Jordan 1 Chicago - Reimagined aka Lost and Found - November 19, 2022

legit found $20 today, after yesterday's blame :nthat:.

…..Well guess what


Free 1.9 mil :pimp: Everyone who got canned I got you
Lol I know. But just wait for the next 5-7 pages about a backdoor hack getting cancelled being unfair :lol:
I honestly would have been surprised if they shipped. You gotta think that this is a very small very calculated release by eBay to gain promotion. I’m sure it’s easy for them to rectify the situation
Ordered 1 pair have not get a cancellation. I ordered right when dude posted the hack of adding two then removing 1
My friend just got a cancelation email. He only ordered 1 pair. Right after I figured out how to get through.
No cancellation yet, but I'm sure it's coming. I will go down with dignity

They probably working their way down from the obvious dudes who ordered 37 pairs, down to the guys who ordered 1

We fought the good fight, and had some laughs along the way. Most importantly we know who the snitches among us are now #NeverForget
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