Keep it 100 would you still be with your mate if you had your ideal life?

Son!...beat me to it.

My ideal lifestyle would include my wife in it, so yes I'd still be with her....if you answer otherwise, perhaps you don't want to be in the relationship you are currently in.

Im not with anyone right now, but I think for myself, my ideal lifestyle would have to include the person I would be with.
But seriously if I had my ideal life I wouldn't be with any one person, I'd have money, too much of it
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Son!...beat me to it.

My ideal lifestyle would include my wife in it, so yes I'd still be with her....if you answer otherwise, perhaps you don't want to be in the relationship you are currently in.

Of course ul say that. Ur wife in the other room monitoring your responses. Aye nt mad @ cha a bit
you gotta have that main.......

but yea most of us have seen the booty appreciation and cute girls thread....
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there's a difference between happy and loving someone and "I can't live without you my goddess you complete my soul"

It's obvious you don't need ANYONE to live, but I ask again, if you are happy in a relationship and see yourself long term with that person, why would that change in your idea of an "ideal life" does your "ideal life" not include the person you love?...
It's obvious you don't need ANYONE to live, but I ask again, if you are happy in a relationship and see yourself long term with that person, why would that change in your idea of an "ideal life" does your "ideal life" not include the person you love?...
If it doesn't include them it seems as if your settling for them instead of choosing to be with a person because they make you happy. 
You can some situations settling or you can call it life.

When you don't have the opportunities, resources, time, or correct situation to wait for your #1 dream girl you don't always stay single.  Believe it or not everybody isn't the first choice but that doesn't mean you love them less
You can some situations settling or you can call it life.

When you don't have the opportunities, resources, time, or correct situation to wait for your #1 dream girl you don't always stay single.  Believe it or not everybody isn't the first choice but that doesn't mean you love them less

Well if you are with someone (speaking committed long term/married/engaged) and picture your ideal life with someone else, you are settling.
You can some situations settling or you can call it life.

When you don't have the opportunities, resources, time, or correct situation to wait for your #1 dream girl you don't always stay single.  Believe it or not everybody isn't the first choice but that doesn't mean you love them less
Well if you are with someone (speaking committed long term/married/engaged) and picture your ideal life with someone else, you are settling.
In your opinion......there are so many situations in life where people find themselves in a relationship and make it work and are happy BUT its not the ideal life but its their reality. Not sure how you don't understand that.
In your opinion......there are so many situations in life where people find themselves in a relationship and make it work and are happy BUT its not the ideal life but its their reality. Not sure how you don't understand that.

I guess :\
In your opinion......there are so many situations in life where people find themselves in a relationship and make it work and are happy BUT its not the ideal life but its their reality. Not sure how you don't understand that.

Agreed. There is a difference between being realistic and being a Dreamer.

With this question , we are all Dreaming, so realism goes out the door.Unless you're currently dating one of Victoria's Secret's Angels, I don't see why you would stay with your current girl, besides the fact that you might miss her too much (which can be a sign of weakness and potentially hold you back from tapping into your full potential).

When you're a billionaire , you'll be too busy crossing EVERYTHING out of your bucket list and everyone else's bucket list to even think of that "normal" chick you were once with.

Now , weather being realistic is wiser than being a dreamer is a completely different story. I personally think its wise to have a balance of both, with a bit more Realism than the Dreamer in you.

One day you'll realize that there's more to a woman than her looks and box. You'll begin to appreciate a woman who was with you before you had the money. A woman who believed in you, helped you out, stuck by you when you were taking strain. You might understand that a woman can provide for herself, your kids and you if need be (due to your injury/illness). You'll realize that for the long haul, your woman is your best friend, advisor, partner, sexual freak, support all rolled into one.

Truth be told, if I was a billionaire tomorrow morning, I'd want the exact same woman I have now for the long haul. Cause most of these "dimes" you see online and in magazines get boring after a while.

Now what I didn't say was that, yeah I'd want to smash some Deelishis, Khrysti Hill, Yaris Sanchez etc kind of women. But I certainly wouldn't want to lose my wife over them.....okay, maybe just you Khrysti, if you're reading this.
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Legitimate argument. But let's say you're in extreme poverty somewhere in a third world country and you also have your "ride or die" chick that stuck with you no matter what.

You find yourself inheriting $2 million (which is like $1 billion to other people). Are you going to stay with the same uneducated , possibly ugly, poor girl that stuck by your side because it was the only reality you knew?

Or are you going to marry a lawyer who has MUCH more potential of educating your children and being a good mother/wife for your time being? (After you smang a few look-alike magazine girls
^^ idk man... I rather have a woman with a background of good family, morals, goals instilled into her than having to support the that other girl that doesnt know how to read and all of her family as well.

I mean yea, it's noble of you and all (almost like a movie). But let's get real life here.

People in third world countries can read man. Look at Zimbabwe (adult literacy rate of 90%). You're saying you'd rather have things in a woman like "a background of good family, morals, goals instilled" which technically would be things YOU wouldn't even have. :lol: at the standards your setting for your partner that you within the context that you proposed can't even meet yourself.
It's far from movie like. All I'm saying is, in the context that you proposed that I'd rather have loyal people around me, who truly loved me for who I am, rather than for what I became.

Have you ever wondered why you see various billionaire & millionaires married to women who are not Perfect 10/King Magazine models? Some people in this world prefer the woman who was in the trenches with them, than some random good looking woman who would only look in your direction now that you have that significant capital base.
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Legitimate argument. But let's say you're in extreme poverty somewhere in a third world country and you also have your "ride or die" chick that stuck with you no matter what.

You find yourself inheriting $2 million (which is like $1 billion to other people). Are you going to stay with the same uneducated , possibly ugly, poor girl that stuck by your side because it was the only reality you knew?

Or are you going to marry a lawyer who has MUCH more potential of educating your children and being a good mother/wife for your time being? (After you smang a few look-alike magazine girls
Well , I'm the one with $2 million. She still doesn't have anything to offer other than saying she stood by me because we were in the same boat. How do you know she wouldn't of left you if she inherited the $2m?

I'm still iffy about getting someone who lived in the streets most of her life to raise your children though. But that's just me.

Damb fam you sound like an extremely selfish individual, so she was adequate enough to raise your kids when ya were bums, but now that you magically have 2 milli you need a Michelle Obama by your side?...she has nothing to offer?....the day before you magically became rich YOU had nothing to offer and she was still there with you.
I understand, the other guy said the same thing . But, you're the one with the money. What does she have to offer in return other than "I stuck by you when you were nothing".

Now I am something. What do you bring to the table?

A relationship is built on more than just finances. Is built on patience, acceptance, love, loyalty, knowing that if you are limping the other can throw you on their shoulders and run that last loved her and she loved you, ya didn't have anything at all but were together and happy, if money can change that overnight, your moral compass is out of whack, for starters if you guys were SERIOUS broke (married/engaged/committed) you wouldn't even be thinking "oh snap IM rich" it should be "oh snap hun WE are rich"

It's obvious who here has actually felt something stronger for a female than that physical attraction to the yambs.
Just thought about it

I wouldn't be where I am today without my significant other... She pushes me wayyy pass my limits, and even then she pushes me more.

So yes, without a doubt! I co-sign ya Steezy! :smokin
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