Jesus and the Story of Horus

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Man E

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Man E

Humans weren't alive during an ice age, yet we have proof that it has happened. We never saw pandora, yet we know the continents were all together at once. We don't need to see or be there to know whether or not something did or didn't happen you just need evidence, and the bible has NONE.

Is a logical statement to hard for your head to comprehend that you need to laugh it off,
that's what's funny

Man was alive during the ice ages and Pandora is a box and an iPhone mean Pangaea.

Simmer down Mandark.

Yeah i messed the name up. I use the App a lot. & Humans were not alive during the last major ice age, besides that doesn't take away my point, if itdid happen and we didn't see it, we could still prove its existence. No?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Man E:
The Bible is a joke, the stories in it never happened.

Men were not made from God, they evolved from apes

A snake can't talk

A man can't rip his own rib out

One boat didn't house all the animals in the world during a flood

If this isn't true, then none of it is true. If they used a string of myths to write a book, then the rest of it is be composed of them too.

Jesus was just a normal man like you and me, he wasn't born on December 25th, he didn't walk on water, & he didn't perform miracles.

The bible adds all these condescending attributes to make people believe and FOLLOW the religion, it's a hoax.

The Zeitgeist movie may have added some things of their own, but most of it is fact.

We're in the 21st century, stop believing in something that was written when people believed in witchcraft, & science wasn't abundant, those people needed something to confide in, something to EXPLAIN things they couldn't understand before.

We're smarter now, so I believe we should stop wasting our time with this religion stuff, ironically enough, religion is the root of most evil.
What if some of the stories in the Old Testament really stand as parables? What if some others of the stories happened, but some details have been lost in translation?

Follow me on this one, and I'll use the story of the flood as an example: say my apartment is the ENTIRE world as I know it, because I've never left my apartment, ever... and my apartment floods. If I were to write a story about that, I would say that the ENTIRE world was flooded, wouldn't I? Then someone would read my words 100 years from now and be confused how the ENTIRE globe was flooded like I said. They'd be confused, because there would obviously be physical evidence showing that the entire globe was NOT flooded.

Around the time of the great flood that we read about in the bible, there was a flood in the Mediterranean. Is it really that unreasonable to assume that the person who wrote about it had no idea N. America or Australia existed? It's not that unreasonable to think that their word picture was limited only to the small area of land their life and lack of technology had reduced them to, so when they write of 'the world' being flooded, something is being lost in the translation of what they mean and what we read.

I take the majority of the stories in the old testament with a grain of salt; i don't take them as historical references. See the message behind the crazy story and forget how crazy the story sounds.

its been said alot that the old testament is not to be taken literally. many of the tales are symbolic in nature as those were passed down throughgenerations. like playing phone they get mixed up easily, i.e. dudes that were 800 years old.

plus Jesus tale and the new testament were written 60 years after his death from what i read. wasn't the average life span back then under 40?
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Those old testament stories have potent and complex meaning and are rooted in a verifiable ancient tradition.

See Acts 7:22


The Goddess Nut.
Could you please explain.....?
I've given up on even touching this subject. I'm an athiest, and will continue to be one, I prefer rational over faith.

People can believe what they want. If you feel that there's a god, fine. If you don't, that's also fine.
You're not going to change anyone's thoughts if they already have they're heart set on a certain ideology.
It's up to the person to decided where exactly they stand.

I once believed in a God, but certain events in my life and the more I've become interested with science( astronomy, bio, physics, etc.) changed that.
Man E:
Man E:
The Bible is a joke, the stories in it never happened.

Men were not made from God, they evolved from apes

A snake can't talk

A man can't rip his own rib out

One boat didn't house all the animals in the world during a flood

If this isn't true, then none of it is true. If they used a string of myths to write a book, then the rest of it is be composed of them too.

Jesus was just a normal man like you and me, he wasn't born on December 25th, he didn't walk on water, & he didn't perform miracles.

The bible adds all these condescending attributes to make people believe and FOLLOW the religion, it's a hoax.

The Zeitgeist movie may have added some things of their own, but most of it is fact.

We're in the 21st century, stop believing in something that was written when people believed in witchcraft, & science wasn't abundant, those people needed something to confide in, something to EXPLAIN things they couldn't understand before.

We're smarter now, so I believe we should stop wasting our time with this religion stuff, ironically enough, religion is the root of most evil.
What if some of the stories in the Old Testament really stand as parables? What if some others of the stories happened, but some details have been lost in translation?

