Jesus and the Story of Horus

Haze I know a lot of people on this board think youre crazy or stupid, but you make me feel dumb really. I miss this symbology, and we all should know thatEgypt was about symbology, the seen and unseen. Amun-Ra... Im still trying to retrain my brain.
Really interesting post, thanx for the insight
In the garden, the snake wasn't just a random animal chilling on the tree of life...remember that he represented that forbidden knowledge, which made man self-conscious...that is the basis of the Pharonic ureaus (snake on headpiece). The snake symbolized, a dangerous wisdom of the world and mans true potential. A rising energy and a culminating knowledge, that once mastered would lead to an enlightened being worthy of ruling. It is a symbol of your third eye...a topic also worthy of its own� thread.
I am confused by this...can you explain this further?
Damn Haze.

I'm blown away.

Can you recommend some books? Not only on this subject, but an essential reading list.
see haze wants to give it to you the hard way.
my way was easier and it makes you feel a bit closer cause it was funny.
u guys suck. i'll see u in hell anyways tho cause ive already set my spot. lol
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Dude dropping KNOWLEDGE bombs in here. Props and great READ!
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV


I swear to "God" you do it every-time fam....
I could be looking into something then run across one of your posts and
be like I can't wait till I understand that part.
The more I learn the more there is to learn

As the Egyptian Empire expanded, eventually into Canaan, this slavery became ever more deeply rooted, and the Hebrew people assimilated over generations into the Egyptian social order.

A Jew of noble descent by the name of Moses was an ardent believer in the need of his people to possess their own cultural identity, dominated by their own God. According to the Book of Exodus, Moses attempted to negotiate with Pharaoh Ramesses II for the emancipation of Hebrew slaves and their departure from Egypt. However, unwilling to lose a significant chunk of his labor force, Ramesses refused, after which the Biblical account relates the unleashing of the "plagues" upon Egypt, including a widespread famine and the death of every Egyptian first-born male child.


The Uraeus

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Was the Bible intended to empower the Hebrew people?

Does the serpent represent Egyptian dominion?

Is the parable of the Fall of Man meant to explain the Hebrew circumstance in Egypt?

The Fall of Man, or simply "the Fall," in Christian doctrine refers to the transition of the first humans from a state of innocent obedience to God, to a state of guilty disobedience to God. In the Book of Genesis chapter 2, Adam and Eve live at first with God in a paradise, but are then deceived or tempted by the serpent to eat fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which had been forbidden them by God. After doing so they become ashamed of their nakedness, and God consequently expelled them from paradise. The Fall is not mentioned by name in the Bible, but the story of disobedience and expulsion is recounted in both Testaments in different ways.
Originally Posted by jerryjones

MeloManFan wrote:

Jesus (peace be upon him) IS confirmed as a messiah in the Holy Quran.
how so?

Muslims do believe that Jesus is going to return to defeat Dajjal ( or antichrist). It's a major sign of the Day of Judgement.
Haze, can you just hit some of the main points or themes of Genesis and give some of the symbolic meanings therein. Or even New Testament, doesnt even matter.Feels like a learning day.
Originally Posted by skillzboy44

they say people who believe in conspiracy theories are weak minded... you sir are one of them

I think its the other way around fam.....World would be a better place if people didn't believe everything being fed to them
The Vatican is responsible for the destruction of human spirituality. They have surpressed and manipulated billions of people to receive this knowledge as truth.
What the Vatican has done and continues to do is disgusting. You're right on point with this statement.
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Originally Posted by skillzboy44

they say people who believe in conspiracy theories are weak minded... you sir are one of them

I think its the other way around fam.....World would be a better place if people didn't believe everything being fed to them

I hate threads like this.
I'll end up having one question and doing some research and end up with 1000s questions.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

The Jesus story is an archetype

As is the story of the great flood.......Myths passed down from generation to generation, and at that were very often shared betweendifferent cultures as people migrated or conquered foreign lands.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by 3onPar5

For all of you that think there is no better be right...for your Im goin to heaven!
see this is my problem with those that think like you.

You only believe in God because you want to go to to heaven. So you dont' spend eternity in "hell". so you think having a belief in God is your way to heaven. what about the things you do on earth? what about your jealousy or envy towards others? what if you're a bigot or are an evil person?

many Christian's don't follow the Christ's teachings at all. how many of them will turn the other cheek? what about those pastors that wear thousand dollar suits and drive Benz's while the poor people of the church are giving up 10% to tithes?! what do the people think when the pastor is telling the story of Jesus talking about the camel going thru a needle head and being rich?

