I think I just got labeled a Hypebeast for not wanting to look like a Hypebeast?
not sure where you got that i didnt like it was widely available. Or that i loved 1s cause they were "limited". I could care less about GR. heck I'm hoping these 1s will be a GR. but I'm not spending hard earned 200 cash on shoes with terrible quality that will look like trash after a year. I love the XIs, they are iconic but Nike manipulates that and tries to get by with lowering their amount of cost to produce knowing they will still sell out. I think it's great if someone is wearing the same shoes as me but EVERYONE in NT complains when a shoe becomes a Hypebeast shoe. I'm no different. Like with the Royals and Kanye, or people fret when they see a "celebrity" wearing shadow greys before RD. If that still makes me a Hypebeast then fine, as long as its not for the incorrect reasons. I love shoes for what they are, and what they mean, not only for what they look like.