Kevin Samuels Thread

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You do not want to quote this woman, or use her for any references at all. After her first book was published, she was busted dating white men, even though her book was called The Blackman's Guide to Understanding the Black woman. In the book she lauded men to the point, stating that Black women had smaller brains than Black men. She also spoke of slapping Black women in the mouth, when they became unruly.

She ain't the one man.

Yeah I don't know her nor have I ever heard of her.

I was merely focusing on the words coming out of her mouth during the 14 minutes of this interview.

Limiting the conversation to these 14 minutes, and without ad-hominem, I have no problems with what she said.

The debate has been made that black men don't have the right to comment on black women or something along those lines so when I heard this from a black woman I figured it to be worth sharing.

I don't agree with the ad hominem because every human being on Earth has done or said something negative / stupid. People are just people.

Its the merits of her argument / position in this interview for me.

The other stuff is a separate subject.
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Yeah I don't know her nor have I ever heard of her.

I was merely focusing on the words coming out of her mouth during the 14 minutes of this interview.

Limiting the conversation to these 14 minutes, and without ad-hominem, I have no problems with what she said.
Yeah, she comes from old school NOI misogyny. She is not about Black women having their own thing at all, as she feels that the Black woman needs to have her own thing at home, serving at the behest of men.

The fact that she was supposed to be down with the NOI, then got busted with some white dude? Speaks VOLUMES.
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You do not want to quote this woman, or use her for any references at all. After her first book was published, she was busted dating white men, even though her book was called The Blackman's Guide to Understanding the Black woman. In the book she lauded men to the point, stating that Black women had smaller brains than Black men. She also spoke of slapping Black women in the mouth, when they became unruly.

She ain't the one man.
Can you provide evidence of this?
Can you provide evidence of this?
Although not lazy by nature, she has become loose and careless about herself and about her man and family. Her brain is smaller than the Blackman's, so while she is acclaimed for her high scholastic achievement, her thought processes do not compare to the conscious Blackman's. Her unbridled tongue is the main reason she cannot get along with the Blackman...if she ignores the authority and superiority of the Blackman, there is a penalty. When she crosses this line and becomes viciously insulting it is time for the Blackman to soundly slap her in the mouth.
I can say this with all honesty, her book was one of the main reasons that I began to look down on ALL variations of the Abrahamic faiths.

This is the stuff they are pushing? They even have their women pushing this sort of abuse as well?

Nah, I am not kicking any women in the butt in order for me to be happy. Nobody is going to compare me to Ike Turner.
Yeah, she comes from old that school NOI misogyny. She is not about Black women having their own thing at all, as she feels that the Black woman needs to have her own thing at home, serving at the behest of men.

The fact that she was supposed to be down with the NOI, then got busted with some white dude? Speaks VOLUMES.

Yeah that certainly isn't a good thing.

There is a certain point at which we as humans have to be held to account for our actions.

I tend to try to avoid logical fallacies most of the time but do understand your post and appreciate you sharing that because I had no idea.

I'm sure nobody would argue against me saying "It is always more difficult to fight against faith than against knowledge".

That is until they discover Hitler was the one credited with the original quote.
Yeah that certainly isn't a good thing.

There is a certain point at which we as humans have to be held to account for our actions.

I tend to try to avoid logical fallacies most of the time but do understand your post and appreciate you sharing that because I had no idea.

I'm sure nobody would argue against me saying "It is always more difficult to fight against faith than against knowledge".

That is until they discover Hitler was the one credited with the original quote.
Here we are having a discussion about Black relationships, and I've seen this discussion over and over, and it always comes back to Black women not being submissive enough for Black men. In order to prove such, they will always point to how submissive white women are with white men, as some sort of barometer.

White standards of life, are nothing to live up to.

Then they will make up stuff about Black women on the African Continent, as they respect men, and blah, blah, blah. But what they do not want to discuss, is how the beliefs of abraham slipped in there, and then made those Black women second class citizens as well.

