Kevin Samuels Thread

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You just typing a whole bunch of nothing right now bruh. :lol:
The top one was kinda meant to be tongue in cheek. But that is literally the advice Kevin Samuels gives to black people though.

The second post, like I said, think what you want famb. I just think you are kinda full of it right now

But I guess it is whatever
My mom's left me with my pops and went to start another relationship with a dude who she eventually had two kids with

Like legit left, I didn't speak to my mother for at least 6 months.

My pops never spoke down on her

He then left her in a apartment with no money and went ahead and started a new family with a lady he worked with.

My pops held that pain forever and died last year without my mother ever apologizing to him.

Ask me who's ever held her accountable
I'm sincerely you had to go through this famb

I had a ****** up family situation of my own growing up, but a different kind, so I know how that **** can hurt the parties involved

But I must ask, who do you think should hold her accountable, and in what way?
And she STILL tricking off relationships and doing men filthy at 47.

She's only allowed to do this because


I told her how she treats men isn't okay and she stops talking to me :lol:
At least she has you and your siblings as children so when she gets older, at least y'all may take care of her and help her, but I know a few women who have done the same over the years and time has caught up with them.
My mom's left me with my pops and went to start another relationship with a dude who she eventually had two kids with

Like legit left, I didn't speak to my mother for at least 6 months.

My pops never spoke down on her

He then left her in a apartment with no money and went ahead and started a new family with a lady he worked with.

My pops held that pain forever and died last year without my mother ever apologizing to him.

Ask me who's ever held her accountable

Man real ****. I seen my father one time in person, when I was 15 at a family reunion on his side. Can't nobody tell me nothing about absentee father's but I know my experience don't apply to everybody. I knew kids that had both parents, I knew some that had the same circumstances as me.

Fast forward, I see a lot of brothers who didn't have father's wanting to break that cycle. Wanting to be in their kids life. In my family most of the men between 30-40 ain't have father's but all of 'em are in their kids life.

I know dudes who be in their childrens lives, make good money, provide emotional and financial support. But spiteful BMs still put them on child support. My mom did it to my pops.

And it be over petty ****. Because he cheated, that's not a reason to stop him from seeing his kids.
I'm sincerely you had to go through this famb

I had a ****ed up family situation of my own growing up, but a different kind, so I know how that **** can hurt the parties involved

But I must ask, who do you think should hold her accountable, and in what way?
I think an authority figure or even a female friend saying something as simple as "hey I don't think how your treating said person(s) are okay" can literally go a long way.
I think an authority figure or even a female friend saying something as simple as "hey I don't think how your treating said person(s) are okay" can literally go a long way.
To be honest, I don't think it would

Not saying this to excuse your mother's ****** behavior

In my experience when someone is a self-centered a-hole, even when called out they will rationalize it away

Takes a lot of pressure to change long term behaviors
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To be honest, I don't think it would

Not saying this to excuse your mother's ****ty behavior

In my experience when someone is a self-centered a-hole, even when called out they will rationalize it away

Takes a lot of pressure to change long term behaviors
Whether they receive or not it's still a good deed to hold someone accountable for their actions.

Especially if you "care" about said individual
Whether they receive or not it's still a good deed to hold someone accountable for their actions.

Especially if you "care" about said individual
I mean I agree. I think generally people would view what your mother did in a bad light.

Just saying you won't have real accountability because a-holes will not accept responsibility for their actions over being called out one time.
I dunno that it has.

Marriage is important to the family structure / children. Always has been.

IMHO, Once a woman decides to bring a child into this world, that "measure of success" shifts from her degrees and career to the health and welfare of the child.

I don't care how "successful" a woman is if her kids are suffering from her decisions.

Economic Hardship

Poverty is the most profound and pervasive factor underlying developmental problems of the young. Roughly, one of two families headed by a single mother is living in poverty compared with one of ten married couples with children (McLanahan & Booth, 1989). Not surprisingly, single parents are twice as likely to report that they worry “all or most of the time” that their total income is not enough to meet family expenses. On average, poor children in mother-headed families are poor for seven years, more than a third of their childhood (Garfinkel & McLanahan, 1986).

Loss of Parental Support and Supervision

Parents who support and supervise children enhance their well-being (Maccoby & Martin, 1983). In fact, poor parental monitoring has proven one of the most powerful predictors of youth involvement in problem behaviors (Patterson & Stouthamer-Loeber, 1984). Single parents and stepparents monitor their children less closely and know less about where their children are, who they are with, and what they are doing than parents in intact families (Amato & Keith, 1991; Hetherington, 1989; Steinberg, 1986; McLanahan & Booth, 1989; McLanahan & Sandefur, in press).

Lack of Community Resources

Youth who overcome disadvantage are able to rely on a greater number of sources of social support than youth with serious coping problems, including teachers, ministers, older friends, family day-care providers, nursery school teachers, neighbors, or contacts at social agencies (Garmezy, 1983; Werner, 1990; Werner & Smith, 1982). Children from single parent families who do well are more apt to be enrolled in quality schools, extracurricular activities, and church or synagogue programs (Benson & Roehlkepartain, 1993).

