Korryn Gaines, Cradling Child and Shotgun, is Fatally Shot By Police


You don't win wars by fighting every single skirmish. Standing down, retreating, and avoiding the enemy are also valid tactics.
so what youre saying is dont respond to enemy fire
or safety is handing her child over to the same people outside who are in a few moments bumrush the door and shoot them both?
  Handing the child over should have been the most sensible thing to do. Any other mother would never put her child in harms way by bringing her son in on a stand off with the police. Maaan I swear....
so police kick in the door and start shooting and you say she initiated it?

like i keep saying where is he safe? with them?

say she goes to hand him over but one of the cops fears for his life, what happens then?
It is a shtick. You constantly pull that safe space, crybaby routine and have a hissy fit and put words in people's mouths on a regular basis on here. You're nothing but a glorified social justice warrior who just complains and cries but does nothing to attempt to fix things.

Just out of curiosity, do you pull the same behavior that you exhibit on here amongst your peers in real life? Just curious.
so what youre saying is dont respond to enemy fire

so police kick in the door and start shooting and you say she initiated it?

like i keep saying where is he safe? with them?

say she goes to hand him over but one of the cops fears for his life, what happens then?
  She could have communicated to the officers that she was sending her young child outside. I don't think they would have shot a child if warned in advance. The police would have zero reason and even less of an excuse if it were to happen. The public outcry would be fierce ... officers would hang and they know it.
She put her kids in that situation. Everyone knows how the cops are. As a parent your first instinct is to protect your child. The cops don't give a **** about us. Do you think they care about your kid? So if you know this and she knew, you need to protect your child at all cost and make sure they're out of danger. She failed to do that. As a parent I can't support that.

Everyone talks about the accountability of the police (which is completely understandable), but no one seems to be talking about the accountability of being a parent and the obligation to protect your children at all costs.  

There comes a point in time where you have to value the life of your child over your beef with the cops. 
It is a shtick. You constantly pull that safe space, crybaby routine and have a hissy fit and put words in people's mouths .
just because i dont actively go around name-calling and demeaning other people on here doesnt mean im doing anything of what you talking about

if you want to disagree fine but you dudes like to make your little remarks and get personal

i didnt say anything to this guy for him to tell me "im doing too much"

but all yall can dride that guy cuz yall feel some kind of way about what i have to say or how i say it

Everyone talks about the accountability of the police (which is completely understandable), but no one seems to be talking about the accountability of being a parent and the obligation to protect your children at all costs.  

There comes a point in time where you have to value the life of your child over your beef with the cops. 

Exactly. If you want to play shoot it out with the cops, it is what it is. But do it solo, Doing it with your 5 year old son there is some ignorant, selfish, foolish behavior. No mother should ever willingly put their kid in danger. I use the mother term loosely with her because she's not a mother in my eyes for what she did.

The cops lack of value for that boys life is disturbing. I don't think anyone can dispute that. But my beef here is more with the mother than the cops because none of this happens in the first place without multiple piss poor actions on the mothers part.
just because i dont actively go around name-calling and demeaning other people on here doesnt mean im doing anything of what you talking about

if you want to disagree fine but you dudes like to make your little remarks and get personal

i didnt say anything to this guy for him to tell me "im doing too much"

but all yall can dride that guy cuz yall feel some kind of way about what i have to say or how i say it

Isn't that what you kinda did to rusty earlier in this thread though?

It's like you want certain things to apply to you, but disregard them when it's beneficial for you to do so.

Everyone talks about the accountability of the police (which is completely understandable), but no one seems to be talking about the accountability of being a parent and the obligation to protect your children at all costs.  

There comes a point in time where you have to value the life of your child over your beef with the cops. 

Exactly. If you want to play shoot it out with the cops, it is what it is. But do it solo, Doing it with your 5 year old son there is some ignorant, selfish, foolish behavior. No mother should ever willingly put their kid in danger. I use the mother term loosely with her because she's not a mother in my eyes for what she did.

The cops lack of value for that boys life is disturbing. I don't think anyone can dispute that. But my beef here is more with the mother than the cops because none of this happens in the first place without multiple piss poor actions on the mothers part.

Their living situation was a mess even before the cops showed up. She failed that little boy long before everything popped off. It's a shame because who knows how fried mentally that kid is.
That's the sad part about it. That little boy is going to need all the help he can get life wise from a mental standpoint. That's the tragic part of it to me.
Isn't that what you kinda did to rusty earlier in this thread though?

