Jesus and the Story of Horus

I love to see people on the same %%%# that im on
Originally Posted by GTEK


To know Mathematics is essential.

Its a tool to life.
I wish both of y'all would go back and read why I said that in the first place, and then read the rest of the thread.
Hey OP, a while back I made a thread and posted a vid debunking the vid you posted.

It looks like the vid was removed, but I wrote down the title and the person's name who made the vid. You should check it out too. Google vid may have it or just check in the search engine.

It looks like you started looking for some kind of understanding and that's cool. But be careful cuz there is a lot of mis-information. Don't take everything as gospel. Remember to research and verify.

Find a reliable source to interpret the Bible and you'll start looking at it in a different light.
A lot of good information in here... and I'm not talking about what the OP posted
EVERY "fact" you can think of is just a popular opinion....

ya know.
It's sorta like how 1+1 can only = 2. Well that's only because MAN invented that %#**. I don't wanna go too far into that though.

I always wondered about this. Who actually began to accept this as fact?
Originally Posted by man listen

Wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to die to find
Therein lies the rub. So many believe in god for fear of the afterlife and what it has in store for them. I refuse to praise something in thename of something that I don't even consider to be a 'maybe.'
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by 3onPar5

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by 3onPar5

For all of you that think there is no better be right...for your Im goin to heaven!
see this is my problem with those that think like you.

You only believe in God because you want to go to to heaven. So you dont' spend eternity in "hell". so you think having a belief in God is your way to heaven. what about the things you do on earth? what about your jealousy or envy towards others? what if you're a bigot or are an evil person?

many Christian's don't follow the Christ's teachings at all. how many of them will turn the other cheek? what about those pastors that wear thousand dollar suits and drive Benz's while the poor people of the church are giving up 10% to tithes?! what do the people think when the pastor is telling the story of Jesus talking about the camel going thru a needle head and being rich?

Mohandas Gandhi- I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

I dont only believe in God because I want to go to heaven. I believe in God because I believe there is a meaning to my life and he is the reason. I am not a throw it in your face christian but I do pray for people that do not believe in him. If you do not believe that is fine that is your choice. I also agree that some people are "Sunday Christians" but God knows who truly believes and who dosent. I guess this is why there are wars over politics and religion. No war here though its all good.
Indeed. And I didn't God say don't make images in His likeness? Seems that would solve a lot of problems if people held to that.
So if you don't believe in God, he sends you to "hell", correct? Sounds like a real good person. I thought peoples beliefs were tobe respected, not "bow down...or else you will be sent to a horrible place where you will be tortured forever!"

Sounds more like a "rule" someone made up a long time ago to get people to mind/follow. Ridiculous.
But I don't get pissed, y'all don't even see through the mist
How the %+!% can I be white, I don't even exist
I get a clean shave, bathe, go to a rave
Die from an overdose and dig myself up out of my grave
Originally Posted by RoOk

To be honest, people will have their own opinion on if god is real or not, but the facts presented to you are all in the Bible, Book of Revelations tells of stuff that have occurred in life now...Hmmm. Don't believe me, start doing some bible studying
, you'll find out. I'm a strong believer in god BTW.

This is a big %@@ game... Most people on earth know the stories written in biblical text, what better way to grab greater control of the world than to"Simulate the end of times" What I mean by that is create so much confusion with in the world then scare and essentially simulate the end of times aswritten in the Book of revelations and be in control of everything going on. Come on now you can watch one of those history channel specials and figure thisout.

This %*%@ is not rocket science. You have a power to make this place what ever you want it to be. The powers that be figured out a long time ago that everysoul would not be able to handle this knowledge, they also figured out how they could take advantage of the knowledge. Some of you don't understand thatthese dudes don't feel bad about what's going on, their mind is so clear they live in their own literal heaven. Religion is the truth hidden inthousands of years of mythos, and doubt. You read a religious book and you see the power we have over earth. I personally don't concern myself as much as Ishould with the mythology within the religions text, but at the same time I know that the picture painted is a very possible image. We control this, thereisn't no white Jesus coming down, there isn't no black Jesus coming down. "Jesus" lives within us. Jesus represents the power we have as man,as society to judge, to forgive, to cultivate and if you pay attention to what's going on men are arready doing this.
Don't forget about the culture of the indiginous American people, who were mostly wiped out upon European 'exploration'.

After taking Mexican History, I see a lot of similarities between Egyptian and Mayan culture for example, both spirtually as well as in their dominance of mathand astronomy.


Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Wow, thats a hell of a video. Not even sure how I feel about it. But thought provoking if nothing else

The video is decent, but the Matrix lines in the background undermines its statements rather than be told by a narrator. Africa is not limited to just Egyptianculture. I read and studied about other ones as well, but this video has motivated me to research ancient cultures: African as well as others. Regardless ofhow I feel about Creflo Dollar or Bill Cosby, the video looks down on those the creator deems treacherous. But the video goes into propaganda, seriouslyBush... sign of the devil.. Hitler The system or capitalism isn't my enemy. I hear those same rhetorics from hate groups of other races as well. Whether itis culture, the system or traitors. I'll look into it for myself.
very interesting post decided to do a search after watching the film and i must say that although alot of the information isn't new it well presented and helps make sense of a lot
im bout to ask the religious one very simple question;

Where is god, now, then?

he stayed talking to people, punishing people, intervening in your life....

you SAY he's responsible for this and that...

where IS he tho?

where the burning bushes at?

you dont think god woulda punished the USA by now? (9/11 couldnt have been christian-god-driven, it was muslim-allah driven......katrina? maybe, but why punish poor black people, 98 percent of which believe in you?why not just blow up air force one? you're god!)

Bush wouldnt have gotten the pharoh treatment?

like, where is god?
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by 3onPar5

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by 3onPar5

For all of you that think there is no better be right...for your Im goin to heaven!
see this is my problem with those that think like you.

You only believe in God because you want to go to to heaven. So you dont' spend eternity in "hell". so you think having a belief in God is your way to heaven. what about the things you do on earth? what about your jealousy or envy towards others? what if you're a bigot or are an evil person?

many Christian's don't follow the Christ's teachings at all. how many of them will turn the other cheek? what about those pastors that wear thousand dollar suits and drive Benz's while the poor people of the church are giving up 10% to tithes?! what do the people think when the pastor is telling the story of Jesus talking about the camel going thru a needle head and being rich?

Mohandas Gandhi- I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

I dont only believe in God because I want to go to heaven. I believe in God because I believe there is a meaning to my life and he is the reason. I am not a throw it in your face christian but I do pray for people that do not believe in him. If you do not believe that is fine that is your choice. I also agree that some people are "Sunday Christians" but God knows who truly believes and who dosent. I guess this is why there are wars over politics and religion. No war here though its all good.
Indeed. And I didn't God say don't make images in His likeness? Seems that would solve a lot of problems if people held to that.
So if you don't believe in God, he sends you to "hell", correct? Sounds like a real good person. I thought peoples beliefs were tobe respected, not "bow down...or else you will be sent to a horrible place where you will be tortured forever!"

Sounds more like a "rule" someone made up a long time ago to get people to mind/follow. Ridiculous.
What you don't understand is that God > EVERYTHING. Seriously. We were created simply to praise him. People think they have a choice whether to believe in Christ or not, but not really. Believers in Christ are chosen.
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