Follow me on this one, and I'll use the story of the flood as an example: say my apartment is the ENTIRE world as I know it, because I've never left my apartment, ever... and my apartment floods. If I were to write a story about that, I would say that the ENTIRE world was flooded, wouldn't I? Then someone would read my words 100 years from now and be confused how the ENTIRE globe was flooded like I said. They'd be confused, because there would obviously be physical evidence showing that the entire globe was NOT flooded.

Around the time of the great flood that we read about in the bible, there was a flood in the Mediterranean. Is it really that unreasonable to assume that the person who wrote about it had no idea N. America or Australia existed? It's not that unreasonable to think that their word picture was limited only to the small area of land their life and lack of technology had reduced them to, so when they write of 'the world' being flooded, something is being lost in the translation of what they mean and what we read.

I take the majority of the stories in the old testament with a grain of salt; i don't take them as historical references. See the message behind the crazy story and forget how crazy the story sounds.

I understand what you're saying so how about this: If some of the stories did happen, what are they? Anything that Jesus did that defies the laws of biology, physics, and chemistry can't possibly be true.
But dig this: Anything that Jesus did that defies the laws of biology, physics, and chemistry the way weunderstand them can't might possibly be true.
Man E:
The people who who wrote the bible... tried to explain the unexplainable, but science is something we can explain, and we can rely on it.
How do you know they were trying to explain the unexplainable? I can assure you, they had little interest in being scientists and a stronginterest in merely providing stories that promoted truth and interpersonal well-being. Their purpose was less about solving science's riddles and moreabout fixing the human struggle.
Man E:
science is something we can explain, and we can rely on it.
Like I said, science, at one time, had the common folk believing the earth was flat and the universe revolved around Planet Earth. Science is onlyas reliable as the knowledge of the people feeding the science machine, and the people feeding the science machine are the very people relying on the contentsof that very machine. Science is a man-made label for something that we are still studying... because we still haven't completely unraveled.
Originally Posted by Man E

Humans were not alive during the last major ice age
The emergence of anatomically modern human marks the dawn of the subspecies %+$% sapiens sapiens, i.e. the subspecies of %+$% sapiens that includes all modern humans. The oldest fossil remains of anatomically modern humans are the Omo remains that date to 195,000 years ago.
The last glacial period was the most recent glacial period within the current ice age, occurring in the Pleistocene epoch. It began about 110,000 years ago and ended about 9,600 - 9,700 BC.
Weapon-wielding humans, and not warming temperatures, killed off the sloth and other giant mammals that roamed North America during the last Ice Age, a new study suggests.

Is that your final answer?
Originally Posted by Prostaffer

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Man E:
The Bible is a joke, the stories in it never happened.

Men were not made from God, they evolved from apes

A snake can't talk

A man can't rip his own rib out

One boat didn't house all the animals in the world during a flood

If this isn't true, then none of it is true. If they used a string of myths to write a book, then the rest of it is be composed of them too.

Jesus was just a normal man like you and me, he wasn't born on December 25th, he didn't walk on water, & he didn't perform miracles.

The bible adds all these condescending attributes to make people believe and FOLLOW the religion, it's a hoax.

The Zeitgeist movie may have added some things of their own, but most of it is fact.

We're in the 21st century, stop believing in something that was written when people believed in witchcraft, & science wasn't abundant, those people needed something to confide in, something to EXPLAIN things they couldn't understand before.

We're smarter now, so I believe we should stop wasting our time with this religion stuff, ironically enough, religion is the root of most evil.
What if some of the stories in the Old Testament really stand as parables? What if some others of the stories happened, but some details have been lost in translation?

Follow me on this one, and I'll use the story of the flood as an example: say my apartment is the ENTIRE world as I know it, because I've never left my apartment, ever... and my apartment floods. If I were to write a story about that, I would say that the ENTIRE world was flooded, wouldn't I? Then someone would read my words 100 years from now and be confused how the ENTIRE globe was flooded like I said. They'd be confused, because there would obviously be physical evidence showing that the entire globe was NOT flooded.

Around the time of the great flood that we read about in the bible, there was a flood in the Mediterranean. Is it really that unreasonable to assume that the person who wrote about it had no idea N. America or Australia existed? It's not that unreasonable to think that their word picture was limited only to the small area of land their life and lack of technology had reduced them to, so when they write of 'the world' being flooded, something is being lost in the translation of what they mean and what we read.

I take the majority of the stories in the old testament with a grain of salt; i don't take them as historical references. See the message behind the crazy story and forget how crazy the story sounds.
its been said alot that the old testament is not to be taken literally. many of the tales are symbolic in nature as those were passed down through generations. like playing phone they get mixed up easily, i.e. dudes that were 800 years old.

plus Jesus tale and the new testament were written 60 years after his death from what i read. wasn't the average life span back then under 40?

