Korryn Gaines, Cradling Child and Shotgun, is Fatally Shot By Police

The situation was a cluster**** to begin with. Both sides committed wrong actions. These are two events that could've happened that would've resulted in no deaths:
-She should've complied
-cops should've approached the situation in a negotiative manner

However sometimes you gotta play devil's advocate for both sides in situations like these.
The lady should've complied from the beginning. Patience is a virtue, and it's definitely the number one way of getting things right. If she only complied, things would have went smoothly. If she believed the cops were at fault, there's better ways then to get your message across than saying "you'd have to kill me" for cases such as not having a plates on your car, or even use your own child as a shield. Now this is where she lost credibility. She used her own child as a shield. She knew that if she had a child on one hand, and a gun on the other, she would have the advantage over the cops. You should never put another person, especially your own child, in a situation like that. It's almost hostage-like. I don't want to put race into this, but it already has because people are making this a race situation. I know we lost another black life, however you can't defend her actions if she was the reason why cops are after her, and she put her own child at risk. It's not like the child jumped to take a bullet, no the mother decided to use him for her own quarrel.

Now the cops. It's been brought up that most cases involving a white shooter or criminal has been approached in more stragegical ways, resulting in longer shootouts as opposed to blacks. Noticed how I said blacks, not shooters but just blacks, because there has been recent cases where blacks were shot INSTANTLY for reasons that are injustice. This is where cops lose their credibility. If the lady used her child as a way to not have the cops shoot at her, then the cops must follow suit because their is a life at stake which is only the child; the lady already painted herself as a target for having a gun in one hand and her child on the other. It's technically a hostage situation. Cops should've approached this as a hostage situation which should've ended in a longer stand off and possibly no deaths.

I was reading through the posts and guys unfortunately what's been done is done. This is solely news for the world to see and a situation we can all learn from. And honestly no side should be defended. I know we have the #blacklivesmatter and # bluelivesmatter, but in this case it's not worth defending actions when both parties approached the situations wrongly. We can only use situation to learn and approach things better, which is what I hope for in PDs across the state. People are gonna be people and they're gonna act based on how they were brought up. However the police has to act accordingly because it is an occupation, it is a lifestyle they have chosen so they should act accordingly to situations that are alike. So if it takes days for white shooters to be apprehended, then the same should be for blacks.
Where did the notion that she was using her baby as a shield come from? I didn't see that in any video. If anything, that should make cops more cautious.

The whole "she had a shotgun pointed at them" thing would make more sense if they fired upon her as soon as they entered, not after a lengthy stand off. Time shall tell. The cop will get off anyway, so...
right by that logic he wasnt even a shield cuz they shot him too

she had him close for his protection and so if police were going to kill them theyd die together
right by that logic he wasnt even a shield cuz they shot him too

she had him close for his protection and so if police were going to kill them theyd die together

Um, having your child front and center in a potentially volatile situation is NOT protecting them.
so she tells him go run in the back room and then what?

police come in and kill them both anyway

or worse kill him in front of her

if they were willing to shoot her while she was holding him i dont put anything past them
011781 WROTE:

I have ZERO sympathy for people that get shot after high-speed car chases....

armed or unarmed, I don't care

every time I see one on television it angers me.... because I think of my child being put in harms way by some reckless *******

you don't care about my life, my family's life, or the lives of others when you're running red lights, stop signs, etc... so why should I give a damn about yours

So whats your take on this?

i bet the cop serving that warrant thought he was gon rape shorty but she bust a shot at him and locked the door

thats when he had to all for back up and swat
im saying they would go in the other room, drag him out and execute him in front of her before executing her too 
The boyfriend of the Maryland woman police fatally shot during a standoff is behind bars on drug and gun charges after cops searched the couple’s apartment.

Kareem Kiean Courtney, 39, was hit with nine criminal counts Friday, including drug possession, heroin distribution and a variety of gun charges, the Baltimore Sun reported.

