Kevin Samuels Thread

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Just came in to say.....BABY BOY, is timeless :pimp:

Good *** movie all around. Well done. Tons of unintentional comedy. And tons of gems, real life situations, dynamics and deep dives.

Pac would’ve killed that role....but that weird Mf’er TYRESE did his thug thizzle :smokin

One of Ving Rhames finest performances as well. Special movie.

Tried that "Froggie" style once.

Knees still haven't forgiven me.
I come from an environment where they do planned/arranged marriages. Females have NO say.

And there you have it folks :rofl:

At least now I have a reason for why you would think something as simple as women choosing who to mate with is "feminism".
I really believe in this new era of social media all these words that a lot of people just learned because of social media are weaponized to the point where certain individuals feel they are compelled to use them because they hear it so much

Copying and pasting a text I sent to someone a few days ago on this very topic.

In a meeting about, "Courageous Conversations" (Race etc...) So there is a part of this meeting where everyone has to type in the chat what their "Identity" is.

So one of the people running the meeting (White Woman) said, "I am a cis-gendered woman, from Texas, etc..."

It's funny how many people then felt pressured to mention whether or not they were cis-gendered or not while posting their comments LOL. I personally know a few of them that don't even Talk like that off the regular
Good Points kingfoamnyc kingfoamnyc

It is always hard to read when you should/shouldn't jump in and help a woman in 2021.

I remember one time at work, 2 women were moving a table while I was talking to two OTHER women.
One of the women I was talking to said, "You see them over there struggling (which they weren't), why aren't you helping them?
Me: They seem to have it under control. They don't need my help. I don't want to insult them by ASSUMING they need a man to come to their rescue.

There have been NUMEROUS times in my life where I HAVE offered help and was told that it was insulting that I interjected. So I decided that I am not offering help unless
A. I KNOW you and I KNOW how you operate when it comes to those feelings.
B. I am ASKED to help.
C. If it is an elderly/pregnant/child

It is just a crap shoot that I don't feel like dealing with.

But I get it, SOME women are simply independent and don't need my help so I don't fault them but I have no way of knowing when I am to interject.

It is what it is though.
Agreed. I saw this petite chick struggling entering the post office with some boxes and I offered to help her carry them to the counter. She refused the help and then she ended up dropping everything...which I ended up helping her pick them up and carrying them over. People are strange.
Were you her Shemar Moore or bald headed black dude? I'm tryna visualize where she put you into her fantasy.
And there you have it folks :rofl:

At least now I have a reason for why you would think something as simple as women choosing who to mate with is "feminism".

But that's the way it's been for a large part of history. The women in other restrictive cultures see the idea of a liberated american woman as a cultural revolution. The liberties they have are unheard, new and at certain points Weaponized. Feminism isn't even for all woman. It was a white woman's movement running parallel to black civil rights movements. Much like a BLM begets ALM.

Agreed. I saw this petite chick struggling entering the post office with some boxes and I offered to help her carry them to the counter. She refused the help and then she ended up dropping everything...which I ended up helping her pick them up and carrying them over. People are strange.

Yea, we have egos man. Some women also want to prove that they don't need our help when they CLEARLY do. As in your situation, it is funny to see.

Yes, Men have HUGE egos as well.
Yes, Men have HUGE egos as well.
Yes, Men have HUGE egos as well.
Yes, Men have HUGE egos as well.
Yes, Men have HUGE egos as well.
Yes, Men have HUGE egos as well.
Yes, Men have HUGE egos as well.
Yes, Men have HUGE egos as well.
Yes, Men have HUGE egos as well.
Yes, Men have HUGE egos as well.
I started following this thread around page 25 after a friend mentioned him to me and sent me a video. I watched maybe 10 mins of the video and he asked a woman to name 5 successful women scientists/inventors. She could not and then used that as a example of why men are providers and leaders and women need to fall in line. It completely disregarded the fact that women weren't allowed to even participate in the field and ultimately just didn't have the same opportunities to be successful and get an education for centuries. I'd bet 100% of people calling into his show wouldn't be able to name 5 black scientists/inventors but he would never use that as an example for why black people are inferior because we recognize how ridiculous that sounds. I think the issue is KS appeals to people that don't want to tackle the root issue or even understand why an issue is an issue, they just want to get their rocks off at the insults and entertainment he provides. I'm not knocking people for watching him for the entertainment value they feel he provides but dude is not for anything substantive beyond that.