People started to realize that some of the stories are too farfetched and so they were labeled as to not be taken literally. But back then these stories werebelieved to be true, and until this day many people still do. I'm sorry, but if this type of stuff is mixed in with the other material about Jesus walkingon water, resurrecting and performing miracles, then why believe any of it. I guess it comes down to hope, if you want to believe it happened and that therewill be a place for you after you die then to each his own. I'm more of a realist, if it can't be proven then you have no reason to believe thatit's possible. It's impossible to win a debate against an atheist because we have the facts, and all religion has is faith. And if you can't acceptthat then too bad
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Man E

Humans were not alive during the last major ice age
The emergence of anatomically modern human marks the dawn of the subspecies %+$% sapiens sapiens, i.e. the subspecies of %+$% sapiens that includes all modern humans. The oldest fossil remains of anatomically modern humans are the Omo remains that date to 195,000 years ago.
The last glacial period was the most recent glacial period within the current ice age, occurring in the Pleistocene epoch. It began about 110,000 years ago and ended about 9,600 - 9,700 BC.
Weapon-wielding humans, and not warming temperatures, killed off the sloth and other giant mammals that roamed North America during the last Ice Age, a new study suggests.

Is that your final answer?

"Like I said, science, at one time, had the common folk believing the earth was flat and the universe revolved around Planet Earth. Science is only asreliable as the knowledge of the people feeding the science machine, and the people feeding the science machine are the very people relying on the contents ofthat very machine. Science is a man-made label for something that we are still studying... because we still haven't completely unraveled. "

That's where you are wrong. Yes we didn't completely "unravel it" but we do understand it better now, maybe not completely.

Cures for diseases, going to the moon, genetic engineering... Are you telling me this is all just some people playing guessing games and being right? Sciencehas laws and math, although it's not complete it's solid enough to be trusted.

Humans never proved the earth was flat, they assumed. You can't compare that to science today.
No, it was proven that the earth was flat, bro.

And that the universe revolved around Earth.

Today's modern science is constantly being reconstituted by tomorrow's 'modern science', making today's facts about a flat globetomorrow's hindsight.

I'm not saying scientists are guessing today because science isn't a guessing game. It seems that you're missing my point completely because Ithink you're trying to read my replies as an attack on science. I'm not attacking scientists or discrediting scientists; I'm merely saying thatyesterday's scientists were confident of things that we scoff at today, and one of your ideologies is that something isn't completely thorough, then itshould be completely discredited.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Those old testament stories have potent and complex meaning and are rooted in a verifiable ancient tradition.

See Acts 7:22


The Goddess Nut.
Could you please explain.....?

The Goddess Nut (pronounced Newt/Noot) in Ancient kmt (Egypt) is probably the oldest established deity. She was the Night ...the biblical darkness from whichlight emerged.

Genesis 1

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

What she really symbolized was the womb. The triple stage darkness from which all life is born. The dark matter, which suspends the stars and planetary bodies.You can see the winged sun disk emerging from her vagina in the pic above.


Here you see the separation of the Heavens and Earth. With the Heavens engulfing the land and forming the womb of human existence.

Act 7:22
And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and in deeds.

The Egyptians represented the peak of human civilization.

In my opinion, they were much more advanced and civilized than we are today. But that point is for another discussion at another time. The"Egyptians" passionately and scientifically studied the Universe, developing an esoteric system of thought, supported by mathematical, astrological,spiritual and biological concepts. They combined the metaphysical sciences with the psychical and ascended to unprecedented levels of human development.

By the Bible and Torahs own admission, the founder of Judeo-Christian doctrine, learned everything he knew from Egypt. Almost all (if not all) Westernphilosophy, science and thought emanates from the Nile Valley and the lineage is clearly documented, word to Herodotus.

Acts 7:22

And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Goddess Nut was also depicted as the Sycamore tree, the infamous tree of life.


This is a whole deep science within itself. The tree of life sciences have been encapsulated, reinterpreted, personalized and passed out throughout the world,most famously in the Hebrew tradition with the Qabalistic tree of life system. This system has served as the inspirational science behind things as abstract asour favorite movies and albums, to the blueprint of the structure of governmental bodies. This discussion warrants a whole separate message board for itself.Many Rabbis spend their entire lives learning, applying and evolving an understanding of the tree of life sciences.