Parental Conflict

This explanation is potentially more useful in explaining the differences in child well-being in divorced or remarried families than never married families. Considerable evidence exists that a conflict-ridden marriage jeopardizes the well-being of children (Wallerstein & Blakeslee, 1989). Based on this, ending a conflict-ridden marriage may actually boost rather than undermine children’s wellbeing. Recent evidence suggests that children in divorced single parent families do better than children in high conflict, intact families (Amato, 1993; Amato & Keith, 1991; Peterson, 1986; Peterson & Zill, 1986). In fact, a review of 92 studies documented strong and consistent support for the parental conflict explanation of the differences in child well-being between divorced and nondivorced families (Amato, 1993; Amato & Keith, 1991).

As the growing body of research evidence indicates, there is no single cause for the declining well-being of children in single parent families, but rather many. No single explanation accounts for the differences, and some scientific support exists for each of the five perspectives: economic hardship, loss of parental support and supervision, lack of community resources, parental conflict, and life stress and instability (Amato, 1993; McLanahan & Sandefur, in press). Thus, programs and policies are most apt to be effective if they are comprehensive and multi-faceted, addressing multiple risk factors.
Two things, first, Women do not receive equal pay, this is a fact, especially for Black women. If they were indeed paid what they are worth, there'd be no issue in regard to the standard of living for highly educated individuals in the workplace, and a highly educated single parent would be able to go it alone, and then being successful at it, just like the white male execs who support two families on one salary.

Secondly, the lack of successful relationships and marriage, has everything to do with availability. Black men due to choices and inequality, are incarcerated at a higher percentage than anyone else in the country, while also being also educated less than any other in the nation. Black women should never apologize for bucking that trend, and then owe no apology to Black men for upholding a standard of excellence within the Black community, one that Black men cannot seem to hold themselves. One of my daughters is a surgeon, and her twin sister, one who I consider my baby, was playing ball overseas before covid hit. I know what they go through in relationships as their mother is also an attorney. I am the only one in the family who is no longer considered professional. I have a sister that is a judge in the Bronx, as well as other family members involved in law. I even have a few that are involved in movie business, women, one who made the film Daughters Of The Dust, of which is a film loosely based upon my family. Zane is my second cousin, so the conversation I am having with you, I have had basically all my life.

If it were not for Black women? The Black family would not even be considered a unit, or possibly being one, if it were not for Black women.

The problem is White male supremacy, and nobody has fought harder to preserve Blackness in this world, than Black women.

The main problem is uneducated Black men need to stop thinking of the Black family through the eyes of oppression.

We should not be trying to emulate what occurs in white society, at all.
Meanwhile back at the Ranch Tyrese out here shaving women's private parts on Instagram (after crying over his wife 2 minutes ago) and Cardi B catching grief for suggesting men like women who have shower routines.

The longer I live the more this movie makes perfect sense:

I need to stay off Youtube :lol:
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I mean I agree. I think generally people would view what your mother did in a bad light.

Just saying you won't have real accountability because a-holes will not accept responsibility for their actions over being called out one time.
Those types usually don't even keep anyone around them who would actually hold them accountable. Just a vicious cycle of yes men
Two things, first, Women do not receive equal pay, this is a fact, especially for Black women. If they were indeed paid what they are worth, there'd be no issue in regard to the standard of living for highly educated individuals in the workplace, and a highly educated single parent would be able to go it alone, and then being successful at it, just like the white male execs who support two families on one salary.

Secondly, the lack of successful relationships and marriage, has everything to do with availability. Black men due to choices and inequality, are incarcerated at a higher percentage than anyone else in the country, while also being also educated less than any other in the nation. Black women should never apologize for bucking that trend, and then owe no apology to Black men for upholding a standard of excellence within the Black community, one that Black men cannot seem to hold themselves. One of my daughters is a surgeon, and her twin sister, one who I consider my baby, was playing ball overseas before covid hit. I know what they go through in relationships as their mother is also an attorney. I am the only one in the family who is no longer considered professional. I have a sister that is a judge in the Bronx, as well as other family members involved in law. I even have a few that are involved in movie business, women, one who made the film Daughters Of The Dust, of which is a film loosely based upon my family. Zane is my second cousin, so the conversation I am having with you, I have had basically all my life.

If it were not for Black women? The Black family would not even be considered a unit, or possibly being one, if it were not for Black women.

The problem is White male supremacy, and nobody has fought harder to preserve Blackness in this world, than Black women.

The main problem is uneducated Black men need to stop thinking of the Black family through the eyes of oppression.

We should not be trying to emulate what occurs in white society, at all.

Is there anything you'd say Black women are accountable for as it relates to the Black Family's present condition?
Is there anything you'd say Black women are accountable for as it relates to the Black Families present condition?
Not as long as white male supremacy exists, I don't.

