Kevin Samuels Thread

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Is the argument on history and the feminism movement or on the state of the Black man today? And supporting intersectionality when mass incarceration, police brutality, etc has made “high value men” a minority in the minority?
The question is about all in its entirety. How in the heck did Black people arrive in this situation? If we look at this through an historical lens, WHITE MALE SUPREMACY is THE issue.

This is what we should be fighting against.

The modern feminist movement is plagued with racism due to the inclusion of white women.

They have an agenda of their own...but the real issue is that they do indeed live with a privilege today, in which was buoyed by affirmative action. Black women should NOT trust white women when it comes to equal rights for women.

However the issue with Black men and women has many issues, and the MAIN problem has to do with gender roles, and then who should be in charge of what. In the society we are living in the person with the most experience in life, should be a factor in regard to who leads. But since we are indeed talking about who may be good at what, the roles should be fluid. I am certain that if any of you were married to a lawyer, you are not going to try and control how she deals in her practice. When issues of what she is a professional in arise, I am certain that many will know to step the hell off. However, my wife will never tell me how to work in whatever my profession may be.

It seems that, if I am correct, that a man should indeed always wear the pants, of which is incredibly stupid.

Here you may have a grad from MIT sitting next to you, and here it is that because you are a man, that you are qualified to tell this woman to sit back then telling her about how she is still a woman, and that she needs to respect you.


Since we are indeed in a position to laud the efforts of Black women being the most educated group in the United States, especially considering from where they came from, being at the bottom of the barrel, no rights to speak of, I think that a repositioning, and a discarding of theories that suggest that women are supposed to be submissive toward men, should be considered.

If not destroyed all together.

Black women have done something magnificent, so much so that white women who are not qualified would love to latch on to such a narrative. I do not think that there is any advantage to allowing them the consideration.

Believe it or not, if Brothers embraced the thought of learning about what we should be fighting against, instead of fighting to preserve notions of masculinity that are nothing but a fable to begin with?

We'd be well on our way to reverse the injustices that have been done against us.

But many of these fools simply want to live like white men.

Why should we want to live down to such mediocre standards?
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The fact that most men/people think this is “menacing” is crazy. If you can’t crack jokes between you and your woman. That’s a problem. Me and my chic crack on eachother daily. I can’t stand a dry female. Crack a few jokes on me every once in a while. People are so dense.

Kevin is considered a “menace” but these same men/ women love rap music or anything degrading. The double standards kill me.
She was a guest on his show. He did call her the B word (but we don’t have context), he called her fat (if she is working on it...then congratulate not denigrate...with a hint of realism) and never insult a black womens hair.
We can go back and forth on if the word “menace” is appropriate or not but the would be futile. As spiderjericho spiderjericho pointed our, it’s his words/comments that matter and if you think it’s appropriate to say that to a stranger then idk what to tell you.

I understand the “But they called in, though!” argument. However, if he was genuinely trying to help a stranger better themselves, he could have gone about it in a much better way.

But we know he’s not trying to help them. He’s trying to increase his viewership and line his pockets which is fine.
You know it hurt her soul because he genuinely laughing lol, he not even trying to be mean at the end
We can go back and forth on if the word “menace” is appropriate or not but the would be futile. As spiderjericho spiderjericho pointed our, it’s his words/comments that matter and if you think it’s appropriate to say that to a stranger then idk what to tell you.

I understand the “But they called in, though!” argument. However, if he was genuinely trying to help a stranger better themselves, he could have gone about it in a much better way.

But we know he’s not trying to help them. He’s trying to increase his viewership and line his pockets which is fine.
And same can be said for these women that call into his show. They don't actually want help, they want to be told they are perfect and have realistic expectations.

If you weigh 200 lbs as a woman and say with a straight face "I like to work out" you are not functioning in reality, is he really supposed to say burn more than you eat and come up with a cohesive workout plan?
It’s 2021. We got Polight telling his followers they’re Egyptians. Dr Umar telling them he’s funding a school, Obama is bad and beware of 5G microchips. KS making snaps at Black women (while posting videos in ice cream parlors delighting at the attention of white women). Derrick Jaxn telling women about a mystical infallible negro male and not to engage in real relationship ish or promoting mental health, etc. Another group telling Blacks they’re the original Hebrews even though their identities can be traced to the continent of Africa (not to say there werent Hebrew sects that were black).

