Kevin Ware practically breaks off leg trying to block shot vol. gruesome

Napoleon Mccallum of the Raiders in '94 on Monday Night Football when Jerry Rice broke the all time td record. Still the most gruesome injury I have ever seen. Not for the feint of heart!!!! zoom to 1:06
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Jesus Christ

Pray dude get's better.

Man I couldn't imagine seeing that in person.

All the best to Kevin Ware.
A closer look:

I'd like to see a report on how/why that happened. Possible existing fractures that just gave way? Physics of velocity & force at just the exact place upon landing?
That pic n gif....
Nothing is worst than Sid Vicious wrestling injury tho. That was ridiculous. Would embed but on mobile
Some sickos laughing, hope he gets better and is able to walk....

aye brah im not laughing at his leg thats disgusting :x i couldnt even finish watchin the full vid :x

its the chick with her eye ball poppin out like crazy :rofl:
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Hope dude recovers fast, was wicked and hard to watch.

Hopefully he does well in the future.
A closer look:

I'd like to see a report on how/why that happened. Possible existing fractures that just gave way? Physics of velocity & force at just the exact place upon landing?

we'll probably never is actually quite difficult to break a bone in that manner and the fact that he just jumped came down and it snapped...means it is probably one of those freak things the human body can do. I doubt the docs will ever be able to say why it gave way so easily.

This is by far the most gruesome sporting injury caught on tape outside of that hockey guy's throat getting slashed. Livingston, Mccallum, Sid vicious... Never actually had a bone visibly sticking out of their leg on camera
Throat slashed from skate blade

He would have died but there was a doctor a couple rows behind who came onto the ice and knew to stick his fingers into the open throat and pinch the nerve closed to get him to the hospital
How do u recover from this injury btw? Dudes bone was all the way out of his leg...

-Reset the bone,
-make sure lower leg after the break has blood flow,
-insert metal rod.
-rehab after cast is off
-probably will be a year before he can play competitively again...if ever
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