Everywhere they go, they create turmoil between the women indigenous of a particular land, and the men of that population. They redefine masculinity, promoting aggression, rape and pillaging, then forcing chastity upon the women as if their own sexuality is the reason for their supposed inferiority in that culture.

They called Black people savages due to such sexual freedom of African women.

In regard to family structure, and child rearing, I had subscribed to the following... Omwana takulila nju emoi.

I do understand that many were not as fortunate as I, because I do have family that I can rely upon. My sister, the women in my family, would not allow my daughters to NOT succeed in this world. So I think, from my perspective, it is important to create a family first, before having children.

Many people do not take this route, many cannot.
Not as long as white male supremacy exists, I don't.

Everywhere they go, they create turmoil between the women indigenous of a particular land, and the men of that population. They redefine masculinity, promoting aggression, rape and pillaging, then forcing chastity upon the women as if their own sexuality is the reason for their supposed inferiority in that culture.

They called Black people savages due to such sexual freedom of African women.

In regard to family structure, and child rearing, I had subscribed to the following... Omwana takulila nju emoi.

I do understand that many were not as fortunate as I, because I do have family that I can rely upon. My sister, the women in my family, would not allow my daughters to NOT succeed in this world. So I think, from my perspective, it is important to create a family first, before having children.

Many people do not take this route, many cannot.

Definitely an interesting perspective.

Feels like I'm talking to T'Chala himself.

And've gotta know that many of us do not share your lived experience.

We aint never seen the Wakanda you speak of outside Marvel movies.

I'd love to though...sounds amazing.

This isn't sarcasm at all. Dead serious. I'd be a Father right now if I was from your land.
My mom's left me with my pops and went to start another relationship with a dude who she eventually had two kids with

Like legit left, I didn't speak to my mother for at least 6 months.

My pops never spoke down on her

Dude she left my dad for then left her in a apartment with no money and went ahead and started a new family with a lady he worked with.

My pops held that pain forever and died last year without my mother ever apologizing to him.

Ask me who's ever held her accountable
RIP to your dad. He's in a better place and at peace.
I know dudes who be in their childrens lives, make good money, provide emotional and financial support. But spiteful BMs still put them on child support. My mom did it to my pops. My moms was a great mother though. All them Js bought with CS $$$ :lol:

the courts are bias in the woman’s favor and unfortunately men, black in particular, are reluctant to get the legal system involved for obvious reasons.

if you DO have yourself together though, you gotta use the system to get mandated visitation rights or partial custody and play the game where she’s constantly disobeying court mandates. It takes time but if you’re dealing with a dummy she will bury herself. Mess around and you can end up with full custody and no CS. I’ve seen it happen.

I know it’s not easy and men are reluctant to go that route for many legitimate reasons, but you gotta do it.
Definitely an interesting perspective.

Feels like I'm talking to T'Chala himself.

And've gotta know that many of us do not share your lived experience.

We aint never seen the Wakanda you speak of outside Marvel movies.

I'd love to though...sounds amazing.
All jokes aside, this is why I understand gang culture, and then had a passing respect for the drug dealers I grew up with. I knew what they were trying to create. Many of them never thought they'd get caught, but I understood why they took the risks they did take. That family dynamic is important, because if you have that? You wont be so desperate, impulsive when you get into relationships. You know that someone has your back, therefore you can act with confidence. Someone treats you wrong? Screw'em! You don't need them anyway!

You can indeed create your own family, and this is also the pull that the Black church has, of which is a trap. They dangle the family thing, yet while also oppressing women, which makes it a double edged sword. It becomes a vicious cycle, one that is NOT African at its root.
the courts are bias in the woman’s favor and unfortunately men, black in particular, are reluctant to get the legal system involved for obvious reasons.

if you DO have yourself together though, you gotta use the system to get mandated visitation rights or partial custody and play the game where she’s constantly disobeying court mandates. It takes time but if you’re dealing with a dummy she will bury herself. Mess around and you can end up with full custody and no CS. I’ve seen it happen.

I know it’s not easy and men are reluctant to go that route for many legitimate reasons, but you gotta do it.
There are indeed women who use the system in order to tie men down, having children in order to gain a modicum of income. I have seen this. They are nothing more than pathetic, and are nothing but pawns in the system of white supremacy. Even when you try and discuss their behaviors with them, asking them why they've never tried to attain success on their own, they fall back upon the mental gymnastics of why they are in the position to try and take advantage of the men that are stupid enough to lay down with them. They play hurt, playing the victim, of which of course they are. They speak to the male ego. However, they themselves have never been around anyone successful, not understanding discipline and character traits that would make one successful, even at a minor level in this society, as this sort of person will not be happy, unless they hurt someone just as bad as they had been hurt, injured.

For me, we must see this person before we encounter them. It is OUR responsibility to avoid such a bully who will use such a system against us.
Can never tell what is real/fake but yea.....


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