And to be fair, my friend (who continues to watch KS videos) would definitely consider himself a high value man. In shape, well groomed, military vet, just got his 2nd BA, has interesting hobbies, etc. But he'll disregard the lack of social skills and charisma around women and will tell me all the time how women are gold diggers (and whatever that term KS uses about women that have unrealistic expectations). I hear alot of my friend in this thread
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But that's the way it's been for a large part of history. The women in other restrictive cultures see the idea of a liberated american woman as a cultural revolution. The liberties they have are unheard, new and at certain points Weaponized. Feminism isn't even for all woman. It was a white woman's movement running parallel to black civil rights movements. Much like a BLM begets ALM.

Yea, that's why I said now I know where he is coming from. Doesn't mean I still don't find him problematic.

History and tradition should never be used as an excuse for abhorrent behavior.
I think the issue is KS appeals to people that don't want to tackle the root issue or even understand why an issue is an issue, they just want to get their rocks off at the insults and entertainment he provides. I'm not knocking people for watching him for the entertainment value they feel he provides but dude is not for anything substantive beyond that.

🎯 🎯 💯 💯

Picture me rollin tho :pimp:
The thing for me is if everything is misogyny then nothing is misogyny.

Reminds me of when people claim racism when they don't get a job - but come to find out they showed up late to the interview, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and threw their feet on the interviewers desk like Smoke Dog in Don't be a Menace.

It takes away from the people actually suffering the most.

If asking people to be accountable for their decisions is misogyny then where do we go from here?

The whole thread centers around a guy named Kevin Samuels and videos of hypergamous women that want a job they aren't qualified to fill.

The women that call into the show and the women actually suffering from misogyny all around the world aren't necessarily one in the same.
Misogyny is varied and complex. Much like racism it's most dangerous when it's insidious.
As men it's not up to us to determine what counts as misogyny, only to recognize it when we see it.
But sometimes it's hard to see, especially from our place of privilege.
We live in a patriarchal society. Is everything misogyny? No, but it's baked into a lot of ****.
The women calling into the show have undoubtedly suffered from misogyny in their life.
Internalized misogyny is what prompts them to even offer themselves up for public shaming on his show.
It's funny how many people then felt pressured to mention whether or not they were cis-gendered or not while posting their comments LOL. I personally know a few of them that don't even Talk like that off the regular
My wife went to a leadership conference and they followed this practice. The idea is that if everyone does it then it makes it more comfortable for people to be themselves of they don't identify with how they appear (which was the case at that conference). It's not any different than putting your pronouns in your Twitter profile or email signature. I understand people may think it's performative but there have been plenty of times I've assumed an email from an Adrian, a Bobbie, or a Khris was from a man only to be corrected. If you know where people are coming from up front then you won't have that awkward interaction after you're corrected.
“I tried to be a good upstanding brother, but I can’t be
Cuz little brothers like you, wanna mess with me
You wanna fool with a brotha right? You want a brotha with two strikes, to go to jail for life....MY FRIEND

My wife went to a leadership conference and they followed this practice. The idea is that if everyone does it then it makes it more comfortable for people to be themselves of they don't identify with how they appear (which was the case at that conference). It's not any different than putting your pronouns in your Twitter profile or email signature. I understand people may think it's performative but there have been plenty of times I've assumed an email from an Adrian, a Bobbie, or a Khris was from a man only to be corrected. If you know where people are coming from up front then you won't have that awkward interaction after you're corrected.

Yes, I completely understand why it is done.

However, I do find it performative like you said especially when it is done by people that I KNOW don't give two cares about it nor would even say those things in any other setting.

Yes, I completely understand why it is done.
I think the issue is KS appeals to people that don't want to tackle the root issue or even understand why an issue is an issue, they just want to get their rocks off at the insults and entertainment he provides. I'm not knocking people for watching him for the entertainment value they feel he provides but dude is not for anything substantive beyond that.

And to be fair, my friend (who continues to watch KS videos) would definitely consider himself a high value man. In shape, well groomed, military vet, just got his 2nd BA, has interesting hobbies, etc. But he'll disregard the lack of social skills and charisma around women and will tell me all the time how women are gold diggers (and whatever that term KS uses about women that have unrealistic expectations). I hear alot of my friend in this thread
What makes your friend a high-value man? I'm not sure I've ever heard KS state what a high-value woman is? Has one ever called into his show?

Is this a thread to discuss those issues or is simply a thread to marvel at the KS hysteria? I don't subscribe to his channel but all I ever see pop up are KS roasting women or his old male fashion consultant videos. I think that's the laughable thing about the Umar Johnson/KS drama. They're in two different lanes.

I do think there are problematic issues related to both. But are the issues/topics of systematic racism, mysogny/feminism better served for the Black Culture thread?
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