January Wrestling Thread/Tonight NXT 8PM EST/RIP Mean Gene Okerlaud

They froze his contract cause he walked out like a btch..You can't just walk off your job and expect them to keep paying you..I get it that he wasn't happy with his position in the company, but just like Punk and Austin, it's extremely childish to walk away and leave your fellow wrestlers hung out to dry because you aren't getting your own way..
WWE definitely does dumb **** all the time, but they shouldn't be blamed for this one.

Neville is an ***clown.
PAC did the right thing

Good on him for standing up to the machine and knowing his own worth

Disagree. If he wasn’t happy he should’ve spoke up and made his voice heard. If they buried him til his contract ran then so be it. He would’ve still been getting paid.

Wrestlers can’t complain about how WWE does business then turn around and behave the exact same way. That’s not how a man should act.

Bend_The_Knee Bend_The_Knee

He may have partied with some people at his apartment on Thurday/Friday night, OD'd while they
were there, then they just left him there as to not get in trouble. Then he is found on Tuesday. Who knows?
could even more fishy like some say.
The part about the sink running over was odd. Was he trying to hear someone below him?
This is a joke post?

Sounding like one of the groupies in WWE's instagram comments :lol:
Nobody gave a damn about him in Dragon Gates on any kind of scale.

What is he doing now exactly? I haven't really been paying attention to him, so I'd legitimately like to know. Perhaps he's doing some stuff I haven't heard of. I just want to be informed.
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