I've told this story before, and the only reason I know this story is because of my lineage, and my family history in this country.

Before those who call themselves white came to the shores of the African continent, the heads of tribes were warned by priestesses, to not enter trade with them, for danger and doom loomed. Those priestesses were ignored and shunned. Some tribes took heed to those warnings, and during the wars they took action to not get too close to the whites, or even not encountering them at all.

Those that lost the war, were taken captive by the victorious tribes, and now? Here we are.

I pay attention when Black women speak from their gut. I am not talking about egotistical speak, shallow thought, I am talking about that thing, premonitions, that deep spiritual thing.

Abusing Black women steals that from them, with them living in fear, intimidation.
You do not want to quote this woman, or use her for any references at all. After her first book was published, she was busted dating white men, even though her book was called The Blackman's Guide to Understanding the Black woman. In the book she lauded men to the point, stating that Black women had smaller brains than Black men. She also spoke of slapping Black women in the mouth, when they became unruly.

She ain't the one man.

Where you see that at, her dating white men?
I can say this with all honesty, her book was one of the main reasons that I began to look down on ALL variations of the Abrahamic faiths.

This is the stuff they are pushing? They even have their women pushing this sort of abuse as well?

Nah, I am not kicking any women in the butt in order for me to be happy. Nobody is going to compare me to Ike Turner.

I was curious about her dating white men. Did you read the book or did you just see that excerpt and figured that is exactly what she meant? Also, why would her book have you look down on Abrahamic faiths? Did she present herself as a messenger for Islam and that her book was directly a message from Islam? I ask all these questions cause someone recommended the book. So I'm curious.
I wanted to see the stuff about the white men. Also, why would her book have you look down on Abrahamic faiths? Did she present herself as a messenger for Islam?
Yes, she presented herself as member of the NOI. The abrahamic faiths have all shown disrespect for women, always blaming women for the ills of society, while also placing women as second class citizens.

The pics of her on vacation with the white guy were in the national inquirer, it was all over the place.
With women making more and more money male gold diggers exist as well.

Word to Tyrone living in his girlfriend's house and her letting him drive the hooptie.

Men are vulnerable at a baseline, that's why men like Kevin Samuel exist to make them feel better about themselves :rofl:

Ayeeeeeee my first name is Tyrone :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
I was curious about her dating white men. Did you read the book or did you just see that excerpt and figured that is exactly what she meant? Also, why would her book have you look down on Abrahamic faiths? Did she present herself as a messenger for Islam and that her book was directly a message from Islam? I ask all these questions cause someone recommended the book. So I'm curious.
I read the book, and at the same time I was reading a book called Acts Of Faith by Iyanla Vanzant, along with another book called How To Be by Harriet Cole.

Here is more proof as to how those religions feel about women.

Discrimination against women is not confined to
Christianity. The major world religions all have some
built-in bias - as these few quotations and stories show.


According to the Quran, 'Men are the maintainers (or in charge) of women. So the good women are obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah has guarded. And (as to) those whose part you fear desertion, admonish them and leave them alone in their beds and chastise them. So if they obey you, seek not a way against them.' (Quran 5:34).

Many Hindu religious texts describe women as deceitful and sexually provocative by nature. The following quote from the Devi Bhagaveta (1.5.83) is typical. 'A woman is the embodiment of rashness and a mine of vices. she is an obstacle to the path of devotion, a hindrance to emancipation. she is practically a sorceress and represents vile desire.'

According to Buddhist tradition, the Buddha's stepmother wished to become a nun. She expressed this wish to the Buddha several times and each time she was refused. Finally, on the advice of one of his disciples, he acquiesced. But even as he did so, the Buddha claimed that establishing a community of nuns would reduce the time in which his teaching (the dharma) would be effective from 1,000 to 500 years.

One of the morning blessings made by an Orthodox Jewish male: 'Blessed are you Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has not made me a woman.'

Women Are The Devil's Gateway
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