For a guy that has not even started running on a court yet. :lol: :lol: :lol:
well for one thing I never said he would be 100% right now, today the first second he's been cleared to workout normally but of course people love to talk more than they listen. like I said we will see. I don't have to be right all the time. if I'm wrong I will be man enough to admit it
So you're sayin in 6 months, or maybe a year from now his explosion will come back? Ok, that does make a little more sense.

However, also makes him older, getting closer to 36 in those 6-12 months. With the miles he already has on him. Explosion isn't coming back at 36 bruh.
Kobe will still get his 20 to 25 PPG. Most of it will be from fadeaway and jumpshots. We might see a monster dunk once every 10 games.
We all know he has a high IQ in ball but at the same time his attitude towards proving everyone wrong is a double edge sword for the Lakers.
IFFFFFFFF the Lakers make the playoffs than Kobe's comeback this year will add to his legacy.
HOLY ****ZZ!!!  KOBE!!!

[FLOAT=LEFT]Dr. Robert Klapper

KOBE. Cleared for ALL activities NO restrictions! He has 3 weeks to reboot to game1. The energy IN Staples will light up this city!

6 months out is a CRAZY recovery time frame for this injury. But, when you have the best doctors, training, trainers, medicine etc., I guess it is possible when Vitti and Judy Seto basically are with you 24/7 and going with you on promotional tours out of the country and whatnot. For the last 6 months I would be willing to say that there has not been one day that Vitti or Seto have not been around Kobe, probably even to the detriment of their own families. I say even at 35 the explosiveness can come back, but it won't be like last year but he will dunk every now and then.

-Best believe if this was a normal person who does not have access to this stuff like Kobe at 6 months they would just be getting off crutches....
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So you're sayin in 6 months, or maybe a year from now his explosion will come back? Ok, that does make a little more sense.

However, also makes him older, getting closer to 36 in those 6-12 months. With the miles he already has on him. Explosion isn't coming back at 36 bruh.
You have never struck me as the most open-minded person in the whole wide world, so I'll not spend too much time on this, but the 36 you understand as a social norm is not the same 36 experienced by someone who takes care of their body.

Nash, at 40, is far more healthy than a large (pun intended) majority of the country's 30 year olds.

Yes, father time is undefeated, as Barkley reminds everyone every now and then. Eventually, Jordan won't be schooling anyone on any court. But for now? Year in and year out, we still hear about him schooling some newb. Despite his infamous partying, he's obviously taking SOME kind of care of his body, or else he wouldn't be schooling ANYONE who is 20 years his junior.
So you're sayin in 6 months, or maybe a year from now his explosion will come back? Ok, that does make a little more sense.

However, also makes him older, getting closer to 36 in those 6-12 months. With the miles he already has on him. Explosion isn't coming back at 36 bruh.

You have never struck me as the most open-minded person in the whole wide world, so I'll not spend too much time on this, but the 36 you understand as a social norm is not the same 36 experienced by someone who takes care of their body.

Nash, at 40, is far more healthy than a large (pun intended) majority of the country's 30 year olds.

Yes, father time is undefeated, as Barkley reminds everyone every now and then. Eventually, Jordan won't be schooling anyone on any court. But for now? Year in and year out, we still hear about him schooling some newb. Despite his infamous partying, he's obviously taking SOME kind of care of his body, or else he wouldn't be schooling ANYONE who is 20 years his junior.

Totally get that. But he said Kobe would come back AS explosive, if not more than he was last year, or year before, etc.

And healthy or not, explosion does not increase at 35-36-37, no matter how in shape you are, or how great your enhancements are.

Mike absolutely can beat us all even at 50, zero question. He can absolutely get into shape, work really hard, be really good at some older muscle memory skills, no doubt about it.

Mike will NEVER get lift even remotely close to where he was at 35. Never.

And if Mike were to tear an achilles, and then try it, the result would be......?

Kobe is a freak, I know. He has help, I know. Best doctors/trainers in the world, I know. Works really hard, no doubt. But I'm sorry, his "explosion" is not coming back, at this age, this mileage, this injury.

If he was 35, but had missed over 450 games, played maybe 40,000 minutes, etc, maybe I'd see something.
He's at what, 60,000+ minutes of actual NBA gametime, 1,400+ games, not even counting the preseason time, practices, Olympics, etc. He has more miles at 35 than Nash does at 40. That's a big factor in what I'm getting at. It's not even about age. If Kobe was 32 with that mileage, same thing. If he was 37, same mileage, same thing.

It's not the age, it's the odometer, age is just an added flavor to it. 35 to 36 PLUS mileage = forget explosion. He's going to have that Paul Pierce explosion here real soon. Maybe Andre Miller if he's lucky. :lol:
Kobe obviously won't be AS explosive as he's been in the past.

But I won't count him out from being better than people would expect.

He's not your usual "Achilles tear" patient. You can't compare him to people like Chauncey who were never "explosive" to begin with.

HGH, Germany, therapy, roids, deer antler spray... Whatever it is that this guy does... Point is that it obviously works better for him than any other 35 year old athlete because of his level of determination.

Again, I'm not claiming he'll be as explosive or that he'll come back dunking on people like its 2001 again or anything like that.

But all I'm saying is i don't think Kobe is as "Kobe like" as you think CP. What I mean by that is that as determined as he is, he won't play game 1 of the season in pain just to stubbornly prove the world wrong. I'm sure he wants to prove everyone wrong, but not by risking his 2014 contract negotiations and the rest of the season by playing when his Achilles isn't ready.

If Kobe plays game 1 I believe it'll be a combination of his Achilles being cleared by doctors and his Achilles being good to go at full strength.

He isn't guaranteed another 30 million after this season. He's not stupid when it comes To business obviously. Why would be play unless he's physically ready to go? Why would he risk ruining all progress and killing any chance of getting another contract after this season?

If he plays game 1 I would expect him to be healthy enough to do so. He wants to prove the world wrong, but he doesn't have to be there game 1 to do so.

That's just my opinion. I'm obviously not in Kobe's camp or in the loop with his physical state. I'm just speaking based off of the factors that I can think of.
^ Exactly (to the truth L2B just spit; not that garbage CP just wasted our time w/).


But seriously, though, CP, I think you understand it... but with a limited understanding. You've been told that 36 is always... WITHOUT EXCEPTION... going to leave you in a worst physical condition than 35.

And that's false.

If I learn something TODAY that I didn't know 10 years ago...

That's exactly the origin of the phrase "If I'd've known then what I know now."

Say I had a .5" vertical (that's not much of an exaggeration) at 20. I ride w/ that, and it drops a little every year.

Then at 30, I learn something that gives me a whopping 1" vert. Boom.

Am I saying we should just go ahead and lock Kobe into the dunk contest, and favor him to win it? Ummm... no. First off, he wasn't in terrible condition BEFORE, so there's not a whole lot of improvement that even can be made.

But I am saying that the concept "Improving anything physical at an older age is scientifically impossible; the years and mileage can NOT be denied"... is a false concept.
What's the point of arguing with CP? or even discussing? it's like discussing with a brick wall. Nothing gets through.

His way is right, and everyone else who thinks different is stupid.
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I'm the wall, while you all insist an old man with high mileage will come back off an achilles, explosive.

I'm the wall tho.

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