When Baltimore County Police ransacked the Randallstown residence after the standoff, they found 26.7 grams of smack in 75 capsules, a 12-gauge shotgun and ammunition scattered all over.

Korryn Gaines’ boyfriend arrested after police find heroin, gun during search of apartment
so she tells him go run in the back room and then what?

police come in and kill them both anyway

or worse kill him in front of her

if they were willing to shoot her while she was holding him i dont put anything past them

Maybe tell the cops, "hey my son is here, ya not taking me alive but I'm letting him out so he can be out of danger" ya really acting like the only ones with the ability to make logical decisions are the cops :lol: this lack of accountability is crazy.....
im saying they would go in the other room, drag him out and execute him in front of her before executing her too 

The boyfriend of the Maryland woman police fatally shot during a standoff is behind bars on drug and gun charges after cops searched the couple’s apartment.

Kareem Kiean Courtney, 39, was hit with nine criminal counts Friday, including drug possession, heroin distribution and a variety of gun charges, the Baltimore Sun reported.

When Baltimore County Police ransacked the Randallstown residence after the standoff, they found 26.7 grams of smack in 75 capsules, a 12-gauge shotgun and ammunition scattered all over.

Korryn Gaines’ boyfriend arrested after police find heroin, gun during search of apartment
yea so that's why she didn't want them in there then
She was going down regardless, you couldn't negotiate with her, she had already made up her mind and stood her ground.

I believe she did use her son as a decoy, which was irrational and stupid.imo

You already know the police.... they don't give a ****, they wake up every morning ready to die for a paycheck. If your not complying with them, you can bet your life they will NOT comply with you. In NO situation.

It all bogs down to common sense, if everyone refuses to use it we have situations like this.

I'm SURE the 5yo was the only 1 in the vicinity with common sense. I'm sure he wasn't just sitting there playing Pokemon Go. He probably was crying holding on to his mom for comfort while trying to comfort her when all that ******** was going on. And that's the sad part.

Idgaf What age I was or am, if I see my mom's in any harms way Imma be right there by her side. Gunshots wouldn't even give me the slightest notion not to try to defend my mom's.

Sometimes you gotta know when to hold and know when to fold.
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The fact that you're questioning "logic" out of that scares me. Like you actually think you're clever.
Maybe tell the cops, "hey my son is here, ya not taking me alive but I'm letting him out so he can be out of danger" ya really acting like the only ones with the ability to make logical decisions are the cops
this lack of accountability is crazy.....
the issue of her "mental issues" aside when does it become a "logical decision" to shoot someone holding a child?

when do you hold them accountable for their brutality?
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Maybe tell the cops, "hey my son is here, ya not taking me alive but I'm letting him out so he can be out of danger" ya really acting like the only ones with the ability to make logical decisions are the cops :lol: this lack of accountability is crazy.....

the issue of her "mental issues" aside when does it become a "logical decision" to shoot someone holding a child?

when do you hold them accountable for their brutality?

Many times where you can try to hold them accountable, unfortunately this does not seem to be one of those times.

She did this to herself...as unfortunate as it is.

When you try to give credibility to situations like this, it only discredits all the other instances where there is clear injustice.
no it doesnt automatically discredit anything

ppl jus wanna be quick to say that because they actively want to discredit all events thats happen

she didnt have to die, her son didnt have to be shot point blank

#allblacklivesmatter not just the ones that "fit a narrative"

edit: the moment you start parsing thru "well this person deserved it" "this one didnt" its already too late and your already shaping your thinking around their "narrative"
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all that talking you were doing :rolleyes

what i tell you its what we already knew :smh:  

Bamma, if you don't go sit down somewhere....

All I said was wait for the FACTS to come out. Which they did and I had no problem posting.

And you damn well know if the results of the shooting had a different outcome, you best believe you wouldn't be posting ****.
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