Again I have no context to the video of what was said before or after. So I guess the trending hits WSH pursued was fulfilled.
And same can be said for these women that call into his show. They don't actually want help, they want to be told they are perfect and have realistic expectations.
I honestly don’t know what they want or why they call in tbh :lol: It’s clear he isn’t going to say anything constructive or actionable so what’s the point?

If you weigh 200 lbs as a woman and say with a straight face "I like to work out" you are not functioning in reality, is he really supposed to say burn more than you eat and come up with a cohesive workout plan?

Intricate diet and work out plan? No. But if the show is genuinely about improvement then yes he could walk offer a lot more advice but that would be boring and not newsworthy.

Callers are essentially just feeding the troll by calling in. I’m saying he’s wrong or trolling but he’s not offering them anything of value.
Yeah. Or have guests to spout those slippery sliding statistics about obesity in the black community and have a guest or two to provide different advice like go to the gym, walking, get a trainer, see a dietitian, swim, Foodie culture has to be tempered, etc. Dangers of COVID, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and Diabetes.
It’s 2021. We got Polight telling his followers they’re Egyptians. Dr Umar telling them he’s funding a school, Obama is bad and beware of 5G microchips. KS making snaps at Black women (while posting videos in ice cream parlors delighting at the attention of white women). Derrick Jaxn telling women about a mystical infallible negro male and not to engage in real relationship ish or promoting mental health, etc. Another group telling Blacks they’re the original Hebrews even though their identities can be traced to the continent of Africa (not to say there werent Hebrew sects that were black).

Again I have no context to the video of what was said before or after. So I guess the trending hits WSH pursued was fulfilled.
Don't forget the cat that went to Mexico with a few other brothers and said he was starting a new nation within the country of Mexico. :rofl:
Yeah. Or have guests to spout those slippery sliding statistics about obesity in the black community and have a guest or two to provide different advice like go to the gym, walking, get a trainer, see a dietitian, swim, Foodie culture has to be tempered, etc. Dangers of COVID, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and Diabetes.

Slippery Sliding stats on obesity among Black women? Are you saying it’s not correct?

I am curious about context of this subject. Can you elaborate?
Don't forget the cat that went to Mexico with a few other brothers and said he was starting a new nation within the country of Mexico. :rofl:
That one I haven’t heard. Wow. You got background?
Slippery Sliding stats on obesity among Black women? Are you saying it’s not correct?

I am curious about context of this subject. Can you elaborate?
Obesity in America is very real. Obesity in Black America is true as well.

I do think KS does cite statistics and doesn’t say (at least in the videos I’ve seen so fact check me and I’m alright) where he’s getting them from. And again, if you’re using it to denigrate instead of elevate unless his show is the KS Snap Hour.
The fact that most men/people think this is “menacing” is crazy. If you can’t crack jokes between you and your woman. That’s a problem. Me and my chic crack on eachother daily. I can’t stand a dry female. Crack a few jokes on me every once in a while. People are so dense.

Kevin is considered a “menace” but these same men/ women love rap music or anything degrading. The double standards kill me.

Lol I listen to music about disemboweling women and prostitutes and I'm as feminist as they come. Blaming art, music, video games and movies is the oldest deflection trick in the book.
That one I haven’t heard. Wow. You got background?

Obesity in America is very real. Obesity in Black America is true as well.

I do think KS does cite statistics and doesn’t say (at least in the videos I’ve seen so fact check me and I’m alright) where he’s getting them from. And again, if you’re using it to denigrate instead of elevate unless his show is the KS Snap Hour.

Understood and agree. I do agree that his approach is extreme but at times for some - it’s needed.

Unless you can prove that the money spent came directly from donations, this is nothing but a deflection, and a tactic to cause problems within the organization, especially coming from the NY Post.
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