In the garden, the snake wasn't just a random animal chilling on the tree of life...remember that he represented that forbidden knowledge, which made manself-conscious...that is the basis of the Pharonic ureaus (snake on headpiece). The snake symbolized, a dangerous wisdom of the world and mans true potential.A rising energy and a culminating knowledge, that once mastered would lead to an enlightened being worthy of ruling. It is a symbol of your third eye...a topicalso worthy of its own� thread.


Genesis 2:10

And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.

The cradle of life, the scientific Eden...the point of human birth is Central East Africa, the great lakes region, where the oldest human (and hominid) remainsare found.

The Great Nile River flows upward out of the great lakes (only river in the world which moves that way) and gives life to the Nile Valley region, culminatingin the supremely fertile Nile Delta.

Look at those 2 pics above. Osiris is standing on the Great Lakes (self proclaimed origin of the Egpytians) with the Lotus before him. The Sacred Lotus isreally a representation of the Nile River and Delta(see it?).

On top of the Lotus stands the four sons of Horus, symbolic of East, West, North and South...Jesus's four Gospel writers..." Jesus the compass"


Most brilliantly, all of this is again ties back to the cosmic and human womb and the cycle of life, as the Kemites observed and drew parallels to the Lotus,the Nile Delta and the fallopian tube and uterus, from which our existence springs.



When you dig past the surface stories, arguments, divisions and biases.....the truths will start to become clearer.

*Excuse all the edits. Pics kept disappearing. Had to upload to Tinypic.
i honestly think religion is @+%$$##+. its all man made stories and myths to describe what we cannot understand. but, i do think there is a creator out there.although some may say science proves there is no creator and live was created through evolution and the big bang, there had to be something there, a spark, acatalyst that set everything in motion. and i am pretty sure if that creator was all benevolent like most religions depict him as he would definitely want hiscreations to stop killing each other over their interpretation of him (after all thats not what he would do). and i am pretty sure no religions interpretationof the creator is correct. also, to counter many christian beliefs, i dont think our creator (if he was as good as we like to believe) would send people tohell just because they happen to chose the wrong religion; after all there are no hard facts on which religion is correct, and would it even be fair to send aperson to eternal damnation for making a wrong choice that was spawned from good intentions? additionally, if the creator did not have good intentions then hedefinitely wouldn't care what religion we humans chose.
the way i look at it....even if it is all a fabrication or an instrumental of mass control, religion still has lots of positive aspects. It gives people hope,shelter, meaning, support. Nothing is black and white, if u dont believe in Jesus, ok but dont laugh in chrsitian's face and call em stupid. And if ur ajesus-freak, please dont go knocking on ppl's doors telling them they gonna burn in hell. Tolerance is key in every religion and a lot of ppl tend tooverlook that with the "if u aint with us, u against us" mentality. That will get us nowhere.
According to the current theory, humans were first hunter/gatherers, then they organized and became farmers-and this is where religion comes in. In order to farm you need to be aware of the seasons of the year; you need to be able to communicate to others your ideas; and you need to be able to pass down to the next generation the knowledge you've accumulated-hence "The Book". You also have to have faith that this farming technique will work and you will be rewarded for your efforts with a bountiful harvest in the future.

If this theory is correct then ancient Religion was archaic science and modern science is our new religion.

It's not surprising in our present culture of digital watches and wall calendars that we've lost the original astronomical meaning of these Bible stories. Today most people never look at the stars or pay any attention to the position of the sun in the sky.

The following is the result of my intensive investigation into the Bible, its contents, origin, history, and everything that modern day biblical scholars know. Surprisingly, the link between Solar Mythology and the Bible was known over two centuries ago. (See History of Research into Solar Mythology and the Bible.)
Originally Posted by man listen

According to the current theory, humans were first hunter/gatherers, then they organized and became farmers-and this is where religion comes in. In order to farm you need to be aware of the seasons of the year; you need to be able to communicate to others your ideas; and you need to be able to pass down to the next generation the knowledge you've accumulated-hence "The Book". You also have to have faith that this farming technique will work and you will be rewarded for your efforts with a bountiful harvest in the future.

If this theory is correct then ancient Religion was archaic science and modern science is our new religion.

It's not surprising in our present culture of digital watches and wall calendars that we've lost the original astronomical meaning of these Bible stories. Today most people never look at the stars or pay any attention to the position of the sun in the sky.

The following is the result of my intensive investigation into the Bible, its contents, origin, history, and everything that modern day biblical scholars know. Surprisingly, the link between Solar Mythology and the Bible was known over two centuries ago. (See History of Research into Solar Mythology and the Bible.)
this. I dont see how anyone can deny this information.
umma do it like this.... Christianity is a plagurized version of Egyptian "mythology" this is a Fact... Yes there was a story of a man named Horuswho was born of a virgin mother her name was Isis.... The story is pretty much a parallel to astrology.