It's like you want certain things to apply to you, but disregard them when it's beneficial for you to do so.
quote me where i in any way demeaned or namecalled him

and if youre talking about halfstepping that was after he said what he said to me
It is a shtick. You constantly pull that safe space, crybaby routine and have a hissy fit and put words in people's mouths .

just because i dont actively go around name-calling and demeaning other people on here doesnt mean im doing anything of what you talking about

if you want to disagree fine but you dudes like to make your little remarks and get personal

i didnt say anything to this guy for him to tell me "im doing too much"

but all yall can dride that guy cuz yall feel some kind of way about what i have to say or how i say it

You straight up insulted me because I commented on your purity testing people.

I didn't take a shot at you, you did to me.

And no one is driding me. They are agreeing with me. You seem to not only have an issue with folks disagreeing with you, but with people that do generally agree with you but don't pass your purity test.

Nearly everyine doing so has probably argued with me in another thread. But we probably acted like adults to each other, so no one walk around with hurt feelings.
Well we know we wont see you unless its video of somebody getting sonned and not doin **** about it

quote me where i in any way demeaned or namecalled him

and if youre talking about halfstepping that was after he said what he said to me
  You like to name call. Just own it.
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Everyone talks about the accountability of the police (which is completely understandable), but no one seems to be talking about the accountability of being a parent and the obligation to protect your children at all costs.  

There comes a point in time where you have to value the life of your child over your beef with the cops. 
Exactly. If you want to play shoot it out with the cops, it is what it is. But do it solo, Doing it with your 5 year old son there is some ignorant, selfish, foolish behavior. No mother should ever willingly put their kid in danger. I use the mother term loosely with her because she's not a mother in my eyes for what she did.

The cops lack of value for that boys life is disturbing. I don't think anyone can dispute that. But my beef here is more with the mother than the cops because none of this happens in the first place without multiple piss poor actions on the mothers part.
Thank you.  

This has been the crux of my argument from the get-go.  This case was handled in a piss-poor fashion from the jump, but the fact that the mother brought her children into it is disgusting to me.  I was raised by a mother that did everything in her power to give my brother and myself the best life possible.  To see the the way in which Korryn Gianes brought her children into her nonsense is disgusting to me.

It's a sad fact of reality that we can't rely on the police to dish out justice in an appropriate fashion, but we have to deal with reality on reality's terms.  You're in control of you and yours.   

Choose your martyrs wisely.
you must  feel good when these nters you buddy buddy with in this thread arent callin you a racist

Son Me and Rusty disagree in just about everything...somehow someway this is not a topic of disagreement because is clear what it is....she's a criminal, yes cops failed too as they often do, but that doesn't somehow exempt her from her faults which ultimately led to this....you defending her simply because she's black eventhough she was WRONG, is no different than a good cop not standing up against his murderous partner because of that blue wall of silence....it's sickening.

You don't win wars by fighting every single skirmish. Standing down, retreating, and avoiding the enemy are also valid tactics.

so what youre saying is dont respond to enemy fire

What I'm saying is this:

when you engage in public disobedience (as Karryn did) know how far you can go before they bring in the heavy weaponry. It doesn't matter if you don't agree with the laws, you still have to follow them until they change. And there are ways to change laws that do not involve violence.

In order to get a warrant in her name, she had to ignore the ticket; the letter reminding her to pay it; the subsequent letter with the amount adjusted; and the letter telling her to show up in court.

Had she taken action at ANY time before the cops showed up to serve the warrant, she would have been here today.
you "commented" on my "purity-testing ppl"

i been ignoring this for a lil while but just what kinda drugs are you on?

first of all your "comment" wasnt asked for or even needed really

but sit here and pretend like if someone tells you "AS USUAL. YOURE DOING TOO MUCH" you gonna "talk it out like an adult"

you took your shot just own it

and i said youre halfstepping because your "condemnation" was far too salient

has nothing to do with purity tests

just the simple fact that when things like this happen, a generic "the police failed him" is insuffiecient given the gravity of what happened

and pretend like my man posting "stronger ether' pics dont got that battery in his back
but listen to what youre saying

who incited violence?

police admitted they shot first

they kicked in the door

who escalated the situation

in whos hands did it ultimately lie whether or not to pull those triggers?

of course all of things are valid, but none of that individually or consecutively equals a death setence
umm did i say that to him?

or to the guy who wished i would get beat up/and or shot?

and where do u even come into any of this?

like i said u got that battery in your back
 You said that to me but here you are putting words in my mouth
 ....I didn't wish a beating on you. It's the opposite, I HOPE YOU DON'T get beat or shot because your anger and mindset can easily put you in that situation.
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listen i lose patience with little silly **** like this so yea i called u clown cuz u act like im sittin over here with dictionary, "well he SAID he hopes I dont" so im not gonna read anything into that

thats real coward scumbag clown behavior thats why i said it
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