Mohandas Gandhi- I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

I dont only believe in God because I want to go to heaven. I believe in God because I believe there is a meaning to my life and he is the reason. I am not athrow it in your face christian but I do pray for people that do not believe in him. If you do not believe that is fine that is your choice. I also agree thatsome people are "Sunday Christians" but God knows who truly believes and who dosent. I guess this is why there are wars over politics and religion.No war here though its all good.
Originally Posted by 3onPar5

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by 3onPar5

For all of you that think there is no better be right...for your Im goin to heaven!
see this is my problem with those that think like you.

You only believe in God because you want to go to to heaven. So you dont' spend eternity in "hell". so you think having a belief in God is your way to heaven. what about the things you do on earth? what about your jealousy or envy towards others? what if you're a bigot or are an evil person?

many Christian's don't follow the Christ's teachings at all. how many of them will turn the other cheek? what about those pastors that wear thousand dollar suits and drive Benz's while the poor people of the church are giving up 10% to tithes?! what do the people think when the pastor is telling the story of Jesus talking about the camel going thru a needle head and being rich?

Mohandas Gandhi- I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

I dont only believe in God because I want to go to heaven. I believe in God because I believe there is a meaning to my life and he is the reason. I am not a throw it in your face christian but I do pray for people that do not believe in him. If you do not believe that is fine that is your choice. I also agree that some people are "Sunday Christians" but God knows who truly believes and who dosent. I guess this is why there are wars over politics and religion. No war here though its all good.
Indeed. And I didn't God say don't make images in His likeness? Seems that would solve a lot of problems if people held to that.
Originally Posted by 3onPar5

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by 3onPar5

For all of you that think there is no better be right...for your Im goin to heaven!
see this is my problem with those that think like you.

You only believe in God because you want to go to to heaven. So you dont' spend eternity in "hell". so you think having a belief in God is your way to heaven. what about the things you do on earth? what about your jealousy or envy towards others? what if you're a bigot or are an evil person?

many Christian's don't follow the Christ's teachings at all. how many of them will turn the other cheek? what about those pastors that wear thousand dollar suits and drive Benz's while the poor people of the church are giving up 10% to tithes?! what do the people think when the pastor is telling the story of Jesus talking about the camel going thru a needle head and being rich?

Mohandas Gandhi- I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

I dont only believe in God because I want to go to heaven. I believe in God because I believe there is a meaning to my life and he is the reason. I am not a throw it in your face christian but I do pray for people that do not believe in him. If you do not believe that is fine that is your choice. I also agree that some people are "Sunday Christians" but God knows who truly believes and who dosent. I guess this is why there are wars over politics and religion. No war here though its all good.
I think the hardest thing for people to swallow is the idea that their life here is ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things. I trulybelieve that this isn't a holding tank or proving grounds for an afterlife. I think people have a hard time coming to terms with the idea of nothing afterthis. It's a sweet story to tell kids and other people that are wallowing in the pain of losing someone, sure.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

I think the hardest thing for people to swallow is the idea that their life here is ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of things. I truly believe that this isn't a holding tank or proving grounds for an afterlife. I think people have a hard time coming to terms with the idea of nothing after this. It's a sweet story to tell kids and other people that are wallowing in the pain of losing someone, sure.
i believe that...not so much for myself but more for people close to me...they die and i'm just suppose to keep going on living life...i dontknow how people that have lost their parents and siblings do it...i would be a mess...
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

well he had to leave for a min to get his game plan crackin and such. the 2nd annual (well once every 1000 years) players ball is gonna be coming up soon. he's gonna pull up in that golden phantom with 2 of the baddest angel *%%!$!% YOU EVER SAW. EVER. and take all the glory from lucifer (that N is a hater forreal) and be the player of the year for like the next 1000 years till its time to do it again.
he's not stupid dog. u cant come back to earth half assed.

and he didnt have super powers like on tv and comics. he had the powers that normal people have today x100. the power of persuasion is the strongest power man has every gained.
it can make a beautiful girl sell her ++@%% for 30 dollars and it can make a whole country go to war.
God gave Jesus the power of the Ulti-game.
tell people bout his pops, give him props and when you die you can %%#%# with him and chill at his spot.
if you a buster, you can take your !#%#% %## over to lucifers wack %## spot and do whatever he do.
WHAT THE *+@# ?!
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