king of the hill SERIES finale tonight on fox

This show was definitely one of my faves.

They actually stayed decently consistant compared to The Simpsons (whos series should have ended already, and I'm a Simpsons fan.)
By my screen name you guys can see I am a fan of this show. Anyway I believe King of the Hill will be back, it got semi-canceled one other time and FOX broughtit back because of demand from fans. Plus the show is already in heavy syndication and is leaving with a bigger fan base than what Furturama and Family Guy hadwhen they got canceled off of FOX. My guess is that Cartoon Network or Comedy Central pick up this show then the next year or two.
GOOD. This show is horrible. GOOD RIDDENS
Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

This show was definitely one of my faves.

They actually stayed decently consistant compared to The Simpsons (whos series should have ended already, and I'm a Simpsons fan.)

agreed (and the simpsons are my favorite show)

king of the hill found a way to stay fresh. It changed through the seaons as well, but I can't quite put my finger on how it stayed so good. It hardly evergot better or worse. probably the most consistent cartoon ever. I'd put fiturama in that category too

for the most part, what they did to the simpsons is

Now seth mcfalane is gonna have 3 damn shows uggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Originally Posted by trapmuzik617

got damnit dangit bobby

I was wondering why King of the Hill was an hour tonight.

Very underrated show and it will be missed.
good show, although i didn't watch it alot i caught re runs here and there and liked them. i remember this show starting when i was in like 6th grade ithink. so its been around a good while. over a decade.
Why are they stopping it? Don't tell me it's to make time slot for that Cleveland show. Hank came a longgg way from the redneck that he was in theearly years, lol.
I used to dislike this show because it wasn't gut bustingly funny. But i started watching the adult swim reruns lately and it's crack. Not everythinghas to be super funny. This was slow and consistent.
I've been watching it on Adult Swim and I like how AS has been airing the episodes in order...I'm sad to see it go on Fox, but look forward to continuewatching it on A.S. This just means I must buy the box-set DVD's.
Whoa I thought the series was already over. Glad to know there's still an episode (or two) left. Gonna put everything on hold to watch this.
Originally Posted by wj4

Why are they stopping it? Don't tell me it's to make time slot for that Cleveland show. Hank came a longgg way from the redneck that he was in the early years, lol.


Def. tune it. One of the most underrated show's of the past 20 years. Dale and Bill are straight comedy.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by wj4

Why are they stopping it? Don't tell me it's to make time slot for that Cleveland show. Hank came a longgg way from the redneck that he was in the early years, lol.


I hope The Cleveland Show falls flat on its face.
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