The sun represents life. Therefore we praise "the sun" because it's the center of our system... Hence the term solar system. A system based onthe sun.

The story of Jesus Christ is a roman folklore adapted by the church after they raided Egypt and stole 100s and 1000s of yrs of artifcacts and knowledge.

The picture or image of Jesus comes from seraptis christus. This is a fact. Michelangelo was asked to paint the age of the new deity. And he chose seraptischristus.

The Vatican is responsible for the destruction of human spirituality. They have surpressed and manipulated billions of people to receive this knowledge astruth.

The story is just a story not fact. The real Jesus was black, he did plenty of amazing things that didn't involve out of ordinary things and he was used asa martyr for the Vatican. They changed the image enhanced the story and added some whiteness to the story.

It's a joke... A bad joke.

If u want proof search for it....
For all of you that think there is no better be right...for your Im goin to heaven!
Originally Posted by 3onPar5

For all of you that think there is no better be right...for your Im goin to heaven!
see this is my problem with those that think like you.

You only believe in God because you want to go to to heaven. So you dont' spend eternity in "hell". so you think having a belief in God is yourway to heaven. what about the things you do on earth? what about your jealousy or envy towards others? what if you're a bigot or are an evil person?

many Christian's don't follow the Christ's teachings at all. how many of them will turn the other cheek? what about those pastors that wearthousand dollar suits and drive Benz's while the poor people of the church are giving up 10% to tithes?! what do the people think when the pastor istelling the story of Jesus talking about the camel going thru a needle head and being rich?

Mohandas Gandhi- I like your Christ, I donot like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
Haze, I love you. Will you marry me?

Just to add to everything else said in here, especially by our intellect Haze, the Judeo-Christian religions were greatly influenced by the religious faithsand cults of the Egyptian and Greek civilizations, as well as other Pagan Babylonic religions.

An interesting point is that the Jewish tribes used to pray to many gods. A lot of them were also under Roman rule and used to revere to Roman gods. A lot ofJewish intellectuals and academic "scholars" and philosophers in ancient biblical times were also greatly influenced by Greek philosophers andincorporated a lot of those philosophies and stories into the Torah. Let's remember that the Greeks were highly influenced by the Egyptians.

For example, the Bible also says that God told Moses "Thou shall have no other Gods before me." The origin of Judaism is that the Jewish people werepolytheists. In the Judeo-Christian and Islamic historical faiths, the end of polytheism IS monotheism. Then after a certan point, due to the historical timesand the political climate in the region at that time, the Babylonian Gods the Jews prayed to then somehow transformed to a ONE monotheistic God. As itindicates in the Bible, when Yahweh tells Moses, you cannot pray to no other god before me, it did not mean that there is only one God to pray or worship. Atthat time, the Jews believed in different Gods. Yahweh was the strongest God and the warrior god, but he is also a very jealous God. That is why the Jews arecalled the "Chosen People". It is because they made a covenant with Yahweh for him to be their God and for them to only follow him and not pray tothe other Gods which other tribes/people prayed to or worshipped at that time. Other Gods DID exist as they did believe that,but Yahweh (being the jealous Godthat he is) was their God. Then it turned/changed into completely just monotheism for the Torah.

So yeah...If you study and look into the actual origins, the three monotheistic faiths - Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, were all originally influence bydifferent pagan and polytheistic religions of that region. In the case of these religions, the end of polytheism IS monotheism. Also, these monotheistic faithsdid originate from the Pagan Babylonic religions. Judaism was influenced by Pagan Babylonic religions of that time in that region, as well as Greek, Roman, andEgyptian religions. Christianity was influenced by pagan religions of that region as well that it greatly expanded on Judaism. Christianity was also influencedby religions such as Zoroastrianism (they took the concept of the devil from that ancient Persian religion which still exists today). As for Islam, it expandson Judaism and Christianity, but was also influenced by pagan Arab rituals and traditions, as well as from other pagan religions in that region.

If you read between the lines in the Bible and the Torah, you will see the mentioning of the worship of different Gods and pagan like references. There are somany stories in the Bible/Torah that were greatly influenced and expanded from Pagan Babylonic origins. There are many stories in the Bible that haveremarkable similarities with stories from other religions, legends, and myths. How about the story of Noah's Flood and its similarities to the GilgameshEpic? As for the story of Adam and Eve, the fall of mankind from the heavens, and the temptation of the serpent (devil), do you not realize how it has somesimilarities to the Greek legend/story of Pandora's Box?
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