Kevin Samuels Thread

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Ah. This thread moves fast. Multiple threads within the thread. Chelseas. Holding Women accountable. Mysgony. Black Culture. Youtubians.

LOL holding women accountable for being successful? That seemed to be the comment that triggered Paul Wall 1985 :emoji_confounded:
And a lot of what women are being "held accountable" for in this thread are behaviors exhibited by men 10 fold. Add hypocrisy to the list of topics.
LOL holding women accountable for being successful? That seemed to be the comment that triggered Paul Wall 1985 :emoji_confounded:
It was this comment you made that had me "triggered"

Sounds like an insecure hypocrite using marriage to diminish women's accomplishments when he himself can't keep a woman.

You see Kevin as him diminishing women's accomplishments. I see it as him holding them accountable for their sense of entitlement.
It was this comment you made that had me "triggered"

You see Kevin as him diminishing women's accomplishments. I see it as him holding them accountable for their sense of entitlement.

Yes, when you frame women's supposed shortcomings in the context of their accomplishments I will judge you for that. Kevin Samuels is not the first imbecile to take that approach. And insecure men latch on to those ideas because it provides catharsis for why they themselves have no success with said women.

CLIFF NOTES: maybe the problem is YOU. :rofl:
Women are Doctors too my Brother...

In the example you provided,

The Doctor that denied her request to have her tubes tied (tubal ligation) was in fact...another WOMAN.

" The doctor’s response stunned her. “She said she’d love to but couldn’t because it was a Catholic hospital,” Ms. Norris, 38, recalled in an interview."
Who is the head of the catholic church, and what do they call him? Holy Father. That is the Pope correct? Those hospitals follow his lead. The laws for which govern this land? Men decided what women should want, and then what they could legally do with their own bodies.
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Who is the head if the catholic church, and what do they call him? Holy Father, correct? Those hospitals follow his lead.

It's weird tho, a lot of those "Jesuit" hospitals aren't even truly affiliated with the church. They are either for profit or funded by the government, so those hospitals do not have to abide by catholic principles.

I mean I work for a private group that just so happen to provide services for a Jesuit hospital. A lot of the funding and money made by these hospitals are private and secular.

If a Jesuit hospital receives funding from the federal government, the rest of us shouldn't have to abide by catholic principles affecting the care we receive. But there lies the problem, the government may be partial to religious laws.

That's why I Fox with Biden. Dude is catholic and pro-choice.
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The Black Manosphere vs the Prince of Pan Africanism

He flamed Umar for 10 minutes straight
First 10 minutes. Even brought up the stripper was messing with
Listening now. The safety is off. Dude said Dr Umar worse than Derrick Jaxn. He pretty much says he’s a narcissist and predator.

KS has multiple apprentices. Umar better be careful. He might not have to even say anything.
I've posted this before, but I am going to post it again.

  • For every black woman who reports rape, at least 15 black women do not report.
  • One in four black girls will be sexually abused before the age of 18.
  • One in five black women are survivors of rape.
  • Thirty-five percent of black women experienced some form of contact sexual violence during their lifetime.
  • Forty to sixty percent of black women report being subjected to coercive sexual contact by age 18.
  • Seventeen percent of black women experienced sexual violence other than rape by an intimate partner during their lifetime.
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research reports that:

  • More than 20 percent of black women are raped during their lifetimes — a higher share than among women overall.
  • Black women were two and a half times more likely to be murdered by men than their white counterparts. And, more than 9 in 10 black female victims knew their killers.
  • Black women also experience significantly higher rates of psychological abuse — including humiliation, insults, name-calling and coercive control — than do women over all.

Some of you LOVE to cite stats on here, why did you ignore this the first time around?

Do any of you THINK that this is what you may be dealing with, along with religious laws that are truly misogynistic, and the laws of the United States of which does not allow women to own their own bodies?

Black women. If we don't get behind them, protecting them? We are not going to win this war against racism.
I think the problem is that Samuels is stating that if a woman is either fat or with kids, that she should not even think of dating a supposedly successful man.

Understandably, this dude isn't about getting to the nitty gritty of the real problem in our society in regard to Black male and Female relationships, and then why they fail.

The issues are character driven, and why people are seeking the wrong thing in the first place.

The capitalist system, coupled with religion, creates conflicting results in regard to what a family is actually supposed to mean, marriage as well.

This doesn't get women off the hook for unreasonable expectations of men. I asked very specifically why you think men should sign on for the typical,

" I'm a decent woman. I'll do half the household stuff wives used to do, I expect you to do the other half after a hard day of work. I'll make my own money but you pay the bills, our kids will be raised by somebody while we're at work and I'll probably leave you when I'm not happy.
Also even if you could comfortably care for 3 wives financially without issue... If you happen to sleep with one, I'll leave and take half as well no matter how many years you've put in... And if I happen to be the one who cheats, you were toxic and drove me to it by not providing for my emotional needs to focus on your high paying job which is half the reason I chose you in the first place...

It always deflects to Society when you put pressure on women.
I've said this across multiple platforms. Marriage license should be renewable contract after 3,5 or 7 year terms, with both parties allowed to walk without financial penalties and a set fee to be the penalty for early termination or infidelity from the at fault party. Even Bill gates proves no one wants to really be together til death.
It's still crazy to me that Bill Gates got left in these streets after 30 years of marriage. You not gonna take all my good years then leave me when I'm in my 60s, cmon :lol:

Man is one of the most financially successful men in human history and helped change the arc of humanity in multiple ways and she still left his *** for half. Marriage is a scam and a sham.

Funny enough there's a big movement on the women's side to devalue marriage as well, which is hilarious to me because they claim there's no benefit to it for them at all.
This doesn't get women off the hook for unreasonable expectations of men. I asked very specifically why you think men should sign on for the typical,

" I'm a decent woman. I'll do half the household stuff wives used to do, I expect you to do the other half after a hard day of work. I'll make my own money but you pay the bills, our kids will be raised by somebody while we're at work and I'll probably leave you when I'm not happy.
Also even if you could comfortably care for 3 wives financially without issue... If you happen to sleep with one, I'll leave and take half as well no matter how many years you've put in... And if I happen to be the one who cheats, you were toxic and drove me to it by not providing for my emotional needs to focus on your high paying job which is half the reason I chose you in the first place...

It always deflects to Society when you put pressure on women.
I've said this across multiple platforms. Marriage license should be renewable contract after 3,5 or 7 year terms, with both parties allowed to walk without financial penalties and a set fee to be the penalty for early termination or infidelity from the at fault party. Even Bill gates proves no one wants to really be together til death.
Unfortunately in a capitalist society, one that is also very religious and then oppressive toward women, most notably Black women, those of whom must deal with racism AND sexism? I still place the blame on the men who choose to date and marry who they choose. If she has a phat booty, one that has you looking past her temperament and intellectual acuity? You messed up. The vetting process has to be better, and there will no problems. Strap up, don't pipe questionable women raw, find out if they are more in love with jesus than anyone else, then stay away.
It can't be me, and it isn't.
But, IS a woman limiting her options/dating potential by being fat and out of shape?
Well according to fat white women?

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